Sorry, but I still don't think there is any way of distinguishing a Salt Lake City accemy from any other Western US accent.
salt lake city accent
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"Ted Ligety's Offseason Training"
I just listened to that one, and it sounds like a "normal", "plain" American Accent to me. But I am not a native speaker.
I just listened to that one, and it sounds like a "normal", "plain" American Accent to me. But I am not a native speaker.
That's pretty much what it is. There's nothing unique or exciting about SLC's (or Utah's) accent.
EG, she was indeed from San Rafael, CA, but she grew up and spent a lot of years, including her formative ones, in Salt Lake City.
If you were to ever hear her speak, her Rocky Mountain accent would be obvious.
If you were to ever hear her speak, her Rocky Mountain accent would be obvious.
I prefer Reno accent:
Wilford Brimley was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and has apparently been a resident of Wyoming for many years. In my opinion, he speaks with a variation of the Rocky Mountain dialect that Jasper mentioned.
What features does this American "Rocky Mountain" accent have exactly? And how exactly does it differ from Standard American?
ASDF: I need a Lazar or a Travis to explain in detail. All I can tell you is that it sounds notably more "country". To my mind, at least, it is pleasant in a folksy sort of way.
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