Spain and other speaking countries?
1 United States[1] $13,773,000 6/30/2009 $42,343 31-March-08 95%
2 United Kingdom $12,670,000 6/24/2009 $174,167 July 2008 374.96%
3 Germany $4,489,000 6/30/2007 $54,604 30-Jun-07 159.92%
4 France $4,396,000 6/30/2007 $68,183 30-Jun-07 211.86%
5 Netherlands $2,277,000 6/30/2007 $136,795 30-Jun-07 352.75%
6 Ireland $1,841,000 6/30/2007 $448,032 30-Jun-08 960.86%
7 Japan $1,492,000 6/30/2007 $4,528 30-Jun-07 34.93%
8 Switzerland $1,340,000 6/30/2007 $174,526 30-Jun-07 441.95%
9 Belgium $1,313,000 6/30/2007 $126,202 30-Jun-07 348.74%
10 Spain $ 2,478,000 9/30/2008 $49,619 30 June 2007 est. 150.65%
Poor, france, UK, Belgium, Ireland and Netherlands
Grupo Santander (BMAD: SAN, LSE: BNC, NYSE: STD (ADR), Euronext: SANT, SANTA, BM&F Bovespa:SANB3) is a banking group centered on Banco Santander, THE LARGEST BANK IN THE EURO AREA (in terms of market capitalisation), which originated in Santander, Cantabria, Spain.
Do all people understand?
Type Public (BMAD: SAN, LSE: BNC, NYSE: STD (ADR), Euronext: SANT, SANTA, BM&F Bovespa:SANB3, BVC: 37)
Founded 1857
Headquarters Santander, Spain
Area served Europe, Latin America, Singapore, Hong Kong, Africa, USA
Key people Emilio Botín (Chairman of the board), Alfredo Sáenz Abad (CEO)
Industry Financial services
Products Banking, insurance, asset management
Revenue €31.04 billion (2008)[1]
Operating income ▲ €17.73 billion (2008)[1]
Profit ▲ €8.876 billion (2008)[1]
Total assets €1,050 billion (2008)[1]
Total equity €63.77 billion (2008)[1]
Employees 170,960 (2008)[1]
Website www.santander.com
I'm really worried about Spain
Thanks, but you should worry about your country too, surely it's facing recession like Spain. That article you cite said in February 2009 that Spain would be in bankrupcy but the reality is that in summer Moodys and other rating agencies still gave to Spanish public debt AAA qualification (highest possible). Nobody would give AAA qualification to a country's debt if that country is bound to bankrupcy. Other european countries like Ireland, Denmark, UK and Italy are much closer to bankrupcy. The only severe problem economy of Spain has is the socialist government and their wrong decissions like increassing taxes and wasting more public money, but this will be solved in the next elections.
Exacto, el hijo puta de zapatero quere jodernos pero no se lo permitiremos, poco queda para mandarle a casa y después vendrán tiempos gloriosos
I don't understand the person who opened this thread. He says Spain is insignificant and the Spanish language is boring, yet he insists on opening threads about Spain like if it was the only country on earth. I forgot, he is a troll and trolls don't care logic.
<<I don't understand the person who opened this thread. He says Spain is insignificant and the Spanish language is boring, yet he insists on opening threads about Spain like if it was the only country on earth.>>
Quizás él sólo quiera ahuyentar a los españoles y su superbia insuportable.
<<jeje, los españolitos se creen en el siglo XVI.>>
Mi escrito no es del siglo XVI sino de antes de Cristo, siento que tu pais tenga solo 200 años de historia, menos que cualquier edificio de mi ciudad pero yo no tengo la culpa de que nacieras donde nacieras. Sin acritud
<<What about buying some books of history, moron?
Your statement is completely ridiculous. Just a stupid rightist Spanish Nationalist may think like that!!! >>
Como mola, ¿te interesa tanto lo que yo escriba?, se nota que duermes pensando en españa.
<<Los espanoles fueron importantes tan solo en el siglo XVI, el siglo de oro, antes y después nada en absoluto, no supieron dar nada a Europa y a la civilizacion occidental >>
Que pena no tenerte enfrente para reirme en tu cara, se nota que sabes mucho de historia.
Dices "antes y después nada en absoluto, no supieron dar nada a Europa y a la civilizacion occidental"
Séneca no es del siglo de oro, lo mismo para Gaudí, Picasso, Dalí, Cervantes, Ortega y Gasset y un sin fin de personajes históricos más que no te voy a nombrar.
Solo te dire dos cosas, chico listo.
Gracias a un español existe el helicóptero
Gracias a un español existen los submarinos militares
Te podría decir mil cosas pero mejor aun, ¿que tiene de especial tu pais? ¿hay algo digno de mención?
Es posible que cuando Trajano terminaba de conquistar Dacia, en tu lugar de nacimiento no sabían lo que era la escritura, quizás es eso lo que te molesta.....
Leamos lo que pensaba Claudiano sobre mi pais...
