Wallonia must be part of FRANCE

Jordi   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:38 GMT
Tiste how do you say "I'm with you" in Flemish. I promise to learn that sentence and to never forget it. You must know I speak perfect French although I'm not French. Anyway, the Manneken Piss will always be in Flemish. It is the symbol of Brussel's freedom and nobody can ever take that away from you. I would, of course, send to hell all nazis, wherever they may come from and also those who think their culture is better than any other culture in the world. As long as one human being keeps a culture that culture is as much mine as it is his. I probably won't know anything about it but I would die for him should it be necessary.
Tiste   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:38 GMT
Seems like everything I say, makes no sence to you people...
kenny   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:40 GMT
" But I totally agree with you when you say the flemish are often much more agressive towards us, especially in the flemish cities close to Bruxelles. "

What would be the cause of this? Give your own opinion!
Tiste   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 19:40 GMT
In West-Flemish we say ,

"Kzien bie joen ."

In common Flemish we say ,

" Ik sta aan jouw kant"
JEAN   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 20:09 GMT

KZien ook bie joen wi, Tiste
Jake   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 20:12 GMT
Wow, West-Flemish really is a lot different than Standard dutch/ Common Flemish
Linda Mertens Fan Club   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 20:20 GMT
We allow Walloonië to join France, but Brussels is ours.
Good luck! Now you are only a poor department of France, like French Guiana! Dutch-speaking part of Walloonië is returning to the Netherlands and German-speaking part of Walloonië is coming back to Germany!!!
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:08 GMT
Mais bien sûr...
Well, I see that everyone support the flemish. It's very easy (especially if you don't know the situation): oh poor flemish, the francophones martyrised them!! The walloons belong to the "francosphere", so they are arrogant as any french person (I love this clichés...). The Flemish are victims of the "walloon colonialism". I'm sure that none of you has ever been in belgium...but you can defend the flemish properly because you know very well how I handle roughly the flemish.

Come to belgium, then speak about it.

Almost every europeans don't care about the political situation in Flanders. Keep living in a dream!!!
Many people think I exaggerate by saying that the neo-nazi party (vlaams belang) was the first party in Anvers. You will see, sooner that you think, that I'm not joking.

I have never insulted a flemish in my life. On the other hand, whenever I go to flanders, I'm insulted or very badly welcomed: "Sale con de Wallon"
"Retourne chez toi", "fuckin' walloon", "fuck off" and others stuffs like this in flemish.
So I think it's completely wrong to let understand that we are their torturers!!!
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:13 GMT
Linda Mertens

Thanks, Yes we are going to join our homeland: FRANCE
We will be a region of FRANCE; We will participate to the great international debates and we will be estimated by our brothers. We won't be your slaves NO MORE!!!!

Good luck to Flanders
Good luck to you too.
Pierre Caroit   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:33 GMT
Oh!!! Je suis écoeuré... Louvain, ben au moins on se serre les coudes.

Au fond, tu sais tu ne devrais pas t'enerver contre les non-belges du forum. Moi je ne leur en veux même pas. Après tout ils ne savent rien de la situation (donc ils ne peuvent pas se rendre compte à quel point c'est dramatique en Flandres)
Pour eux c'est clair, il y a moins de néerlandophones que de francophones dans le monde, donc ils sont tentés de prendre la défense des flamands...C'est normal, ils pensent que ce sont les plus petits donc ceux qu'il faut protéger. Ahhh si seulement ils vivaient en Wallonie, ils pourraient comprendre toutes les brimades que l'on subit de la part des gouvernants flamands. Enfin...Allez, rendez-vous en France!!
Tiffany   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:38 GMT
I think both Wallonia and Flanders must bear blame for this dispute. I am not supporting either side. I am sure when you each speak your own languages, you are insulting each other. Are the Flemish really the supreme villains? Or are you trying to escape any blame? Do you really think of yourselves as slaves?
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:38 GMT
Beh ouais,

Je sais que c'est pas bien de s'énerver, mais ça me dégoûte de voir tout le monde prendre la défense des flamands, sans rien connaître de la situation...ce qu'on vit, les insultes rabaissantes lancées par les dirigeants flamands : "les wallons sont des bons à rien"...etc. Putain, mais tu n'imagines comme ça peut me taper sur les nerfs!!!
Fredrik from Norway   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:44 GMT
Well, I see that the Flemish and Walloon have a lot in common when it comes to abuse-shouting skills...

I think I would have liked living in Belgium, speaking both Dutch (language of coziness) and French (language of reason)!

If everybody in Belgium hates Belgium, why don't you have a plebiscite about braking up?
Louvain-la-neuve   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:46 GMT

I will never consider myself as a slave!!
Liberté, égalité, fraternité!!!!!!!

But, the flemish leaders consider the walloons like this. Listen to their speeches : they say the wallons are just a bunch of idlers, of loafers. For them we are NOTHING!!!

No we are not insulting the flemish when speaking french. We just said with Pierre that we don't blame you (all the foreigners in the forum) even if you support the flemish, because you have no idea of the reality of the dayly-life for us in Wallonia: humiliations everyday for the Walloons...
Fredrik from Norway   Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 21:49 GMT
Luxembourgers (the subjects of the Grand Duke, not those in Belgium) live happily as trilingual, in both French, German and Letzebourgisch. Why can't Belgium do the same?