French from France vs Quebec French (Canadian French)

..   Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:43 pm GMT
So we can safely say the difference between Quebec French and Parisian French is BIGGER than the difference between Mexican Spanish and European Spanish.

It's not just the vocabulary that is different but the vocabulary too.

There is just too many example of differences in vocab +grammar to explain it here.
..   Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:06 pm GMT

the sentence Above should read... It's not just the vocabulary that is different but the grammar too.

blame it on a late night out.
Clovis31   Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:17 pm GMT
Il ne faut pas non plus prendre les français pour des imbéciles. Nous comprenons très bien 'fin de semaine' ou 'chien chaud' ou 'magasiner', ça reste du français, y'a pas à faire d'efforts pour comprendre ça.

Certes certaines expressions changent mais il suffit juste de l'entendre une fois, qu'on m'explique et je le retiens sans soucis puisque ces expressions restent 'françaises' (enfin de langue française, car au final ces expressions sont québécoises^^).

Après j'avoue qu'un français peut-être dérouté par l'accent 'pur' québécois. Il est nécessaire de s'habituer à sa sonorité pour le comprendre parfaitement. Mais ce n'est pas de la méchanceté volontaire ou gratuite si les français ne comprennent pas l'accent québécois (ils n'y peuvent rien les pauvres).

Après moi je me suis amusé à regardé des émissions québécoises et cet instant de 'malaise' passe très vite, croyez-moi. On comprend très vite.

D'ailleurs j'aime beaucoup ces variétés qu'a le français à travers le monde.
Ren   Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:58 pm GMT
So are the differences between European French and Canadian French similar to the differences btw European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese?
inintelligible   Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:14 pm GMT
"So are the differences between European French and Canadian French similar to the differences btw European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese? "

No ,is worst.
I am french and is very difficult for me understand quebecker french.
Quebec french is intelligible for me.
Everything that comes from quebec needs to be subtitled to enter in france,or else nobody understand.
inintelligible   Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:15 pm GMT
50% intelligible,more or less.
..   Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:37 pm GMT
The Quebec French vs Parisian French is futher apart than Spanish Spanish vs Mexican Spanish.

Wikipedia says it's similar to spoken Swedish vs spoken Norwegian.
Ren   Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:58 pm GMT
Visitor   Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:40 am GMT
<< Their languages differ so much, they use Korean for communication. >>

What a stupid comment!

Of course because they're in Korea and in Korean language TV program. It would be unethical if those 3 Francophone ladies talk to each other in French while on camera but I'm so sure it's just the 3 of them the language would be in French only.

Even English, Spanish, Japanese, etc. speak in Korean to each other in this show because they are expatriates in this country, study in a Korean language school, and have been living in Korea for more than 2 years.
Understandable   Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:49 am GMT
<< No ,is worst.
I am french and is very difficult for me understand quebecker french.
Quebec french is intelligible for me.
Everything that comes from quebec needs to be subtitled to enter in france,or else nobody understand. >>

No you're not French but a Francophobe trying to make us believe that Quebec and Parisian are not intelligible.

Quebec French is fast conforming to Parisian. The evidence they now pronounce oi as wa no longer we and the rolled r is no longer heard but replaced with Parisian uvular r.

None of the Americans, Aussies, Canucks, or Kiwis adopt the modern changes that took place in BE.

Just like the Hispanic Americans they use seseo instead of thetheo, substitute zh, j for y, ng for n at the end of the word, etc. Coger is to put in Castilian Spanish while Hispanic American it means to copulate. Alta Voz is Alto Parlante in Hispanic America and parlar is fast creeping in Hisp American Spanish that will eventually replace hablar.
Understandable   Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:59 am GMT
would you believe that the word "españoles" is pronounced in various way in Spanish speaking world.


"Si pues" is "si po".
puelta for puerta
durce for dulce
communicaciong for communicacion

Verbs in Past Participle form such "Asopao instead of "Asopado" is heard in Colombia the country where Spanish is said to be where the purest form of Spanish is spoken in the entire in Western Hemisphere as in other LatAm countries.

These features are also prevalent even in Canary Islands and Andaluisia.

After having a charla with them, a Castilian speaker would wonder how much he understood.
PARISIEN   Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:16 am GMT
<< Wikipedia says it's similar to spoken Swedish vs spoken Norwegian >>

-- LMAO!
Wonderful wiki-culture...
Haitian   Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:38 am GMT
I don't speak French.

Moi non comprendre RIEN.

My language is Haitian Creole. We prefer to be in the Hispanic summits that in the Francophonie because French is NOT spoken in my country anymore...

Spanish is more useful in the Caribbean area...

We can say that in the Americas French is NOT SPOKEN. We speak Haitian Creole and Quebeckish
Woodrow Beckham   Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:08 am GMT
North American Quebics and Spanics suck. Go back on ya grease-boats to Sud Amerique.
PARISIEN   Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:28 pm GMT
<< My language is Haitian Creole. We prefer to be in the Hispanic summits... >>

-- Good riddance!