how yu doung?

Guest   Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:53 pm GMT
why do black people say this.....

why dont they say how are you doing?

why how yu do-ung?
Uriel   Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:12 pm GMT
I'm not sure they actually say do-ung (????), but it's common in the US to drop the "are" -- "how ya doin'?". (Not just an AAVE thing.)
Johnny   Mon Sep 08, 2008 10:58 am GMT
I once read somewhere that "how ya doing" is the standard way to say it, since almost no one would add the "are" in that expression.
carms   Tue Sep 09, 2008 2:49 am GMT
maybe you just hear "How yu do-ung" is because the way they pronounce the words.
Uriel   Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:50 am GMT
On further reflection, "how ya doing?" tends to be a standard greeting that doesn't really demand an in-depth reply -- "fine" is the usual answer.

"How are you doing?" is often said in a different tone -- quieter and more sincere, and generally elicits a much more detailed answer. At that point, you are probably expression genuine interest or concern, and using it as a conversation opener, not just as a variant of "hi!"

Of course, this depends a lot on context, and a "How are you doing?" said in a bright, brisk tone may still just be a generic greeting.