"that's gay"
<<On the contrary, people condemned for sexual agressions are usually "heterosexual" men. >>
See everyone? Case in point. This poster must be gay ^
No where does the idea of "aggression" come up,,,but this person already teis this in in his/her mind.
See? Crazzzzzy
<<but well just don't give them the attention they want to have>>
again, see? them wanting attention is immature and needy.
for a four year old I can understand this behaviour. for a grown man absolutely not. no straight man could get away acting the way they do.
Easy: the idea of being obsessed with sex leads to sexual agressions. I think that gay's psyche has a lot in common with women and they are not precissely the ones that would have sex with even a rock as you say. That is more in line with heterosexual men.
To all the PC-pushers. If we see a guy acting in 'that way', for example, he sees a spider and starts shrieking and crying, how do you suggest we insult him? What is your PC method? Do we call him 'girly'? But that is insulting to girls as there are plenty who are not afraid of spiders. Do we call him a baby? Well, that is also insulting as I have seen babies picking up spiders and playing with them... So how do we insult them without offending some minority group, be it gays, girls or babies? And PLEASE don't tell me we don't need to insult them, insulting is a natural part of human interaction and has always existed and always will.
***Perhaps in 10-20 years no one will bat an eyelid if someone chooses to identify themselves as gay***
You don't say! As you guys say: "Jeez!" <Dami rolls eyes here>
Assuming you are referring to the United States of America - will it really take that country that long to attain European levels of tolerance and acceptance? We don't think so for one nano second.
The use of the use of the word "perhaps" here is very revealing - obviously there is some doubt here.
A considerably less "howdy cowboy" president or not I don't think that an overall mindset influenced by a super inflated gun totin' Wild West macho tradition, narrow minded bigotry and extremely hypocritical close minded religiosity verging on the fanatical will be easily eroded. Can you ever imagine Europe ever having something like a Westboro Baptist Church made up of people who look and sound like escapees from an asylum for the complete and incurable mentally deranged? Never is the answer to that one.
To most Europeans America will always be perceived as a land of puzzling contrasts, a wee bit of an enigma in fact. It may well have the "best" in some ways, but it sure as hell has the very "worst" at the same time. At least that's how it seems to us on this side of the puddle.
#I think that gay's psyche has a lot in common with women#
Damian is so gonna get yr ass for this!
>>...attain European levels of tolerance and acceptance?<<
Pfff yeah right. Since after WW2 and almost til now, masses of its people fled Europe to find a better life in the rest of the developed world.
<,people who look and sound like escapees from an asylum for the complete and incurable mentally deranged? >>
Actually, Europe is full of such people. Example: Zapatero, the communist president of Spain. Example: all of those European Commission propaganda-pushing culture destroyers. Example: the PC masses who worship Obama like a God. Example: all those immigrant loving, self-hating greenies who want to ruin Europe's economy, turn it into one giant windmill and wipe out European values and history, creating an Islamic society.
media res
What amazes me is where they find dopes who will sit there and continue the interview while the interviewer makes faces at them and ridicules them.
(By the way, the Nazis also used ridicule and caricature against the Jews, and I've heard that the Anti-Christ loves a good joke.)
I associate the use of "that's gay" with teenage girls. I don't use it myself because it seems so...sissy. True, they're using "gay" in a mildly negative way, but that's not much different from the use of "macho" when that term is used to criticize.
The term "gun totin'" in a post above seems intended to denigrate Westerners who tote them. There are times, though, when guns and persons who are willing to use them come in handy.
Speaking of Hitler, I seem to recall that the U.K. used guns to prevent a Nazi conquest. Otherwise what would have become of its gays?
Also guns helped ward off Communist expansionism. Remember how gays were treated in the Soviet Union? Check out how they've been treated in Cuba.
http://tinyurl.com/2887fv When Cuba expelled 1700 gays in 1980, guess where they went?
>>"European levels of tolerance"<<
>>"Can you ever imagine Europe ever having something like a Westboro Baptist Church"<<
The views of the members of Westboro Baptist Church (which is independent of national Baptist associations) aren't characteristic of the United States. In fact its members seem to regard this country less favorably than you do. Look at one of the placards depicted in its Wikipedia article. It says "God hates America."
I share your dislike of those Westboro wackos, but I believe they pose far less of a danger than something that you have in your neighborhood. I suggest that gays in the UK (and elsewhere in Europe) direct their concerns towards something closer to home. A poll has shown that 40 percent of British Muslims want sharia law in the UK.
http://tinyurl.com/4wng5w Do you realize what that means for gays?
>>"In USA being gay, catholic, a woman or black is not good."<<
Tell that to American voters. Barney Frank (openly gay) continues to win elections, even after having been caught using his position in Congress to fix 33 parking tickets for his lover, who besides ignoring the rules for parking was operating a male prostitution ring out of his apartment. (See the Wikipedia article.) Also Frank has survived the prominent role that he played in getting the government to promote high risk loans (the root of the current financial debacle). He remains one of the most powerful persons in setting economic policy.
Whether someone is Catholic or not is hardly noticed in the United States. The Catholic Democrat John F. Kennedy was elected president over a generation ago. The Republican Rudy Giuliani, recently mayor of New York, is a Catholic. I have trouble remembering who's Catholic.
The current leader of the House of Representatives is, of course, a woman. The Republicans had a woman as vice-presidential candidate in the last election, and one of the two major contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination was a woman (still is, as Secretary of State).
Finally, have you taken a good look at the current president? Blacks, including partial blacks, make up less than 15% of the U.S. population. If Americans are such racist bigots, how did Obama get elected president? Though they may not literally worship him, he's idolized by a large percentage of the population.
How many blacks have comparable positions of power in Europe? Not that I'm saying that Europeans wouldn't do the same, but the fact remains that Americans have proven that they will.
>>"To most Europeans America will always be perceived as a land of puzzling contrasts, a wee bit of an enigma in fact."<<
It is a country of contrasts, but we don't find that puzzling.