Differences Between American and English English

endus   Sunday, July 18, 2004, 09:17 GMT
Well, I've heard both moppet and poppet but I also noticed the latter could also be spelt as "puppet" retaining the original meaning
CalifJim   Monday, July 19, 2004, 02:08 GMT
Back to “if I would have ...”:

To me, the only standard tense sequences are:

If I were ..., I would ...
If I had ..., I would have ...

Were I ..., I would ... (Very formal; stilted.)
Had I ..., I would have ... (Somewhat formal.)

Using “would” in the if clause sounds wrong to me, as in:

If I would go, I would enjoy the party.
If I would have gone, I would have enjoyed the party.

The one that I hear surprisingly often which “kills me” is

If I had’ve gone, I would’ve ... or
He didn’t go, but he’d’ve enjoyed it if he had’ve.

Contraction for “had have”, presumably!!!?

Anyone else observe this phenomenon?
Damian   Monday, July 19, 2004, 07:08 GMT
In "normal" casual every day speech I would say:

"If I went, I would enjoy the party"
"If I'd gone (if I had gone) I would've (I would have) enjoyed the party".

"He didn't go, but he'd have enjoyed it if he had." or "had gone".

"Had have" or "had have gone" is not used much, if at all.
Hungry Xatufan   Monday, July 19, 2004, 20:18 GMT
Trix es solo para niños.
Kimberley   Monday, July 19, 2004, 20:29 GMT
Les Trix est seulment pour les enfants!
Kimberley   Monday, July 19, 2004, 20:43 GMT
I read the older posts about the difference between Canadian accents and American accents.

For both countries, it's impossible to generalize that they both sound a particular way. For instance, Americans sometimes, well, often, conclude that all Canadians use stereotypical things like "aboot" and "eh." That's garbage. I am a Canadian living in Alberta and I assure you, this is not the case, at least in this part of Western Canada.

In some parts of BC, you'll find that some people sound like stoners. In Alberta, they sound like farmers. But this is a vague generalization in itself. In the Northwest Territories, there is a larger Native population where English is the second language, so they speak English but with a very distinct accent. Where I'm from, they can range from Filipinio, Dogrib, Slavey, Newfie, British, etc. It's everywhere! We may all speak English but it depends on where you are. I've heard Ontarians often pronounce their "ou"s a bit differently, though it's not like "aboot", it's more like "ow" but reading it doesn't do it justice.

In the maritimes, there are a variety of accents. People sound different in Newfoundland than they do in New Brunswick.

Same with the states. You have a New York accent, which us Canadians typically see on TV (a la Raymond's brother in Everybody Loves Raymond or Jason Alexander in Seinfeld) but it's not necessarily a "New York Accent". It could be Jewish, It could be Italian. Or another instance is maybe someone from Chicago, I met once and he said he was from "Chicaaahhgo". Or Minnesota even, like Lorraine on Mad TV and then there are southern accents too like in kentucky or Texas.

So there is no one generalization for whether Americans and Canadians sound the same. I know for sure that I sound like most Americans, where there are no distinguishing characteristics in how I speak.

I just don't like the ignorance, of both countries. The rivalry I've read on this board is ridiculous.

We should only be talking about fact here guys. Like the fact that we do, really, have better beer here in the Great White North.
CalifJim   Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 02:58 GMT
Damian wrote:
<<"Had have" or "had have gone" is not used much, if at all. >>

I thought it was totally ungrammatical.
Which tense is it supposed to be?

Can you quote a (rare, I guess) sentence that uses 'had have' and sounds correct? I'm curious.

By the way, anyone want to try punctuating this one?

where he had had had she had had had had had had was correct
Pat   Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 06:12 GMT
<<<In America (as far as I know) this means angry. Do Americans ever use it in the British way>>>

Only when humor is invovled. Its preceived to be an upper-class expression.
pat   Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 06:16 GMT
<<<<Is it true that some accents use "mighty" as "very"? ("This is mighty big")>>>>>

Southerners do. Thats not heard anywhere else in the country, but they say that quite often. I was just watching a commercial for fishing bait, and the spokesperson said " This is the most exciting thing I've seen come around in a MIGHTY long time"
Damian   Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 20:17 GMT

No idea. I think it's totally ungrammatical.
Ryan   Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 05:57 GMT
Most Canadians don't think they say "aboat," but that is how it sounds to most of us Americans.
Damian   Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 06:15 GMT
"Aboat".....that's quite strange, as people with a Lancashire (UK) accent pronounce it in exactly the same way. There is a radio presenter here with the BBC called Andy Kershaw and he has a very strong Lancashire (Lancs) accent and he always says "oat" for out and "aboat" for about.
Bog Rat   Thursday, July 22, 2004, 13:20 GMT
Just thought I'd start this up again. I've noticed that many Americans use "would have" in a very different way from the way an English person would. For example "If I would have known, I could have gone shopping". In Britain this would be "If I had known ....".

Britain is a place full of different English's if you'd like.

I've heard..........

"If I'd known"
"If I had known"
"If I would of known" (yes heard this)
"If I would have known"

I suppose it depends on how lazy the person is at speaking.
Ryan   Thursday, July 22, 2004, 16:58 GMT
Canadians don't actually say, "aboat," Damian, that's just how it sounds to Americans. What they do is raise the /au/ diphthong so it is closer to the /ou/ sound in a word like "boat."
Ben   Thursday, July 22, 2004, 21:22 GMT
The best way to describe the Canadian "about" is that it is as if a aristocratic Brit said "a-boat." Phonetically, is would probably be ..b^ut, as opposed to American ..baut.