Jiaul'al. gah Qint'al. (L'oiseau et l'enfant in Taiwanese)
This is a preliminary version of the video and may disappear in the future.
For Taiwanese Peh-Oe-ji and Cantonese Yuetyue Lomaji users: can you compete, in readability, in easiness of typing on a keyboard? Please wake up! Throw away your input methods, your special fonts. There is no need for your awkward tone marks or fonts. You guys are falling behind, WAY behind.
Jiaul'al gah Qint'al
Qint'al. e sim, quln yelng'oaln. eurl bolcii,
pnuarl jid jiah jiaul'al, boe kyc dirl snua 'bni;
Goulzui. e jiaul'al, dirl tni 'delng. deh cniuc gua,
cniuc cut quln sim'snia, hour quln hnuahil;
Hnuahil. e zuun'jiah, dirl galng 'bni. deh dalntair,
dalntair url-sim laang, g' sail cut duar hail;
Hol'tnia. e gua'snia, eurl buee quln laai zoecdirn,
gniaa cut he. hail'hnuar, kyc seq secgaic;
Secgaic. e hivarng, lolng giac dirl quln sin 'bni;
Quln marlsirl zaiynial, aic hol hol. rirnjin;
Hour laln e snicmiar, goec kuaic'log. e jehrid,
ampdarlm. e ridjil, bentseeng hol tni;
Hol hol. e ridjil, sirl aic koh laln gadir,
marnmarn. laai gioc xnil, cim'miin. e doucirl;
Tauczal. e lourzuil, gar kuntmiin. siu siu`kyc;
Dagge laai zoecpnuarl, quln siorlng hnualhil;
Gah lyl zoecpnuarl, gah quln zoecpnuarl;
Jiaul'al. lyl knuac, qint'al. c'est qual;
Pnailmiar. e qint'al, eurl gohkah url yolngkic;
hol wurn. laai dyng dioq-, cuar quln lour. e xni;
Quln e cuar-lour xni, veuh cuar quln kyc dohwir?
Hol' liikui ou'amp, goec hol ridjil?
Sim'aic. e goeckyc, hour zentzeng. laai poc'hair;
snialng. url doongzeeng sim, dirl maang'maang riin-hail?
Hoobeeng. e secgan, voo yenkgai. fun gokgaic;
Url qint'al sim, dioq url sim. aic;
Qint'al. e sim, quln yelng'oaln. eurl bolcii,
pnuarl jid jiah jiaul'al, boe kyc dirl snua 'bni;
Goulzui. e jiaul'al, dirl tni 'delng. deh cniuc gua,
cniuc cut quln sim'snia, hour quln hnuahil;
L'amour c'est toi, l'amour c'est moi,
l'oiseau c'est toi, l'enfant c'est moi;
Gah lyl zoecpnuarl, gah quln zoecpnuarl;
Jiaul'al. lyl knuac, qint'al. c'est qual;
I like it. Which Chinese 方言 does it represent?
This song is written and sang in 閩南語 = Hokkien/Minnan/Hoklo/Taiwanese. The original version was French, sang by Marie Myriam, and won the Eurovision prize in 1977.
That's not the standard Taiwanese!
The real standard Taiwanese is in "Peh-oe-ji",not "Little Tadepole"!
请问,这种方言有多少声调呢? 怎么用这个方法写声调? 谢谢
Pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ) (traditional Chinese: 白話字; pinyin: báihuà zì) is an orthography in the Latin alphabet created and introduced to Fujian and Taiwan by Presbyterian missionaries in the 19th century. POJ is a popular orthography for the Taiwanese language or Hokkien in general. A version called Pha̍k-fa-sṳ exists for Hakka and is particularly well-suited for the Siyen dialect; the counterpart for Min Dong is Bàng-uâ-cê. The counterpart for Teochew is Pêh-uē-jī.
Sian-siⁿ kóng, ha̍k-seng tiām-tiām thiaⁿ.
A sensei speaks, students quietly listen.
Kin-á-jit hit-ê cha-bó· gín-á lâi góan tau khòaⁿ góa.
Today that girl came to my house to see me.
Thài-khong pêng-iú, lín-hó. Lín chia̍h-pá--bē? Ū-êng, to̍h lâi gún chia chē--ȯ̂!
Friends of space, how are you all? Have you eaten yet? Come visit us if you have time .
In POJ, the traditional list of letters is
a b ch chh e g h i j k kh l m n ng o o͘ p ph s t th (ts) u
Twenty-four in all, including the obsolete ts, which was used to represent the modern ch at some places. The additional necessities are the nasal symbol ⁿ (superscript n; the rare capital form N is used for ALL CAPS text, such as book titles or section headings), and the tonal diacritics. Note, O͘ is not well-supported by fonts and is often typed as either o· (using the interpunct) or ou.
Pe̍h-ōe-jī in its present form has 17 initials, 18 finals and 7 tones.
b, ch, chh, g, h, j, k, kh, l, m, n, ng, p, ph, s, t, th
Note that unlike their typical interpretation in modern English language, b and g are voiced and unaspirated, whereas p, k, and t are plain unvoiced. ph, kh, and th are unvoiced and aspirated, corresponding closer to p, k, and t in English. This choice of notation may be attributed to the European origin of the first scholars to promote romanization. It is consistent with the use of h's in the Legge romanization and the use of the diacritic ʰ in the International Phonetic Alphabet to signal consonantal aspiration.
Vowels: a, i, u, e, o, ȯ
Diphthongs: ai, au, ia, iu, io, ui, oa, oe
Triphthongs: iau, oai
Nasals: m, n, ng
The nasals m, n, and ng can be appended to any of the vowels and some of the diphthongs. In addition, m and ng can function as independent syllables by themselves.
