Norwegian of Danish...what to start with?

längtartill   Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:44 pm GMT
Hi! I learned Swedish and can speak it within "everyday talks". but now i'd like to start to learn Norwegian and Danish but i'm not sure what is better to start with... maybe some basic knowledge of Danish will help me to learn faster Norwegian or on the contrary...or i can just mix them up trying to learn them at the same time...
i'd be also glad if there are people of Danish and Norwegian origin to make friends and to help while learning language

thank you for reading my message
guest2   Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:39 pm GMT

While you're waiting for advice, I have a question for you: How did you go about learning Swedish? I'm curious to know if you learned it on your own, if you spent time there, your language background, etc.

By the way, I'm guessing that most people will say Norwegian first. The phonology is closer to Swedish, so that should be an easier segue. And since the writing system of Norwegian is so similar to Danish, you should have a straightforward transition when you move on.
längtartill   Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:31 am GMT

First of all thank you for your reply :)))
I learned Swedish on my own with traditional textbooks, online materials, CD's so that to learn pronunciation and had some practice speaking Swedish to native speakers online and asking them the things, that i couldn't understand from books.
By the way, what is your mother tongue if i may ask?
guest2   Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:20 pm GMT

I'm a native speaker of English (American). How about you? Was Swedish similar to your native language? Did you find it difficult?
längtartill   Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:05 pm GMT

I speak Russian as official language, but my mother tongue is another rare one but don't resemble Swedish either. So Swedish was not easy to learn for me...
So as I suppose you can speak all of 3 foreign languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) and mastered each of it much. If yes, that would be great if I am able to ask you questions while learning. Tell me if you like this idea please? :)
guest2   Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:12 am GMT

Just to clarify: I do NOT speak any of the Scandinavian languages yet. I've been sort of getting started at Swedish--that's why I was asking about YOUR materials and methods. Good material is hard to come by, at least in the States.

There are, however, a few online sources I can recommend:

Easy-to-read newspapers:

8 Sidor (Swedish):
Klar Tale (Norwegian):
Overblik (Danish):

You might also look at the language site from one of the Antimoon founders:

Click on "Links for Norwegian Learners" for Norwegian resources. And click on "Norsk Experiment" for his fascinating account of trying to learn Norwegian from scratch.
längtartill   Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:34 am GMT

thank you very much for all kind of information you have mentioned here to learn Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. In my turn i'm saying you what kind of materials i used online...

that is a nice online Swedish - English translator, but not only that... i used much this link trying to find out a proper description of a Swedish word, as there are also a lot of pics showing you Swedish words by categories like nature, sport, people, clothes...etc it's very helpful to enrich one's vocabulary. the most part of my vocabulary in Swedish i got with this site.
and if you have questions when learning Swedish i'm glad to help you, i like to explain things about language :)
hehe   Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:24 am GMT
Danish has a real confusing counting system that is one of the aspects of the Danish language make it stand out from the other Scandinavian languages.
svenska är trevlig   Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:51 pm GMT
Jag har lärt mig svenska och försökt att lära mig norska till.

Det är ganska enkelt att gissa betydelsen när man läser norska ord och liksom med danska ord och meningar, men det är faktiskt ganska svårt att inte stava orden som på svenska när man skriver till ex. på norska.

Det svenska uttalet i södra Sverige liknar mycket det danska uttalet, men det svenska uttalet i närheten av den norska gränsen liknar mycket mer det norska uttalet.

Så, jag tror faktiskt att det var bäst om du hittar någon kontrastiv bok, d.v.s. en som förklarar just det som är skillnaden mellan svenska och norska och/eller danska. Om du hittar en sådan bok, säg till, jag skulle vara lycklig att köpa den.
För mig är det nu så att svenskan har blivit ganska bra, också att skriva och tala den. Men jag har ingen möjlighet att tala norska med någon människa som kan säga: Det var ikke riktigt. Därför är mitt försök med norskan ännu inte riktigt på fart.

Som nätlänkar kan jag rekommendera (för norska):
Samtliga är bara på norska men jag är helt säkert att det går bra för dig att förstår eftersom du har redan lärt dig svenska.
Lycka till!
Caspian   Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:28 pm GMT

What's your rare native language?