Shuimo's fans and woes, attention,plz!

Robin Michael   Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:03 am GMT
Beware of generalisations

At the moment there is ten degree Celsius difference between Scotland and England. Also within Scotland there are enormous variations. There are inhabited areas on the north east coast of Scotland that are covered in a damp sea fog on the hottest days of the year. People live in these places!

The temperature in Scotland is around 19 degrees Celsius and in London 29 degrees Celsius. Sometimes it can go the other way round, in the winter London can be freezing while Scotland, or parts of Scotland can be around 10 degrees.

The reason why British people talk about the weather is because it is very changeable and hard to predict. Recently forecasts have become very much better and include satellite imagery.

Can you imagine how boring it must be to live in a place where there is a blue sky and sunshine every day? On the other hand, people go to Spain on holiday because they do not want to spend their annual holiday suffering from unseasonal weather.
.   Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:08 am GMT
"We could talk about light pollution."

I had the most amazing experience. I travelled across Ireland in a train at night, and for miles and miles I did not see a single light. It was like crossing an uninhabited wilderness.

I am not joking, I found it quite strange.
George   Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:16 pm GMT
"the futility of the everyday"

I've never experienced futility. I'm intrigued.
Please, tell more about it, Robin Michael.
LP   Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:40 pm GMT
Here's the classical light pollution map for all of Europe:

Note how good France is, compared to Germany, and how much better Spain is than France.
Kim Jong Yech   Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:52 pm GMT
I guess North Korea beats them all.