Why are there so many Chinese ads here in Antimoon?

Shuimo   Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:00 pm GMT
Seeing so many Chinese commercials here really makes me wonder how much money you need to pay for Antimoon to put your ads here.
Please   Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:29 pm GMT
I only know one, most people here are Americans, Spanish-speakers and Europeans from various countries.
Please   Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:30 pm GMT
Oh, I didn't see the word ADS, then yes you're right, they most be paying a lot, even though no one cares.
Ads   Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:32 pm GMT
The ads are based on key words in topics, and possibly as well as geo-locating your IP address. For example, I get an ad for "Teach Yourself Chinese" in this thread, but in the thread "Brazilian Portuguese VS European Spanish", I get an ad for "Teach Yourself Portuguese"
Invité d'honneur   Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:02 pm GMT
«The ads are based on key words in topics, and possibly as well as geo-locating your IP address»

On key words, yes. And on what seems to be the page's main language. For example in "Dimorphisme sexuel dans les langues ?", ads in French are displayed. In another thread that I can't seem to remember, next to a lengthy post in Russian, were some ads in this language.
I don't think the IP location is considered when selecting the ads to be displayed, but we can't rule it out completely.
Q.E.D.   Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:40 pm GMT
It is called behavioral marketing and google lacked somehow the ability to crunch its data to make it work. Their ranking algorithm is built on different principles, but it does accomplish the same purpose by having a HUGE amount of data and the technical means to put it at work. A language forum is ideal for fine tuning and assumptions validation process since it provides data for free and data quality is close to ideal.
Further reading is required, just google for web morphing, behavioral marketing (no pun intended).
Easter Egg   Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:05 pm GMT
I don't see those ADs. Maybe it's because I use Firefox and it blocks rubbish like that?

"Blanc"mange mmmm... yuck.