Why do people always think
colonized people speak (or study) the language of the colonizer. It is extremely degrading to the colonized people.
So many people think that way like just because Philippines was colonized by Spain, they speak Spanish or party. This is false, Spanish is rare as french. Or since Italy colonized by Libya, people in Libya study or know Italian (which is extremely false), or since Vietnam was colonized by French, people in Vietnam understand and study French. Or since Dutch colonized Indonesia, Indonesian study or know Dutch.
This kind of thinking so common in this board and around the world.
<<o many people think that way like just because Philippines was colonized by Spain, they speak Spanish or party. This is false, Spanish is rare as french.>>
Philippines was colonized by USA and they speak English.
<<This is false, Spanish is rare as french.>> I thought that the first national Constitution of Philippines was writen in Spanish, not in French, English or Tagalog.
Some people in Manila speak Spanish as second or third language.
According to our Constitution is an auxiliar language, and it is again a subject at school, thanks to the effort made by Corazon Aquino, our President. She speaks perfectly Spanish.
Chabacano (a Spanish Creole) is also a language spoken by 600.000 people as mother tongue in Philippines and Malaysia.
Finally, Tagalog is almost a Spanish Creole with over 5.000 words. Filipinos that know Tagalog can study Spanish in one or two years. It is even easier than English.
<<[Why do people always think] colonized people speak (or study) the language of the colonizer. It is extremely degrading to the colonized people.>>
I don't think that people ALWAYS assume a colonized people speak the language of those who colonized them. Nonetheless, it's reasonable to expect that prolonged historic exposure to a given language will result in a considerable amount of usage among a given people. That's surely the trend.
Looking deeper, every colonized country (be it formerly or presently) has a unique history. Many countries have managed to maintain their traditional languages, but other countries have not. In the Americas, the vast majority of countries have adopted the language of their colonizers as the primary form of speech. Many other countries have maintained traditional languages while simultaneously adopting their colonizer's language to a certain degree. Even the Philippines has declared English as an official language alongside Filipino.
Why do people always think
People never fucking think! That's why!
When Indians speak english... (at least the ones I know)
they tend to speak British English (RP) and with Bri'ish accent. :)
just saying
English, Spanish, French are the ugliest languages ever!
<<English, Spanish, French are the ugliest languages ever! >>
La guerra que han dado estos tres idioma-paises a lo largo de la historia es increible. They shoud be banned.