"To be" or not "to be"

JakubikF   Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:55 pm GMT
HI forum

I'd like to start a discussion about the verb "to be" in slavic languages. As I've noticed e.g. in Russian accually it's used less on this verb that e.g. Polish. " byc' " (to be) in Polish we use very often so the first question is why in Russian is it different. Do you know any historycal reason of that language poverty. I said poverty, because from my point of view it sounds that. Nevertheless I won't take away beauty from Russian!

The second question.
What can you tell about other slavic languages? Is it common not to use the verb "to be" like in Russian?
Lolobrigdida   Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:03 am GMT
In, Serbo-Croatian it is quite common to use BITI (= to be)

present indicative:

stressed forms [not much used in colloquial language]
jesam, jesti, jest(e); jesmo, jeste, jesu

unstressed forms
sam, si, je; smo, ste, su

present subjunctive:
budem, budes, bude; budemo, budete, budu

(budem, budes... + infinitive = going to future)

bio, bio, bio; bili, bili, bili
Chin Mei-ling   Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:39 pm GMT
desu, ja nai
i dont know
shi bu shi
guest   Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:42 pm GMT

ibnida (imnida) [present]
yeossda (yeotda) [past]
igessda (igetda) [future]

we have another verb: issda (itda) meaning--there is/are
issda (itda) [present]
isseossdat (isseotda) [past]
issgessda (ikgetda) [future]