Worst People At Speaking English?

Beathag   Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:27 pm GMT
>>NO Beathag!
We should be speaking French in Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado and Louisiana because these were states corven out of the Louisiana Purchase!

What's with you Man!/Woman! <<

Sorry, lol.
It's woman, by the way :-P
I'm still going to stick with Comanche over Spanish ;-)
Latino power   Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:39 am GMT
>>NO Beathag!
We should be speaking French in Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado and Louisiana because these were states corven out of the Louisiana Purchase!

That's completely different. A purchase of this area to France was LEGAL.

It is different to steal part of a big territory by an ILLEGAL war (you are experts in ILLEGAL WARS). By the way, I am lawyer and I studied International laws.

You spoke about native American languages, that is also different because they weren't organized as States or countries. The modern laws only recognise States as juridic person.

If Mexico go to the International Court of Justice to reclaim the South West could win. Do you imagine 5 judges to resolve the question: from Japan, China, Russia, Vietnam (all of them hate America) and Peru (Hispanic)?

Viva Las Vegas!
basta de idioteses   Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:50 am GMT
Latin Power, que idiota eres... lla a pasado mucho tiempo desde entonces.. esos territorios no volveran a mexico nunca... el mundo era diferente en aquel entonces todo el mundo guerreava, francia estaba trantando de conquistar toda europa, los britanicos guerreaban a los rusos y iranies y todo eso y los otomanos tambien estavan en todas partes cometiendo crimenes contra la humanidad... bueno puez lla dejate de hablar de esas tonterias o te bas a morir triste y desepsionao
fraz   Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:12 pm GMT
<<People feel very strongly about how, if you move to a nation, you should speak the language (in my area, the Dutch immigrants feel the strongest). The United States is an English speaking country. It is a sign of respect to learn the language>>

Hmmmm. Do the Americans who live overseas also apply this principle.
Guest   Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:18 pm GMT
<<That's completely different. A purchase of this area to France was LEGAL.

It is different to steal part of a big territory by an ILLEGAL war (you are experts in ILLEGAL WARS). By the way, I am lawyer and I studied International laws.

@ Mexican Incompetence,

Then I suppose that Albanians in Kosovo should not be Muslim and should speak Serbian then. How's that for stealing? That's almost analog to Anglos moving into Texas and "taking it over" and appropriating it to themselves, no? What about the Israelis in Palestine?

Let me ask you this: Had Texas and California been left in the hands of Mexico, what would those regions be like today? Economically, socially? Would they just be extensions of back-assward Mexico? Would Rodeo Drive be a dirt road trodden by burro-carts?

Thanks, but No thanks!

If you cannot hold wield over something you've been entrusted with, then it should be given to someone else who can use it to do some good.
Beathag   Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:48 pm GMT
>>Hmmmm. Do the Americans who live overseas also apply this principle. <<

All of my friends do. I have a friend who is almost fluent in Dutch, and she lives in the Netherlands.
I have another who speaks Italian, French, and Russian- she resides in Russia.
I'm sure you can name examples of American assholes who feel that everyone should know English? Doesn't make it right.

>>You spoke about native American languages, that is also different because they weren't organized as States or countries. The modern laws only recognise States as juridic person. <<

AHEM. "Modern laws".
Key quote.
I find your defense disgusting. Even laws back then were being imposed from another continent, greedy for land and gold and power. They brought disease, stole land, and ruined livelihoods. Destroyed cultures.
Don't defend that. It was wrong.
Some would argue that the natives gained education, hygiene, democracy... but at what cost?
Meh   Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:32 pm GMT
Latino Power, it would be great if everyone had a magic time machine so that they could go back and right past wrongs. But we don't. So shut the hell up becuase this argument is going nowhere fast.
Meh   Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:33 pm GMT
jack   Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:27 pm GMT
Guest   Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:24 pm GMT
Instead of complaining about the loss of Texas the Mexicans should keep on migrating to there and reproduce fast. The past can't be changed but there can be a splendid Mexican future of Texas if the illegal inmigrants flood that territory and other states of SW USA.
fraz   Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:54 am GMT
<<All of my friends do. I have a friend who is almost fluent in Dutch, and she lives in the Netherlands.
I have another who speaks Italian, French, and Russian- she resides in Russia.
I'm sure you can name examples of American assholes who feel that everyone should know English? Doesn't make it right. >>

Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of Americans who have moved abroad and integrated into the local language. But the stereotype of the staunch English monoglot is the one that persists in peoples' minds.

Actually, it's not just the Englishs-speaking world who have a reputation for refusing to learn other languages. I have family in East Germany who make frequent shopping trips to Poland but cannot utter a word of Polish and expect everyone across the border to speak German.
fraz   Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:58 am GMT
<<Instead of complaining about the loss of Texas the Mexicans should keep on migrating to there and reproduce fast. The past can't be changed but there can be a splendid Mexican future of Texas if the illegal inmigrants flood that territory and other states of SW USA. >>

I'm sure I read somewhere that by 2020, Spanish speakers will make up the majority of the Texas population. I wonder if there will be a tipping point, where English speakers actively learn Spanish to aid them in their day to day lives.
A more original name   Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:54 am GMT
Yes. It will be funny. In a lot of States, people say that the language of the majority is English. So, the minorities should study the majority language, English.

Well, but the problem is that in 2020-2030, there will be several States where the majority of population will be Hispanic. According to this theory, the Anglo minority should speak the majority language, Spanish.

It can be a problem in Texas, California and New Mexico in 2050, when there will be a campaign of "Spanish only".

Then, the Federal Government will make official English and Spanish in all the country, and very fast...
theo   Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:17 pm GMT
"Well, but the problem is that in 2020-2030, there will be several States where the majority of population will be Hispanic"

New Mexico already is a Hispanic majority state, and California, Texas and Arizona are very close. They will probably be Hispanic majority states well before 2020-2030, and many of their major cities are now, L.A. and San Diego being major examples. But, not all of these Hispanics speak Spanish, in fact English is still the majority language in New Mexico. It is not uncommon for the children of Hispanic immigrants in the US to speak English as their first language, some even lose Spanish completely. This makes claims that Spanish will grow in importance in the US a bit problematic...
Leasnam   Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:12 pm GMT
<<Actually, it's not just the Englishs-speaking world who have a reputation for refusing to learn other languages.>>

"refusing"? That is not the reason at all. English-speakers are not oney-lingual because they *refuse* to learn other languages. Based on your misthought, no wonder you slight us so. The reason is because no one ever stresses to us the need to.

<<I'm sure I read somewhere that by 2020, Spanish speakers will make up the majority of the Texas population. I wonder if there will be a tipping point, where English speakers actively learn Spanish to aid them in their day to day lives. >>

Hispanic does not mean "Spanish speaking". I know a lot of Hispanics who speak less Spanish than I do. In areas of the US where Spanish is heavily spoken in homes and in private lives, or private conversations in public areas, it is not state-sanctioned. It will likely never become a co-official language because moving from a uni-lingual position to a dual- or multi0lingual position is inefficient, expensive and illogical. Nations that have this sort of set-up have so because it was inherited from times gone by, or because it pre-existed and they are still dealing with it. What new nation establishes itself on the premise that people should speak multiple languages?

Dream on