What accent is this?
What accent is this? I noticed the "ay" diphthong, and the way he says "flag". He says he's Italian but don't believe him, I don't think he is really a native Italian, although he might have moved there. After checking out the profile and noticing how he pronounces the diphthong in "now", "about", etc., I guess he must be Canadian. But it's a weird accent... Comments?
It doesn't sound like any Canadians that I've ever heard. In fact, to me, it doesn't sound like any common native accent at all.
Pronouncing flag with a raised vowel is common in Canada, and the Northern and Northwestern US. I could only listen to the first part of the movie, and it was very hard to hear. Perhaps he is from somewhere in Eastern Canada?
I am sorry, I was wrong. It seems he's actually Italian, but he moved to Canada. He probably moved there when he was very young.
<<In fact, to me, it doesn't sound like any common native accent at all.>>
Yes, it's a curious one, that's why I asked here. Because while it doesn't sound like any common accents, it doesn't sound like a foreign accent either (at least to me, but remember I am not a native speaker). It has all the characteristics to be a native accent, yet some features are pretty curious. Other comments?
His accent showcases some Irish characteristics, although it really isn't Irish. I suspect he's from Eastern Canada. A former teacher of mine is Canadian and his English sounds like him to a degree, but not that exotic. I asked him if he was from the east coast. Unfortunately I can't remember if he said he was or he had connections with Ireland.
This is how Italian Canadians from Montreal speak English, they speak French with a General Canadian accent, but their English is very Italian-sounding. The same is true of Jewish Canadians from Montreal, they have their peculiar accent.