Judge on this text for "don't be too CNN"

Russian   Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:22 am GMT
Hey, guys, I received this msg and find it is a reasonable saying to judge western media.

This is why I look down on USA and all European Non-Governmental organizations
(especially i look down on the western news media)

P.S.: I will add more details , but some are not translated.

What USA has done is called democracy
What China has done is called despoticity

What Americans support their government is called "the public opinion"
What Chinese support their government is called "the maintenance of dictatorship"

What Americans oppose their government is said "Look! The democracy of USA and the rights to oppose.
What Chinese oppose their government is said " Look! China rules as dictatorship."

What Americans "rationally" oppose their government is called "the rights of democracy"
What Chinese "rationally" oppose USA government is called "to oppose democracy"

What Americans angrily oppose their government, is called "the democratic rights"
What Chinese angrily oppose the USA government is called " the Boxers"

The eastern countries who oppose American policy is called "the dictatorship country"
The european countries who oppose American policy is called "Old Europe"

What American economy develops is called "the recovery of economics"
What Chinese economy develops is called " the threat from China"

What American economy has problem is called "the declining of economics"
What Chinese economy has problem is called "sooner collapse"

What USA increase the military expenses is called "the maintenance of peace". People must dance with joy
What China increase the military expenses is called "the destruction of peace". People must express the deep anxiety.

What USA use military force overseas, is called "to maintain to be stable"
What China deploys the missible within the boundary, is called "extremely restless"

What USA oppose the foreign countries, is called "The USA interest"
What China oppose the foreign countries, is called "The antiforeignism"

What the terrorist group attacks the Americans is called "the terrorism"
What the terrorist group attacks the Chinese people is called "the national self-determination"

What USA oppose the terrorism is called "to oppose terrorism"
What China oppose the terrorism is called "to suppress the different opinion"

I look down on "Nobel Prize" cause it implements the policy of "ABC"(Anything But China, Anyone But Chinese), and it means unfair to the Chinese.It is only given to the traitors only!
New Yorker   Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:24 am GMT
True, so that's why we don't read our local newspaper.
Jerry   Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:28 am GMT
Perhaps Al-Qaeda is not a terrorist group, but the group for national self-determination in USA.. lol