What is your point of view dear???????

Muzaffari   Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:59 pm GMT
They say that they learn English for that is an International language. That is true and I accept it to some extent. what is your definition of International language. it seems a silly question, but i want to know it.
The Swede   Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:51 pm GMT
I definate a language as an International language if the language is speaken in many countries and other non-native speakers use the language when they talk with foreigners in difference connections.
Jim   Sun Dec 18, 2005 6:08 pm GMT
The "th" in "clothes" is always pronounced where I'm from (Australia). I found it very strange indeed when, in Canada, I heard the word pronounced as "cloze". I heard this in an ad on TV, I get the idea that this ad may have been from America too because I don't recall ever hearing any Canadians pronouncing it this way. I have to say that it grated on me slightly but enough to have me remember if I'd heard the Canadians around me speaking like this. It may be the most common standard pronunciation by far in Mxsmanic's galaxy but he doesn't speak for all of us.
Guest   Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:26 pm GMT
Larissa   Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:42 pm GMT
English is a very beautiful language and it's more easier than other languages, so English deserves its place as an international language at my point of view