(The) Reverend So-and-so

CppGeek   Fri May 23, 2008 2:09 pm GMT
I know that people's titles should be used without any articles. But recently in the US press there have been a number of reports where the notorious American pastor was called both "The Rev. Jeremiah Wright" and "Rev. Wright". Does it mean that this kind of title can be used with or without the definite article? I'm confused....
Lazar   Fri May 23, 2008 2:22 pm GMT
Well, the traditional form is "the Reverend So-and-so", because "reverend" is acting as an adjective. (Compare "the Right Honourable So-and-so".) But increasingly this is being reanalyzed as a regular title (i.e. losing the article), with the implication that "reverend" is a noun.
Guest   Fri May 23, 2008 2:24 pm GMT
<<Does it mean that this kind of title can be used with or without the definite article?>>


(BTW: If Obama gets the nomination, I suspect we'll hear a lot more about both Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and The Reverend Jeremiah Wright later this year.)
CppGeek   Fri May 23, 2008 2:47 pm GMT
Thanks, Lazar! Now I seem to be getting more comfortable with this part of the language.
gregorii   Sat May 24, 2008 2:16 am GMT
Какие профессии можно использовать как обращение?

Good morning professor, how are you? - хорошо
Good morning locksmith, how are you? - плохо
