Which language has the LARGEST vocabulary?

Xie   Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:04 pm GMT
My reasoning is based on a few observations.

Let's think about it this way: now, think about, esp. if you aren't Anglophone and know English (or vice versa), how much English has been translated from and into? In the Chinese world, the fact is very FEW people would ever be able to understand non-English foreign stuff AT ALL. This group must probably be foreign language students (tertiary), and those who aren't are, if not non-existent, very rare. The result is that, while info. of many languages has been translated into English, like Chinese, seldom would people translate from among those languages back into their native.

Yes, the Chinese have translated frequently from everything of German, French, Russian, Japanese, etc, but then much more material, esp. contemporary ones, go untranslated. "Most" that we can obtain has already been, for technical reasons, filtered through English. The huge vocabulary gap has to be supplemented by English, and that boosts English itself. I can't even discuss in Chinese many "newer" concepts, esp. from non-English areas, when I don't even have the equivalents at the first place. This is, as I see it, one reason why English Wikipedia's articles far outnumber ALL others.
Guest   Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:03 pm GMT
I could improve the Spanish Wikipedia but since I mostly contribute to my country's article I rather do it in English so more people can see it.
Mike   Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:56 am GMT



日本曾是世界翻译大国,每年有数不清的西文词汇被转换成片假名后收入外来语词典,日本人又有多少人知晓这些西方的概念?以前中国翻译日本的外来语词典有些困难,有些词暂时找不到汉语中的对等词,而现在根本不是问题。就算英语引进气功(Qi gong)一词,又有多少人真正了解气功?





Mike   Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:22 am GMT



Xie   Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:39 am GMT





Xie   Fri Feb 29, 2008 1:51 am GMT




Mike   Fri Feb 29, 2008 2:16 am GMT

Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:09 am GMT
I suspect it's English. I do not think it is Japanese (which someone threw into the mix with Chinese for some unknown reason), but I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese is second.
Guest2   Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:40 am GMT
The standard line is that "English has the largest vocabulary." The "proof" given is that English dictionaries have more words, and the "reason" given is the massive influx of French words after the Norman invasion, giving English "doubles" for many concepts.

There is a problem with both the "proof" and the "reason."

English "unabridged" dictionaries usually do have more words. But as lexicographers have pointed out, these dictionaries tend to include many words that are obsolete, as well as technical terms (as mentioned by another poster) that are often left out of similar dictionaries in other languages. (Like the thousands and thousands of characters that are listed in historical Chinese character dictionaries, that are no longer used.)

As for the French vocabulary: Yes, English does have "doubles" for many concepts. But so do other languages! What about Japanese? They usually have a KUN (native Japanese) and ON (Chinese) reading for every character. If you throw in a third source--the thousands of English words they've borrowed--you can argue that Japanese has the largest vocabulary! Or what about modern Norwegian? With Bokmål and Nynorsk both in use, along with the many other dialects, Norwegian has an incredibly rich vocabulary. Or modern Spanish with the input of all the Peninsular dialects, and borrowings from a large number of New World tongues? Even so-called "primitive" languages have huge vocabularies, with words and concepts that are not easily translated into English.

I think the reputation for English as largest vocabulary is overblown. (Like the statement that English is the global language because it is easier--rather than because of the British Empire and the spread of American power and culture.)
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 4:58 am GMT
The international importance of English is the most overblown thing of them all.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:08 am GMT
if person names are counted as words,then Chinese hands down.

Even if every 100 Chinese people share one common name,there are still 14 million,and Western will have big trouble transliterating these Chinese names because of the abundance of homophones.

on the contrary ,the Chinese will have less trouble with that,there're huge Dictionaries guilding them how to write foreign names properly.
Delac Smith   Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:24 am GMT
ok guys,

then what's the smallest human language?
Xie   Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:33 am GMT


>>>I think the reputation for English as largest vocabulary is overblown. (Like the statement that English is the global language because it is easier--rather than because of the British Empire and the spread of American power and culture.)<<<

But I'd argue that is exactly the reason of English having the supposedly largest vocabulary, again based on my reasoning. Yet, the sad thing about recognizing the reality is that, while YOU can say the statement you gave is pure nonsense, when MANY people believe so, YOU aren't really stupid, but you are either too smart or eccentric for the grown-ups to believe you! That's the worst thing about culture: groupthink. Despite apparent _pitfalls_ and easiness, you can see that theoretically all sorts of languages are equally difficult for their very identical purpose, namely for expressing (very complex) ideas - though I do see English would tend to have _more_ words than any others because "everyone" is expanding its corpus.
Guest   Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:57 pm GMT
re: Xie,

I'm not picking on you Xie, just friendly advice...but does anyone else besides me have problems with his writing? Your English looks superficially fluent and educated, but I find your writing confusing--like you're trying to use every term in the thesaurus, whether it applies or not.

My advise: keep your sentences simple and straightforward. Use the Antimoon guys (Tom and Michal) as examples.

Thanks. (Xie xie, Xie.)
Guest   Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:18 am GMT
I have found the same difficulties with reading his posts. He doesn't make any obvious grammatical errors, yet I find it hard to understand what he's saying a lot of the time...