Languages in Mobile Phone
I bought a second mobile phone made by one the leading manufacturers of mobile phone as a backup just in case something goes wrong to what I have.
I tried to configure it in French but I was disappointed because I found out that English and Spanish are the only languages available.
I conceded that Spanish has overtaken French and also excluded other world languages like Russian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.
But the phone had a defect and so I returned to where Ii bought it and replaced it with a new one. Again I went to Language menu and to my surprise the only languages available there are English, French, Russian, Arabic, and even Hindi and no Spanish. Which made me conclude that the first phone I had was intended for Hispanic American market since Portuguese was not available while the second one for the entire world market or maybe for Eurasian Market.
It proves that Spanish is useful only in Hispanic America while French is not just in Europe but in Americas, Africa, Far East and Oceania
<< I don't understand your complaint, because all I read it is true.
The difference is easy: French is official in several African countries, but spoken by minorities. For example, in Burkina Faso French is only spoken by 5% of the population. So, French is hardly in the top ten languages.
Meanwhile, Spanish is official in several American countries, but spoken by all people. The same with Brazil. Portuguese is spoken by all the Brazilians. So, Spanish and Portuguese are very spoken around the World.
Your complaints are usefulness. It is more practical for you to go to old French Africa and to teach French there.
Hispanics are not guilty if French is not studied in Africa. You should consider if France waste enough money and time in African schools. >>
I agree I read the original text there was no glorification of Spanish and downgrading of French especially it was in French and made by a Francophone.
Obviously, it was altered by Hispanic fanatics in this forum and you're the prime suspect.
Take it easy, Techy,
As you said, there is probably a mobile phone for the Americas market in Spanish and English. I guess that it is sold in North America, South America and some European countries. Well, that is good for English and Spanish. The problem is that this phone is NOT in French or Portuguese.
You said that there is another one that is in English, French, Russian, Arabic and Hindi. That is probably sold in some European countries (English, French and Russian) and some Asiatic countries (Arabic and Hindi) where Spanish is NOT spoken.
It only proves that French and even Portuguese are not important in the Americas for that mobile company.
PD. Reynard, I understand French but I don't write it. It could be altered by anyone.
Take it easy, Zorro,
It only proves that Spanish and even English are important Hispanic America. Look if that mobile phone is for Latin America, how come that there is no Portuguese?
Who cares how many people speak a language I'm going to learn Basque, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Coptic and Nepali. I'm really fed up with all those boring languages , particularly Spanish and Portuguese. I will never study these two dialects of the same ancient langauge: vulgar latin spoken in the Iberian Peninsula. Spanish and Portuguese are the most insignificant, easiest, boring languages ever!
luar, you are quite egocentric. Who cares what languages you wanna learn. Spanish has many millions of speakers and students, this language does not need you.
Take it easy, Zorro,
The defective mobile phone was intended only for hispanic american market.
If it's for the entire Latin America, then Portuguese would have been included.
If it's for the whole western hemisphere,then French would have been included.
It only proves that Spanish is useful only in hispanic america. it's not even accepted by the Brazilians.