can you give me some

sokomoro   Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:22 am GMT
ways to ask for a pizza from starbucks?
or some coffee from domino's pizza ?

i always say can i get........?

are there any other ways (more polite) ?

Saif   Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:24 pm GMT
In Britain try "may I have?" in most environments; "can I get" may be entirely acceptable in Starbucks or Domino's, neither of which I use.
Uriel   Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:57 pm GMT
The real question is why are you trying to get a coffee shop to make you a pizza, and a pizza place to give you coffee....
Travis   Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:38 pm GMT
Around here (in Wisconsin), "could I have" is generally far more common than "may I have", which sounds quite formal and which is not used in most contexts by most except pedants who insist on the use of "may".