Learn English without Grammar ?

LVN   Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:39 am GMT
Can we just pratise listening as much as possible to learn English without study hard to remember all of Grammar rules?
I've heard a lot of people just listen to music and watch Video Film in a long time so that they become good at English. Is it true?
I try to do that but I think my English is worst.
In reallty, in this text , you can easily find lots of grammar mistakes and please show them out to me.
Thank you!
Robin   Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:18 am GMT
Most if not all, Native Speakers learn English without formally studying Grammar. However their English is being continually corrected and modified by other native speakers. Also, when they move from spoken English, to Written English, then their English becomes more formalised and Grammatical.

But Native Speakers do not read 'books of Grammar' or Dictionaries. It would be like reading a Telephone Directory.
Glikeria   Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:31 am GMT
I think for non-native speakers outside E-speaking countries it's impossible or would take much longer.