Why does the English forum require you to use a French word

E.T.   Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:28 am GMT
Why not asking a question in Martian? I hate French and this is an English forum.
TruthMaster   Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:23 am GMT
<<particularly those tiny little Eastern Euro ones, like Czeke and Romania.
Good drama indeed! >>

Ha, the Czech Republic and Romania have suffered for decades under the hands of cruel communist dictatorships, and have no patience or sympathy with the communist regime of China.
Shuimo   Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:29 am GMT
TruthMaster Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:23 am GMT
<<particularly those tiny little Eastern Euro ones, like Czeke and Romania.
Good drama indeed! >>

Ha, the Czech Republic and Romania have suffered for decades under the hands of cruel communist dictatorships, and have no patience or sympathy with the communist regime of China.
Very stupid countries! Entry into EU doesn't make them any better in status in the hierarchy of countries in the world!
BTW, is China is still a communist regime in a way similar to asking Is Norway a capitalist regime? LOL
Carmen Franco   Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:39 am GMT
Romania is shit. It's not good for Europe .
Damian in Edinburgh   Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:17 am GMT
Romania is one of the most scenically beautiful countries of Europe I have ever seen - the countryside of the Carpathian Mountains is stunning, and when I went with my school party in August 1999 to see the total eclipse of the sun it was like stepping back in time a whole century, it was that backward. The infrastructure of the whole country was dire, so the glorious natural scenery of Count Dracula's Transylvania really made up for all the shortcomings of crumbling buildings, potholed roads, mediaeval living standards, packs of feral dogs running about in the streets and an amazing number of Dickensian orphanages for abandoned children. All that was just nine years ago.

The people were so friendly and untarnished by western values but I suppose that will gradually change now that Romania has been admitted into the European Union, and it begins to prosper and see its standard of living improve enormously once they rid themselves of the culture of corruption and double dealing and everything else still lingering on from the days of Communist repression.

Once these problems of the past have been eradicated Romania will be able to play its full part in the European family, and these things take time. So I violently disagree that Romania is "bad for Europe" - as soon as the current throwback issues have been resolved Romania will benefit in full, and the rest of us in Europe will welcome that.

In the 1930s the capital city of Bucharest was called the "Paris of the East" because of its beauty and style of architecture and its sophisticated nightlife, which rapidly declined and fell into decline under the days of the Soviet controlled Communist dictator Ceausescu.

The Romanian Language is Latin based, with a Roman alphabet, while neighbouring countries use Cyrillic. At school we were given a brief introduction to basic Romanian phrases before we set off by coach from Edinburgh all the way to Romania, via the Channel ferry from Dover to Calais, but once my mate and I were billeted with this Romanian family we got to learn a few more basic words.

The family consisted of a lad of 20 who spoke almost perfect English (as many educated young people under about 30 do now) and his parents who couldn't understand a word of English. On the first morning we were gobsmacked when the father offered us a glass of vodka to go with the watermelon and piece of horrid looking black/brown "bread" which made up breakfast. We declined the offer and, via the son, told the father 17 year olds in the UK do not sup vodka for breakfast and neither does anyone else here unless of course they have a chronic drinking problem. The son didn't have one either, but we weren't sure whether he didn't have a sup just because my mate and I didn't.

So the man had to knock his back on his own, and that's when we learned the Romanian word "noroc" - meaning "cheers", "slains", "prosit" "a votre sante" "skal"........

The total eclipse of the sun, viewed from a sort of lakeside park just north west of Bucharest, and under totally clear skies, at 14:10 hours Eastern European time (two hours ahead of British Summer time) was about the most awe inspiring of experiences.

As the Americans would say "awesome!"

So lay off Romania bashing - it will do just fine in the EU. Now all Romanians are falling over themselves in their quest to learn English, now undisputably the "official" Language of the European Union.
Gitler   Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:57 pm GMT
Freedom for Pridnestrovye!
blanc et gros con   Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:16 am GMT
please hepl me, i can't suffer any more! I am french and all the people in this country are fucked up! How can i survive between these bunch of assholes?

Shuimo   Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:59 am GMT
blanc et gros con Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:16 am GMT
please hepl me, i can't suffer any more! I am french and all the people in this country are fucked up! How can i survive between these bunch of assholes?

You f**king idiot Sarkozy-like French, go to hell!
blanck   Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:05 pm GMT
I'm starting to get the feeling that this thread is nearing its end.
Invité d'honneur   Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:27 pm GMT
At any rate, apparently this requirement isn't getting in the way of people's posting. Even if denoucing this requirement is the main--if not the only--topic some people seem to post about.
Guest   Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:17 pm GMT
"Yes, many many Chinese do feel our gov has been weak in dealing with foreign countries. "

I think you will change your tune, as soon as the Americans stop buying your plastic crap.
Yegor Ivanovich Pizdetsky   Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:55 pm GMT
Haha yeah I was going to buy a piece of junk Chinese Plastic Chicken but I remembered this thread and said to myself 'screw you Shuimo, Sarkozy rules".
greg   Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:01 am GMT
filósofo de la clase de f : « What is the big deal, really? Anyone stupid enough not to be able to find out the French word for 'white' with the whole internet at their fingertips should not be learning languages in the first place. »

Absolument ! Ce "débat" sur le mot <blanc> est totalement surréaliste, surtout sur un site dont l'objectif concerne les langues et la linguistique en général. Cette "polémique" aurait été tout aussi hallucinante si le mot choisi avait été <weiß>, <bianco> ou <blanco>.

Il est navrant de constater que nombre d'intervenants se soucient des questions de fond comme de leur première chemise. On assiste au triomphe du hors-sujet, au couronnement de l'accessoire, au règne de l'instrumentalisation la plus folle.