'sorry' and 'starry' - same or different vowel in American

Julian   Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 05:37 GMT
I thought Commonwealth speakers pronounce "cot" with a longer "o" sound (I'm not saying a long "o", but a much longer "o" than the sound we Californians make when saying "cot").
Clark   Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 05:57 GMT
Ah! Sorry everyone! I just remebered that I was thinking about "cot" and "caught."

Anyways, I still think that "cot" and "cart" sound similar in Commonwealth English.
Michal Ryszard Wojcik   Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 06:12 GMT
In British English, each of the words 'cot', 'caught', and 'cart' has a different vowel.

cot [kot]
caught [ko:t]
cart [ka:t]

Clark, do you use the same vowel in 'star' and 'starry' ?
Clark   Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 20:21 GMT
Apparently, I do pronounce "star" and "starry" with the same vowel.
Michal Ryszard Wojcik   Thursday, August 28, 2003, 10:40 GMT
Coming back to the word 'sorry', can anyone pronounce it like 'soar' + 'ee' ?

I mean can the word 'sorry' begin in the same way as the word 'soar' ?
Julian   Thursday, August 28, 2003, 15:34 GMT
Yes, you can pronounce it as soar-ee. You'll often hear that pronunciation in the US East Coast and in Canada.
Michal Ryszard Wojcik   Thursday, August 28, 2003, 15:54 GMT
And can you pronounce 'sorry' as 'saw'+'ree' ?
Jacob   Thursday, August 28, 2003, 15:58 GMT
>And can you pronounce 'sorry' as 'saw'+'ree' ?

You'll hear that a lot when someone is purposely exaggerating the word or using it sarcastically.
Michal Ryszard Wojcik   Thursday, August 28, 2003, 16:11 GMT
Since the words 'stop' and 'start' have essentially the same vowel, is it sometimes a source of confusion? I know that when I listen to songs, I sometimes find it hard to tell the difference between 'stop' and 'start'.

Mick Jagger sings: I was a surgeon till I start to shake.
Before I saw this line printed on the inlay card, I thought he sang:
"till I stopped to shave".
Ryan   Saturday, August 30, 2003, 01:19 GMT
Where I am from originally in the US, these vowels don't have the same sound. Stop is pronounced like /stAp/ Start is pronounced like /stVrt/ "Stop" has a back open unrounded vowel, while in "start," the vowel is only half-open, as in the word "run." Personally, I pronounce the word "arm" like /Arm/ like in standard American, but I've heard it pronounced like /Vrm/ before in Michigan. The rumor behind why we do this in the Northern Midwest is because it gets too cold to open your mouth up all the way to pronounce open back vowels.

Canadians, who live in an even colder climate than Michigan, might do this as well, as they are notorious for using half-open vowels rather than open ones. For example, the difference between their pronunciation of "about" compared to the American one has to do with using a half-open vowel rather than an open one.
