What type of accent do I have- Unique case

John Joe   Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:13 pm GMT

Hi, I can't tell what type of accent I have. I've been speaking English for a long time, and I want to know what accent you think I have. Also, using my voice can you tell me what ethnic group I sound like? I'm really intersted.


I'll you guys a bit more about myself when someone has commented on my accent. I don't want to my personal history affecting it.

p.s- Admins why does your anti-spam thing say "What French word describes the color of this page's background?" I thought this was an English forum! Some of us don't speak a lick of French!
John Joe   Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:00 pm GMT

Please use this link those of you who don't want to download anything. It allows you to listen online. Thanks
Woozle   Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:05 pm GMT
Slavic, probably Russian. How close am I?
John Joe   Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:10 pm GMT
I'll tell when more people answer. But here's a hint, you're thousands of miles off. lol And an entire ethnic group too
feati   Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:10 pm GMT
I can't hear much of an accent but the way you pronounce "official" (00:04) sounds pretty German to me. Too much lip rounding on the "SH" and not enough velarization (does this word even exist?) on the "L".

There's also something about your pronunciation of "dreaded" (00:32), "party" (00:50) and "shortage" (00:58) that doesn't sound as I'd expect it from an American.

So, are you German?
John Joe   Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:54 pm GMT
No, I'm neither German nor Russian/ Slav. I'm From Somalia, and I moved to the United States around five years ago. Since you both thought I came from a European country, perhaps it isn't as easy to tell weather someone is black/Asian/white over the phone? Oddly, I haven't adopted the Somali accent but I've made an entirely different accent haha. Thanks for your help both of you.
Matthew Teets   Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:28 pm GMT
Probably slightly Italian influenced Cushitic
Caspian   Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:20 pm GMT
I can hardly hear any accent at all, well done!