About an English expression

Yu   Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 15:17 GMT
I would like to ask a question about a certain English expression. I learnt that English had such an expression as follows:

Mary hammered the metal flat.

This sentence means that because of Maryfs hammering, the metal became flat. However, I am not sure that the following sentences which I made are accepted as you accept the above sentence. So, could you answer the following question?
Question: Do you accept the following five sentences? (Example of answering: sentence 1 is unacceptable because it sounds odd, sentence 2 is acceptablec)

1. Ken kicked the door open.
(This sentence means that because of Ken's kicking, the door became open.)
2. John touched the sandcastle broken.
(This sentence means that because of John's touching, the sandcastle broke.)
3. Mike roamed his shoes threadbare.
(This sentence means that because of Mike's roaming, his shoes became threadbare.)
4. He drummed the drumstick broken.
(This sentence means that because of his drumming, the drumstick broke.)
5. Mary touched the sleeping baby awake.
(This sentence means that because of Mary's touching, the sleeping baby became awake.)

That is all. I greatly appreciate your help. Thank you very much!
Hythloday   Tuesday, December 16, 2003, 19:07 GMT
1 is OK, the others are not OK.