"¿Qué podrá decir la voz humana digno de tus tierras, oh Hispania? Rica en caballos, fértil en cereales, preciosa en minas, y sobre todo fecunda en Píos Príncipes. De tí los siglos recibieron a Trajano; de tí a Adriano, fuente de donde por adopción fluyeron los Elios, Antonino y Marco Aurelio, de tí nacieron Teodosio, y los dos jóvenes hermanos Arcadio y Honorio. Cada Provincia conquistada por Roma entregó sus dones para el Imperio: Egipto y el Africa, trigo para los campamentos; la Galia, fuertes soldados; la Iliria, sus caballos; cosas todas que se hallan por todas partes. Sólo Iberia dió un nuevo tributo a la Lacio: Los Augustos. Ella engendra los que han de regir el mundo".
No se puede explicar con palabras lo que significa ser español :D
Quizás él sólo quiera ahuyentar a los españoles y su superbia insuportable.
Y como una maricona como el va ahuyentar a los españoles de este foro? Es imposible.
Lo que los visigodos opinaban de su nueva patria:
Lauis Spaniae, Isidoro de Sevilla
De todas las tierras, cuantas hay desde Occidente hasta la India, tú eres la más hermosa, oh sacra España, madre siempre feliz de príncipes y de pueblos. Bien se te puede llaamar reina de todas las provincias...; tú, honor y ornamento del mundo, la más ilustre porción de la tierra, en quien la gloriosa fecundidad de la raza goda se recrea y florece. Natura se mostró pródiga en enriquecerte; tú, exuberante en frutas, henchida de vides, alegre en mieses...; tú abundas de todo, asentada deliciosamente en los climas del mundo, ni tostada por los ardores del sol, ni arrecida por glacial inclemencia... Tú vences a Alfeo en caballos, y al Clitumno en ganados; no envidias los sotos y los pastos de Etruria, ni los bosques de Arcadia... Rica también en hijos, produces los príncipes imperantes, a la vez que la púrpura y las piedras preciosas para adornarlos. Con razón te codició Roma, cabeza de las gentes, y aunque te desposó la vencedora fortaleza Romúlea, después el florentísimo pueblo gododo, tras victoriosas peregrinaciones por otras partes del orbe, a tí amó, a tí raptó, y te goza ahora con segura felicidad, entre la pompa regia y el fausto del Imperio.
1. Omnium terrarum, quaeque sunt ab occiduo usque ad Indos, pulcherrima es, o sacra, semperque felix principum, gentiumque mater Hispania. Jure tu nunc omnium regina provinciarum, a qua non Occasus tantum, sed etiam Oriens lumina mutuat. Tu decus, atque ornamentum orbis, illustrior portio terrae: in qua gaudet multum ac largiter floret Geticae gentis gloriosa fecunditas.
2. Merito te omnium ubertate gignentium indulgentior natura ditavit. Tu baccis opima, vis proflua, messibus laeta, segete vestiris, oleis inumbraris, vite praetexeris. Tu florulenta campis, montibus frondua, piscosa littoribus. Tu sub mundi plaga gratissima sita, nec aestivo solis ardore torreris, nec glaciali rigore tabescis, sed temperata coeli zona praecincta, zephyris felicibus enutriris. Quidquid enim arva fecundum, quidquid metalla pretiosum, quidquid animantia pulchrum et utile ferunt parturis. Nec illis amnibus posthabenda, quos clara speciosorum gregum fama nobilitat.
3. Tibi cedet Alphaeus equis, Clitumnus armentis, quanquam volucres per spatia quadrigas olympicis sacer palmis Alpheus exerceat, et ingentes Clitumnus juvencos capitolinis olim immolaverit victimis. Tu nec Etruriae saltus uberior pabulorum requiris, nec lucos Molorchi palmarum plena miraris, nec equorum cursu tuorum eleis curribus invidebis. Tu superfusis fecunda fluminibus, tu aurifluis fulva torrentibus. Tibi fons equi genitor. Tibi vellera indigenis fucata conchyliis ad rubores tyrios inardescunt. Tibi fulgurans inter obscura penitorum montium lapis jubare contiguo vicini solis accenditur.
4. Alumnis igitur, et gemmis dives et purpuris, rectoribus pariter et dotibus imperiorum fertilis, sic opulenta es principibus ornandis, ut beata pariendis. Jure itaque te jam pridem aurea Roma caput gentium concupivit, et licet te sibimet eadem Romulea virtus primum victrix spoponderit, denuo tamen Gothorum florentissima gens post multiplices in orbe victorias certatim rapuit et amavit, fruiturque hactenus inter regias infulas et oves largas, imperii felicitate secura.
Top Holiday Destinations in Europe
Europe is indeed a traveler’s paradise, primped with history, culture, and architecture. There is lot to see, visit, and do in Europe. The European vacation takes you through the streets of England to the Tuscany Valley to the majestic landscapes of Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and many more. Thus, with a wide diversity of landscape, climate, and people, Europe turns out to be one of the top attractions in the world. Here is a short synopsis of some of the top holiday destinations in Europe.
