I've already got an authoritative <Oxford Spanish Dictionary> on the bookshelf, it's not very heavy but rather inconvenient to carry around, so I'd like to get an intermediate level pocket dictionary. The bilingual edition of "Spanish-English & English-Spanish" (including the differences between Castilian & Latin American) would be much preferred. Do you have any suggestions for the following brand options? Thank you very much!
1. Oxford: 《Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary》
2. Random House: 《Random House Spanish Dictionary》
3. Collins: 《Collins Easy Learning Spanish Dictionary》
4. Merriam Webster: 《Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary》
5. other choices (in detail).
Remark: I personally can't get used to any electronic dictionaries, maybe I prefer to carry paper dictionaries around. Sometimes, I feel it's a pain looking up an electronic dictionary for more details.
1. Oxford: 《Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary》
2. Random House: 《Random House Spanish Dictionary》
3. Collins: 《Collins Easy Learning Spanish Dictionary》
4. Merriam Webster: 《Merriam-Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary》
5. other choices (in detail).
Remark: I personally can't get used to any electronic dictionaries, maybe I prefer to carry paper dictionaries around. Sometimes, I feel it's a pain looking up an electronic dictionary for more details.