Peh-oe-ji is the standard Taiwanese! Not Tadpolenese!
Tadpolenese is little more than just a research project. I've been asked now and then to provide a tutorial to the language. It's not that I don't wish to do it, it's just that I have very little time. And preparing teaching material is very time consuming. Compounding with that is people come from all different backgrounds: some of them don't speak/read English, some of them don't speak/read Mandarin. It's very hard to prepare things in 3 languages.
Recently someone found an electronic copy of "Amoy Colloquial" on line.
I may consider adapting it and modernize it to Tadpolenese. That's probably the best way to go, because it's copy-right-free material. (Some lessons there are not so nice: it contains a lot of terms from colonialism era: drugs, bribes, etc.)
Meanwhile, I just have some basic material on the eight-stereotone training video, and some theory explanation.
@ Little Tadpole,
You may try to read these exercises in Peh-oe-ji. Some pieces of colloquial Hokkienese in the books that printing in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur before 1950s. "These Peh-oe-ji can be typed on every single computer keyboard. No special font needed, no input methods." The Holo speakers or learners can easy to read these paragraphs.
1. Tai-oan si tang-lam hng e hai-su, si-pinn si hai, lai-bin e soann-niann chin choe, iah koainn koh toa; hit soann-chiam tak-e tou sinn khi put-chi ho-khoann lah.
(1. Formosa is an island surrounded by sea, lying southeast of China. It is full of great and lofty mountains. The natural scenery on the great peaks is very fine. )
2. Chiu si lan chit-e kang-a chin oeh, chiah cho tiau-kio hou lang ke-lai ke-khi. Hit-e Iunn-chu-kang e kang-bin chin khoan-khoah, tou na ou nih.
(2. Our small rivers are very narrow; they can be crossed by suspension bridges. The Yangtze Kiang River is as broad as a lake. )
3. Hit-e Iunn-chu-kang teh lau e chui, si tui sai lau ke tang, sou-i Ou-pak loh-lai e chun, beh khi kau Kang-sai, chit-tiau chui-lou chiah long-si sun-lau lah. Kang-sai hit-e san-sui iah tou ho khoann.
(3. The course of the Yangtze Kiang River is from west to east; vessels from Hupeh to Kiangsi go with the stream the whole way. The scenery of Kiangsi, too, is fine. )
4. Hian-si Pho-nih teh chiah e chui long-si soann-teng lai e, ti hit-ui u khui chit-e toa chui-ti.
(4. At present Singapore gets its water supply from the hills; there is a reservoir. )
> 33434 Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:55 am GMT
No Taiwanese want to learn his system because of too many alphabets (more than Peh-oe-ji) without diacritical mark and it is too complicated than Peh-oe-ji.
> Little Tadpole Wed Sep 02, 2009 5:50 am GMT
Tadpolenese is a scientific experiment. That's all. It is totally irrelevant who uses it. Tadpolenese is for fun. It's the most advanced Chinese romanization system, ever. Period. Why is that a bad news for you?
There have a "Romanized Holo with tonal spelling letters" at 1920s, which name is "Ha-gu Lo-ma-ji" (Amoy Romaniztion) that designed by Professor Chiu Pian-beng. He and his friends established an "Amoyese Society" (Ha-gu Sia) to promote this writing system. They wrote and printed many books in this form of Amoy Romanization, such as <Ha-gu Lip-mng>, <Ha-gu Te-phinn Siau-soat>, <Oe-seng Kong-oe>, etc., and also published a magazine <Chi-lam-chiam> for a place of discussion about the romanization system, language, culture movements, education, local affairs etc. Because this Amoy Romaniztion "with tonal spelling letters" is so complicated than Peh-oe-ji to the popular people and failed at some years later.
In 1923 - 1926, the Gwoyeu Romatzyh (国语罗马字; Romanized Mandarin with tonal spelling letters) was designed and start to promote at 1928, but it is so complicated to popular people and failed at last.
Ha. 秀才遇到兵,有理讲不清。
You think Gwoyeu Romatzyh is "so complicated?" Give me a break. Compared to Tadpolenese, Gwoyeu Romatzyh stands at the same level as Peh-Oe-Ji, that is, both are kindergartener's work, a child's play, 龜笑鱉無尾.
New generation of people are arriving to the scene. Today's Hoklo language enthusiasts are armed with knowledge in Austroasiatic, Taic languages (Kam-Sui, Thai-Kadai) and tools: http://www.gophor.com/hokkien/viewthread.php?tid=4990&extra=page%3D1 Arm-chair aficionados no longer have any influence, at all.
No matter whether it's Hoklo linguistics, or romanization, things will only go deeper and more sophisticated. You cannot expect street folks to understand Quantum Mechanics or Relativity. But scientists do keep moving towards new frontiers, and you have zero say, zero power to hold them back. Street folks don't need to know how Quantum Mechanics or Relativity work. But they can enjoy their iPod and their nuclear-powered electricity.
Take it easy. Language is just for fun. Here is another song in Tadpolenese for fun:
(This is a temporary version, will be removed later.)
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