What is the difference between guarranty and warranty?
Thank you
What is the difference between guarranty and warranty?
Thank you
the difference
What is the difference between guarranty and warranty? Thank you
''Guaranty'' and ''waranty'' are how they're correctlu spelled. The difference in pronunciation, if that's what you're wondering, well, they don't rhyme. ''guaranty'' has the sound of the ''a'' in ''marry'' and ''waranty'' has the sound of the ''o'' in ''forest''.
<<''Guaranty'' and ''waranty'' are how they're correctlu spelled. The difference in pronunciation, if that's what you're wondering, well, they don't rhyme. ''guaranty'' has the sound of the ''a'' in ''marry'' and ''waranty'' has the sound of the ''o'' in ''forest''.>>
Actually, "warranty" is spelled with two "r"s. Also, it should be noted that "guaranty" may also be spelled "guarantee," which is how I usually see it. I pronounce them: "guarantee" /gEr@n"ti/ "warranty" /"wOr@nti/
The difference in meaning is this:
A guarantee is a promise that a product will do something. For example, you may guarantee that your new internet service will have a certain speed. Or you can guarantee that your stock market picks are correct. A warranty is a type of guarantee. It is a promise that a product won't stop doing what it is supposed to do too soon. New cars come with warranties, as appliances.
"thu ha Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:38 am GMT
what is a letter of credit? " http://www.investorwords.com/2774/letter_of_credit.html
A warranty is a promise or guarantee given. A warranty is usually a written guarantee for a product and declares the maker's responsibility to repair or replace a defective product or its parts. A guarantee is an agreement assuming responsibility to perform, execute, or complete something and offering security for that agreement. It is a promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service, or a pledge that something will be performed in a specified manner. A guaranty is an undertaking or promise that is the answer to or payment for a debt or default. A guaranty is also something given or held as security until a debt is paid or the performance of a duty is fulfilled. By the way, warrantee is the person to whom a warranty is made and guarantee is one who makes a guaranty.
How the warranty policy can be differenciate and how we can finalise the better policy ?