token black

pbpjr246   Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:24 am GMT
I heard someone call someone else a "token black." What does this mean?
Caseum   Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:57 am GMT
It's a racially derogative term used to refer to black people.
JTT   Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:10 pm GMT
↑ That last post doesn't really explain a whole lot.

For a better understanding of what this term means, read this wikipedia entry on "tokenism":

Or see definition 2 in the urban dictionary:
Unwelcome Guest   Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:01 pm GMT
An example of a token black would be a black person who is hired in a company, not because of his or her skills but because the company is by law required to hire black people. It's not a derogatory term.

In the television cartoon Southpark there is a single black kid in the class named "Token"

From Wikipedia

Tokenism refers to a policy or practice of limited inclusion of members of a minority group, usually creating a false appearance of inclusive practices, intentional or not. Typical examples in real life and fiction include purposely including a member of a minority race (such as a black character in a mainly white cast, or vice versa) into a group. Classically, token characters have some reduced capacity compared to the other characters and may have bland or inoffensive personalities so as to not be accused of stereotyping negative traits. Instead, their difference may be overemphasized or made "exotic" and glamorous.