IT'S ME is informal usage

Travis   Thursday, April 21, 2005, 02:37 GMT
Meant to say "one of the main breaking points between the spoken language and the written language" above.
Travis   Thursday, April 21, 2005, 03:34 GMT
Some other host plus clitic host change examples (in my dialect):

"I" (/aI/ --> [aI]) + "am" (/m/ --> [m]) --> more formally /aIm/ (--> [a:I~m]) but also /m=/ (--> [m=])
"kind" (/kaInd/ --> [k_ha:I~nd]) + "of" (/@/ --> [@]) --> /"kaIn@/ (--> ["k_haI~.n@]) not /"kaInd@/ (--> ["k_ha:I~n.d@])
"friend" (/frEnd/ --> [fr\E~:nd]) + "of" (/@/ --> [@]) --> /"frEn@/ (--> ["fr\E~.n@]) not /"frEnd@/ (--> ["fr\E~:n.d@])
"that" (/D{t/ --> [D{?]) + "would" (/d/ --> [d]) --> /D{d/ (--> [D{:d])
"should" (/SUd/ --> [SU:d]) + "not" (/n/ --> [n]) --> /SUn/ (--> [SU~:n])
"would" (/wUd/ --> [wU:d]) + "not" (/nt/ --> [n?]) --> /wUnt/ (--> [wU~?])

I could almost certainly think up more examples, if I bothered to sit down for a while and really think about potential non-obvious cases of this.