I've gone all dyslexic....ecomonic = economic.
Do you watch BBC Parliament TV and how pop is it in the UK?
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<<I never watch daytime TV, I have to earn a living, and at week-ends I've got better things to do, but I do hear that it's dreich - Jeremy Kyle?...the self proclaimed idol and patron saint and saviour of the hardworking UK taxpayer supplied social welfare maintained Great British Underclass dragged in from the sink estates to find out which tanked up ex con smackheads are dads to the equally tanked up smackhead's seventeen bar stewards and who can't recall which one she last slept with or when or where.....no thanks.>>
It's 100% spot on...not that I watch it regularly...haha. I've seen an episode and that was just enough.
It's 100% spot on...not that I watch it regularly...haha. I've seen an episode and that was just enough.
I think people should except that Britain is part of the European Union. "Britain for the British" is just meaningless waffle.
I feel sorry for other people who aren't able to get a job (I'm currently out of work myself) but blaming foreigners and telling people to "go home" isn't credible. That oil company put the contract out to tender and the Italians were cheaper. Who's fault was that?.
The BNP are unlikely to achieve anything worthwhile. I certainly wont be voting for them.
I feel sorry for other people who aren't able to get a job (I'm currently out of work myself) but blaming foreigners and telling people to "go home" isn't credible. That oil company put the contract out to tender and the Italians were cheaper. Who's fault was that?.
The BNP are unlikely to achieve anything worthwhile. I certainly wont be voting for them.
<<BBC Parliament Channel is Channel 81 (Channel 80 is BBC News 24 and Channel 82 is Sky News).>>
Does this mean that the TC channels are uniform all across the UK? Around here, CSPAN would be on different channels, depending on the location.
Does this mean that the TC channels are uniform all across the UK? Around here, CSPAN would be on different channels, depending on the location.
I think the "Freeview" channels are the same for the whole of the UK. (Correct me if I'm wrong). The UK is smaller than most US states so its reasonably easy to have the same channel numbers covering the whole area.
Jeremy Kyle: On today's show, we meet girlfriends scared of their violent partners. Let's meet Donna. She's 17, and she says her family doesn't approve of the way she is being treated by her boyfriend, even though she says he's the father of her 4 month old baby. Donna, everybody!
Donna: Yeah but no but yeah but no but it's not Daniel's fault he headbutted me, it's just the baby might not be his and Mums a slag 'n' a slapper anyway so shut up!
JK: Welcome to the show, Donna...so you say he headbutted you while you were pregnant?
Donna: Yeah but I was fookin' shouting at him, so really, you can fookin' see where he was fookin' coming from...
JK: You love him even though he hits you? I'll have you know I'D never hit MY wife when she was pregnant with MY child and I'd move HEAVEN AND EARTH to kill anyone with my bare hands who touched MY WOMAN! Why are you with him?
Donna: Cos I fookin' love 'iiiim!
JK: Ok, well there are two sides to every story. Let's see what Donnas boyfriend has to say. Daniel, everbody!
Daniel: *walks in grabbing his crotch and sticking two fingers up at the audience* fook you all, you don't even fookin' know me, she's a fookin' whore who's fookin' all me mates and me brother and me brother said she was nothing compared to my last girlfriend cos she won't even take it in the bum so nurr!
JK: Hello Daniel
Daniel: Alreet, mate
JK: So you er...headbutted her whilst she was preggers?
Daniel: Yeah but I was acquitted cos the CCTV camera near maccy D's had a bird poo on it so they had no evidence, innit. So I never did it, did I? Spackers!
JK: But you did headbutt her?
Daniel: Yeah but no but you don't fookin' understand! Cos my mate Daz says she's been fookin' shaggin' everyone and she even gave 'im a gobble in Aldi's carpark in return for a swig of 'is White Lightning!
JK: Er...nice. Do you think you're the father to little Tarquin?
Donna: He fookin' is!
JK: *screams* I WASN'T ASKING YOU!
Daniel: No, cos 'e won't even eat an 'appy meal so 'e can't be mine!
JK: ...wait, I thought he was 4 months old...?
Donna: Shurrup Daniel, you know you're 'is Dad cos it's either you, Banksy or your brother, but it couldn't be either of them cos they did me up against a wall and everybody knows sperm can't swim upwards!
JK: *Yelling from the back of the audience* ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU AND YOU'LL BE DRAGGED OFF MY STAGE TO BE TEABAGGED BY MY SECURITY STAFF! I'M HARD, Y'KNOW! *Hides behind nearest security man*
JK: ..........Ahem....Daniel...do you love her?
Daniel: Yeah, course I fookin' do! Duh!
JK: and if the baby is yours?
Daniel: I'll fookin' bring it up to wear fookin' burberry and bling and love Man U just like me, innit!
JK: ok, well let's see those DNA tests!
*opens envelope and looks grave*
JK: Donna, you said it was one of three guys. We took DNA samples from all three and matched them against little Tarquin. Are you ready for the results?
Donna: Yeah, I wanna fookin' show him he can fookin' trust me, innit? cos I love fookin' 'iiiim! *pulls chair closer to scowling Daniel*
JK: The DNA results show that...Tarquin doesn't belong to any of the men tested.
*Audience erupts with abuse*
Daniel: You fookin' slag! i'll fookin' 'ave yer!
Donna: It weren't my fookin' fault it was your fookin' Dad's!
