It sounds like Icelandic, especially with those letters. I love it!
It sounds like Icelandic, especially with those letters. I love it!
English from 11th century
It sounds like Icelandic, especially with those letters. I love it!
sounds terrible to me.
Middle English on the other hand, I will admit, is intriguing:
Neither of the two are pronouncing/speaking it correctly. I simply cannot believe that the way it's presented in either is how it actually sounded.
Maybe it's time for me to make one. (sigh)
I've studied Old English (minimally) but I guess I actually needed to hear that... I've heard the Lord's prayer in Old English before and the guy reading it was kind of goofy. Just now I watched the Beowulf prologue video and it sounds a lot like the spell from "Excalibur" lol
Middle English on the other hand, I will admit, is intriguing:
Middle English sounds like a mixture of Dutch and modern English
<<Middle English on the other hand, I will admit, is intriguing: >>
Indeed it is. Middle English has a more familiar feel to Modern English than Old English, because recorded Old English was a literary language used mostly for formal poetry and prose. I'm almost 100% positive that the average Anglo-Saxon did not speak in everyday life the language of Beowulf or the AS Chronicle! The average lay Saxon on the strǣt probably spoke something more akin to what we see in Middle English.
<<Middle English sounds like a mixture of Dutch and modern English>>
Some Middle English words look like Dutch: schokken- to jump 'Whan bei wil fighte, bei will schokken hem...' schanke-leg specht-woodpeck springen-to jump,to spring winden-to turn,to wind wellen-to boil wimpel-wimple bakke-bat Bek-stream burger-townsman,citizen
All sentence:
And whan thei wil fighte, thei wille schokken hem to gidre in a plomp, that, zif there be 20000 men, men schalle not wenen that there be scant 10000.
Ahhhh, myn lieve rep, hest thou list for to lerne the Middel Englisch Spreche? Ich can thee leren whanne that thou wilt...
Leet me even knowe ;)
<<Įsigyti šią knygą; Susijusios knygos>>
rep, where are you from? This is slavic isn't it? |