The stops h, k, p and t can appear as the last letter in a syllable, in which case they are pronounced as unreleased stops. (The final h in POJ stands for a glottal stop.)
Tones are expressed by diacritics; checked syllables (i.e. those ending with glottal stops) are followed by the letter h. Where diacritics are not technically available, e.g. on some parts of the internet, tone numbers may be used instead.
a (yinping)
á (shangsheng)
à (yinqu)
ah (yinru)
â (yangping)
ā (yangqu)
a̍h (yangru)
Examples for the seven tones: chhiūⁿ 象 (elephant), pà 豹 (leopard), bé 馬 (horse), ti 豬 (pig), chôa 蛇 (snake), ah 鴨 (duck), lo̍k 鹿 (deer)
Pe̍h-ōe-jī (POJ) sī 1 khoán iōng Latin (Lô-má) phèng-im hē-thóng lâi siá Tâi-ôan ê gí-giân ê su-bīn bûn-jī. In-ūi tong-chho· sī thôan-kàu-sū ín--jı̍p-lâi ê, só·-í ia̍h-ū-lâng kā POJ kiò-chò Kàu-hōe Lô-má-jī, he̍k-chiá sī kán-chheng Kàu-lô. Put-jî-kò hiān-tāi ê sú-iōng-chiá bē-chió m̄-sī kàu-tô·, kàu-tô· mā chin chē bē-hiáu POJ.
Little Tadpole is jealous of different and elegant romanized Taiwanese and Cantonese which have beautiful diacritical mark.
But God doesn't want this bad guy's idea come true because we have read our Bible published in Peh-oe-ji for 500 hundred years, much ancient than Vietnamese.
Maybe Little Tadpole can persuade Vietnamese to adopt his artificial romanization system.
During Nixon's Watergate scandal, Deep Throat gave a crucial clue to the journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein: "Follow the money".
That's all I have to say to other people about your reaction. Tai-oan-lang.
Tadpolenese does not seek to make one single penny out of anyone. Tadpolenese does not seek fame, or to make a name. Tadpolenese seeks zero converts, zero followers. Tadpolenese is simply leaving a legacy, for anyone interested in taking this game to the next level, on their own will. Zero acknowledgment is asked, zero is requested.
"Follow the money", and people will understand why Tai-oan-lang has a problem with Tadpolenese.
What are you thinking? You don't like Tadpolenese, simply don't pay attention to it. It's not like anyone is forcing you to look at it. Why are you so scared of Tadpolenese? What do you have to lose?
What's Tadpolenese all about?
My language has special font , so I am falling behind?
I just see that Tadpolenese is a crap!
Little Tadpolene är bara en idiot som vet ingenting men bara skrattar åt annan.
Little Tadpole не говорит никакой язык и любит атаковать людей!
Swedishgirl: how many websites in your country uses swedish characters for their URL?
Why are Germans typing ue/ae/oe instead of ü/ä/ö on an English keyboard?
You choose your own fate. Tadpolenese can be typed on every single computer keyboard in this world. No special font needed, no input methods. It can be typed from Mongolia to Ukraine, because every single keyboard in this world is made to type English.
All that is secondary. Swedish does not have a readability problem. Chinese romanized writing has. Chinese is no Swedish. If you don't understand the problem of unreadability of romanized Chinese, don't get involved. I only talk about romanized Chinese writing, not Swedish. Swedish script does NOT have the unreadability problem. Conversely, just because Swedish is readable, doesn't mean that accented Chinese romanized writing is readable.
Precisely because Europeans don't understand the peculiarities and special needs of Chinese linguistics, they come up with kindergarten-level romanizations for Chinese. Those days are gone.
Zero: не говорит никакой язык и любит атаковать людей!
Having a child's heart, we'll know how to love.
Child's heart, I'll always keep it with me.
You've lost yours, I haven't.
Little Tadpole Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:41 pm GMT
<Swedishgirl: how many websites in your country uses swedish characters for their URL?
Why are Germans typing ue/ae/oe instead of ü/ä/ö on an English keyboard? >
You miss the difference between "Sweden" and "Switzerland". Just see how low your education is!
<You choose your own fate. Tadpolenese can be typed on every single computer keyboard in this world. No special font needed, no input methods. It can be typed from Mongolia to Ukraine, because every single keyboard in this world is made to type English. >
Computer has made by Americans, so actually it began with no special fonts. But now it has. So many people in the world can type their language with their special fonts. Are you still living in 1980s? Come on, you are way behind!
<All that is secondary. Swedish does not have a readability problem. Chinese romanized writing has. Chinese is no Swedish. If you don't understand the problem of unreadability of romanized Chinese, don't get involved. I only talk about romanized Chinese writing, not Swedish. Swedish script does NOT have the unreadability problem. Conversely, just because Swedish is readable, doesn't mean that accented Chinese romanized writing is readable. >
Latin alphabets were used with no speical fonts from the beginning. But it comes to latinize east, northern,and west European languages , the special fonts are created. So it makes sense with Taiwanese Peh-oe-ji's special fonts. Are you still living in Roman Empire where only Latin is spoken?
<Precisely because Europeans don't understand the peculiarities and special needs of Chinese linguistics, they come up with kindergarten-level romanizations for Chinese. Those days are gone. >
Hundreds ago, Chinese linguists claimed Vietnamese belong to their language family, but after it gained independence, no linguists claim it. I personally know that "Sino-Tibetan" or "Chinese language family" is just a political term, not linguistic one. So, you can't use your Mandarin to judge Taiwanese , Cantonese or maybe Hakka because these 3 languages don't belong to the language family where Mandarin belongs to.