JK: I'm sensing this is all because of drugs. Is it because of drugs? I bet it's drugs. Is it drugs? Am I right? It's drugs isn't it? Ah go on, it's drugs, isn't it! Is it drugs? Fookin' 'ell!
Donna: Yeah but no but yeah but no but it's not Daniel's fault he headbutted me, it's just the baby might not be his and Mums a slag 'n' a slapper anyway so shut up!
JK: Welcome to the show, Donna...so you say he headbutted you while you were pregnant?
Donna: Yeah but I was fookin' shouting at him, so really, you can fookin' see where he was fookin' coming from...
JK: You love him even though he hits you? I'll have you know I'D never hit MY wife when she was pregnant with MY child and I'd move HEAVEN AND EARTH to kill anyone with my bare hands who touched MY WOMAN! Why are you with him?
Donna: Cos I fookin' love 'iiiim!
JK: Ok, well there are two sides to every story. Let's see what Donnas boyfriend has to say. Daniel, everbody!
Daniel: *walks in grabbing his crotch and sticking two fingers up at the audience* fook you all, you don't even fookin' know me, she's a fookin' whore who's fookin' all me mates and me brother and me brother said she was nothing compared to my last girlfriend cos she won't even take it in the bum so nurr!
JK: Hello Daniel
Daniel: Alreet, mate
JK: So you er...headbutted her whilst she was preggers?
Daniel: Yeah but I was acquitted cos the CCTV camera near maccy D's had a bird poo on it so they had no evidence, innit. So I never did it, did I? Spackers!
JK: But you did headbutt her?
Daniel: Yeah but no but you don't fookin' understand! Cos my mate Daz says she's been fookin' shaggin' everyone and she even gave 'im a gobble in Aldi's carpark in return for a swig of 'is White Lightning!
JK: Er...nice. Do you think you're the father to little Tarquin?
Donna: He fookin' is!
JK: *screams* I WASN'T ASKING YOU!
Daniel: No, cos 'e won't even eat an 'appy meal so 'e can't be mine!
JK: ...wait, I thought he was 4 months old...?
Donna: Shurrup Daniel, you know you're 'is Dad cos it's either you, Banksy or your brother, but it couldn't be either of them cos they did me up against a wall and everybody knows sperm can't swim upwards!
JK: *Yelling from the back of the audience* ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU AND YOU'LL BE DRAGGED OFF MY STAGE TO BE TEABAGGED BY MY SECURITY STAFF! I'M HARD, Y'KNOW! *Hides behind nearest security man*
JK: ..........Ahem....Daniel...do you love her?
Daniel: Yeah, course I fookin' do! Duh!
JK: and if the baby is yours?
Daniel: I'll fookin' bring it up to wear fookin' burberry and bling and love Man U just like me, innit!
JK: ok, well let's see those DNA tests!
*opens envelope and looks grave*
JK: Donna, you said it was one of three guys. We took DNA samples from all three and matched them against little Tarquin. Are you ready for the results?
Donna: Yeah, I wanna fookin' show him he can fookin' trust me, innit? cos I love fookin' 'iiiim! *pulls chair closer to scowling Daniel*
JK: The DNA results show that...Tarquin doesn't belong to any of the men tested.
*Audience erupts with abuse*
Daniel: You fookin' slag! i'll fookin' 'ave yer!
Donna: It weren't my fookin' fault it was your fookin' Dad's!
JK: I'm sensing this is all because of drugs. Is it because of drugs? I bet it's drugs. Is it drugs? Am I right? It's drugs isn't it? Ah go on, it's drugs, isn't it! Is it drugs? Fookin' 'ell!
I think you are dream. if you want improve your English language .
you need one year living in uk becuse you can practise with the England people . I swear
cuse I spend alot money and time for courses .
you need one year living in uk becuse you can practise with the England people . I swear
cuse I spend alot money and time for courses .
***Is BBC Parliament BBC seven or BBC heaven?***
It's neither of those....BBC Parliament is the epitome of Bedlam usually.....Digital TV Channel 81 broadcasting 24/7....Live when the respective Houses at Westminster are in session.
BBC 7 is a digital DAB radio station specialising in old, very old, radio programs of the past in the main....plus all sorts of features which are very much of a minority interest I would guess.
BBC Heaven? Never heard of it......
The England people, and the Scotland and Wales people, are always happy to assist in the improvement of the English Language skills of learners, but I would strongly advise careful selection of potential models unless, of course, you really want to end up speaking pure Glaswegian or Scouse or Geordie or Brummie or Eastenders.
It's neither of those....BBC Parliament is the epitome of Bedlam usually.....Digital TV Channel 81 broadcasting 24/7....Live when the respective Houses at Westminster are in session.
BBC 7 is a digital DAB radio station specialising in old, very old, radio programs of the past in the main....plus all sorts of features which are very much of a minority interest I would guess.
BBC Heaven? Never heard of it......
The England people, and the Scotland and Wales people, are always happy to assist in the improvement of the English Language skills of learners, but I would strongly advise careful selection of potential models unless, of course, you really want to end up speaking pure Glaswegian or Scouse or Geordie or Brummie or Eastenders.
<<The UK is smaller than most US states so its reasonably easy to have the same channel numbers covering the whole area. >>
Actually, the UK is about the same size as Oregon, which is one of the biggest states:
Actually, the UK is about the same size as Oregon, which is one of the biggest states:
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