Midwesterner or Jack Nicholson.*

Guest   Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:18 am GMT
who are midwesterner ppl plz could anyonyone here specify the exactregion , area, state or prominent city in this part plz i need to know secndly who is Jack Nicholson plz i need to know who this person is???
If he is a host of a talk show or any programme or newscaster plz tell me and where can i listen to this person any specific channel or online resource??

Please URIEL or anyone i request your asisstance in it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uriel   Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:09 pm GMT
This is the Midwest US (Great Lakes and high plains area of the US):


Jack Nicholson is a famous actor who's been in about a zillion movies and has a very distinctive speaking style (if I were you, I wouldn't try to copy it). Movies he's been in are too numerous to list, but here's a quick sample: The Shining, As Good as It Gets, Anger Management.
Uriel   Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:12 pm GMT
And heeeeeere's Johnny -- I mean, JACK, in all his creepiness:


Oh, yeah -- he was also the Joker in the first Tim Burton Batman movie.
Laura Braun   Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:54 pm GMT
The postman always ring twice :

The best performance which I have even seen.
Mark   Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:18 pm GMT
Thanks you all specially URIEL i havent seen anone so coperative and helpfull like you.
I really appreciate your asisstance really its from the core of my heart.
Its a apathetic world out there no one cares for anything but there are quite a few people like you.
God bless You..................
Uriel   Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:11 pm GMT
Why, thanks! Now, if I could get them to start paying me.... ;)