Which languages are riding a wave of popularity?

Invitado   Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:20 pm GMT
Spanish language is also very studied in Japan. You can see this website: the biggest Instituto Cervantes is in Tokyo. Spanish is studied there by over 200,000 people.


Spanish is obviously very important in Brazil. Lula da Silva, the President of the country says that Spanish will be spoken by 12 million people in 2010. Nowadays it is studied by 9 million people because it is a compulsory language in this country.

blanco   Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:57 pm GMT
"As for Brazil, the popular languages (For work) are as follows:
1) English
2) Spanish
3) German, French, Italia
4) Chinese
5) Japanese

However, it's interesting to note that the interest in Spanish has declined, in comparison with its boom when Mercosul started.

Taken from:

As for Japan (Languages after English), the languages are as follows:
1) French
2) Chinese
3) Korean
4) Italian
5) German

However, I used the "general" (There's also division by gender and age) rank given in the following website:


Always the same after English:

Jin   Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:16 am GMT
Hey Invitado, thanks for those up to date articles. They were very interesting.

<< Always the same after English:

3.German >>

I think it's more like

1. English
2. French ???
3. German/Spanish ???

I don't know. Are there any clear sources for the 2nd and 3rd most studied languages? I've haven't seen any. Just heard people's assumptions.
slim   Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:13 pm GMT
In the US, its:


In Canada, its:


Can't speak for other countries although I imagine French is 2) for Britain. The rest of Europe, its english or german followed by french in terms of second languages.

sorry for not sourcing, this has just been my personal experience.
Iosef Dzhugashvili   Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:30 pm GMT
<<sorry for not sourcing, this has just been my personal experience. >>

My personal experience, as a Papau New Guinea specialist, is the people I meet are mostly learning Hiri Motu.
Sanders   Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:50 am GMT
Russian due to the booming economy that has resulted form massive oil revenues.
Skippy   Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:53 am GMT
<<future of the Middle East>>

Well, Israel is, for all intents and purposes, a European style democracy with a market system... Iran is gaining in power and who knows what their political or economic future holds... the smaller gulf states are all very wealthy... Egypt seems to do fine... I guess a lot of it depends on what your definition of the Middle East is... as a geographic region it's much smaller than if you're thinking a cultural region (but one must be careful in defining those borders, as there is a great deal of variation between Morocco and Pakistan).

Oh, in answer to your question... Who knows? lol
Nukem   Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:48 am GMT
Things don't look good for the Middle East...

Israel = theocracy, hated by all its neighbours, never ending problems and quite demagogic

Iran = theocracy, hated by a lot of its neighbours, as well as foreign powers, overly dependent on oil, any prosperity will only last until it their foolish leaders piss someone off enough to be embroiled in war, and then it's Iraq 2.

Pakistan = increasingly extremist, politically unstable, hostile neighbours, only a matter of time before it loses out on sovereignty

Egypt = poor and bungling, hasn't changed in decades, doesn't look likely to any time soon

Arabian states = 100% dependent on oil, wealth squandered by the elite, medieval political and social systems, they may become more wealthy but they that doesn't mean they're about to attract people to learn their languages

North African states = languishing in post-colonial decadence since forever

Horn of Africa = anarchy and piracy are in fashion, if you're into that kind of thing

Central Asia = poor and languishing in post-soviet stagnance, dependent on oil, totalitarian political systems

Caucasus = unstable, geopolitical battlefield, poor and stagnant since forever

Syria/Lebanon etc...= do these countries even exist? They are so insignificant one would have their doubts...
blanc   Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:25 pm GMT
Lebanon is not so insignificant if in that country there are 5.000 Italian and French soldiers.
b   Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:08 pm GMT
lebanon as a state is insignificant, as a territory it has geopolitical value
zorro   Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:14 pm GMT
No country is insignificant because it has enormous value for all its inhabitants and smart people.
b   Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:22 pm GMT
trust me, lebanon does not have enormous value for it's inhabitants; usa, israel, siria, iran, eu do
Khesh   Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:53 pm GMT
<<No country is insignificant because it has enormous value for all its inhabitants and smart people. >>

Sorry, you obviously do not understand the term 'geopolitics'.
realistic   Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:55 am GMT
I can perfectly understand the term "geopolitcs", for this reason I think Lebanon is one of the most "important" countries in the area. They have been fighting to control it for many years...
Khesh   Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:20 am GMT
<<They have been fighting to control it for many years... >>

The land is what is important, the people are insignificant. What language they speak is irrelevant. The people will be treated like ants by whoever happens to be in power at the time, and they will end up speaking the language of their master. Therefore, there is EXTREMELY small chance that Lebanese Arabic will soon find itself 'riding a wave of popularity'. (we're talking popularity of languages remember)