What do we call...

runCDfirst   Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:40 pm GMT

what do we call these two things ? -in British & American English if possible-

that thing we use to cut our nails with? is it a nail-scissor?

that thing we use to clean our ears with? is it an ear-pick like a toothpick?

thanx for your help.
together we stand, divided we fall......
Rick Johnson   Fri Nov 25, 2005 11:52 pm GMT
<<that thing we use to cut our nails with? is it a nail-scissor?>>

nail clipper

<<that thing we use to clean our ears with? is it an ear-pick like a toothpick?>>

cotton wool bud or Q-tip
Tiffany   Sat Nov 26, 2005 12:19 am GMT
I suppose the above is BrE.


<<that thing we use to cut our nails with? is it a nail-scissor?>>

nail clipper

<<that thing we use to clean our ears with? is it an ear-pick like a toothpick?>>

Uriel   Sat Nov 26, 2005 4:36 am GMT
Toenail clipper or Q-tip (although Q-tip was originally a brand name; the generic term is cotton swab in the US).
Brennus   Sat Nov 26, 2005 7:26 am GMT
"Nail clips" (reduced form of nail clippers) is the colloquial form and is especially common in the southern U.S. It is also another example of the natural tendency of languages towards simplification.