Guess it depends on the accent, but I think I prefer non-rhotic.
Do you prefer rhotic or non-rhotic accents?
I'm biased... I definitely prefer rhotic accents... Of course, I'm from the US, girls from Texas are more attractive to me than any other region, and my mom's parents are something like first generation Scottish-Americans.
Rhotic. Call me biased, too ...;)
Which is not to say that I don't enjoy hearing other accents or find them charming in their own way, but the rhotic ones are definitely easier on the ear, easier to hear without concentrating and being constantly struck by "otherness".
Which is not to say that I don't enjoy hearing other accents or find them charming in their own way, but the rhotic ones are definitely easier on the ear, easier to hear without concentrating and being constantly struck by "otherness".
I much prefer the non-rhotic variety. On Northern and Western dialects, nonrhoticity seems to abate the tendency to be nasal and cloying; on Southern accents, non-rhoticitity seems to wipe out the "country twang".