Greece is one of the most beautiful European countries veiled in a mythical quaintness and it happens to be the home for various epic Gods and Goddesses. It is an island country and boasts of a myriad of fascinating islands, which in true terms resemble paradise on earth. Greece has an anicient element present in every aspect of it, be it the old temples, the various monuments or the different ruins or archaeological sites, everywhere, it effectively retains an old world charm, that will surely take one down the facades of history. Apart from that, the country also highlights a vibrant urban life, a picturesque green of the lush countryside. The Greek vacation will also give one the opportunity to come across the various Greek cultures and traditions and the unique festvities. Greece is one destination, which is decked with such unique diversities, that it can very well be referred as one of the top holiday destinations in Europe.
Some of the top attrac tions in the world are located in Greece and it is very difficult to keep aside few of the places as worth to be visited. Almost every sight in Greece has something wonderful to offer and it is impossible to name all of them in this limited space, so vast is the domain. If it is required just refer only one place in this versatile country then it can be nowhere other than Rhodes. Here is a short overview of the place.
Rhodes: Rhodes is a place, which can very well be counted among some of the best destinations in the world. The place boasts of heavenly beauty and constitutes some of the most exclusive sceneries in the world. The Rhodes Island is a widely popular holiday getaway, specially for the ones, who earnestly look for a serene destination. Rhodes also bear a great historical charm too.The long summer and the bewitching beaches comprising ample sun, sand and sea is the favorite to most of the travelers world wide. The best place to be visited in Rhodes is the Crusader Isle. There are several ruins and architectural splendors from the medieval, Roman, and Classical eras scattered throughout it. Therefore, it is guaranteed that vacation in Rhodes will just be awesome in true aspect of the word.
England is one of the most notable European countries marked with a quaint charm. The place is bound with a long drawn string of history, culture, and pageantry. It is the country where royalty exists in full galore making it a destination brought out of the pages of the pictured fairytales of kings and queens. The country bears various shades, where the medieval shadow effectively blends with the lively contemporariness. The middle-aged city of York forms a great contrast with the vibrant cities of Manchester, Liverpool, which are seemingly modern in all their attributes. As, on one hand, London, the friendly capital city of England stands high, spreading an invigorating aura, on the other hand, the pastoral England still rests in peace amidst the beautifully thatched cottages and the winding roads. Thus, England is different and it is unique.
Although there are innumerable, venues to be discovered in England during a leisurely vacation but still there are few places, which sometimes go unnoticed by the travelers and tend to give rise to a great loss in terms of your traveling experience. Here is a little outline of the places.
Bath: Bath is one of the most elegant and attrative towns in England. Actually, it happens to be a spa resort that boasts of numerous hot springs. Studies have revealed that these thermal springs were been bubbling under ground in this region from about 10,000 years ago. The place has great historical and architectural importance too. The well preserved buildings and other installations made of honey color stones represent the Georgian architecture at a great scale, Apart from that, the presence of several, theaters, and museums and cultural activities have also made it a favorite to the travelers, who search for a destination with difference. The city of Bath became the world heritage site in the year 1987.
York: At one time, York is to hold the central part of Yorkshire, the largest county in Great Britain. It is located at the northern part of England. The medieval city of York is the eccelesiastical capital of the Church of England. The city indeed bears testimony to the rich historical heritage of the country and offers an array of amazing sights to the travelers.
The country, which is widely signified with wine, pizza, and pasta, the contrasting sunshinre and, the array of renaissance palaces to Roman ruins, it is Italy and it is beautiful. The country comprises landscapes that range from the snow-capped peaks of the Alps to the beaches of Italian Riviera and the vineyards of Tuscany. The city blends the contemporariness to the old world charm in a fascinating manner and in turn stands out to be one of the top holiday destinations in Europe.Here is a brief description of the most fascinating venues in Italy.
Amalfi: Amalfi is a place in Italy marked with dramatic beauty It is located at the mouth of a deep ravine lying at the foot of Monte Cerreto. The scenary of the coast with the backdrop of the steep cliffs and the various medieval architecture is truly fascinating. The Limoncello liqueur and homemade paper are the hallmark of Amalfi. The popular tourist attractions are the cathedrals, the Paper Hill Museum.It is also one of the World Heritage sites.
Siena: It stands at the Tuscany Region of Italy, and is a notable historic destination in the country.This is a place with great architectural attributes and act as a base for various sporting events. The Palio festival and h of Siena is also an enthralling venue to visit.
San Gimignano: This is a small yet charming town in Italy that worth a soujourn. It is named after St. Germinianus and is located about 50 kilometers southwest of Florence.
Florence: The small but beautiful city of Florence lie in the Arno River valley, and An array of olive-planted hills surrounds it on north and south. It can very well referred as an artistic city. There are several chapels, galleries and museums scattered all over the city and they illustrate the Renaissance spirit in a much better way than any other place in the country. Festivals, shopping, feasts are the exquisite gifts that Florence has in offer for the visitor.
Venice: Venice had been a romantic gateaway for eternity. It is a romanceentirely built on water can only be explored by boat or on foot; this makes it incomparable to any other cities in the world. It is sure that each and everyone visiting Venice will be overtly satisfied by the beauty of the bewitching city decked with canals, piazzas and the ageold heritage of art. Venice is a place that should be visited at least once in a lifetime.
Pompeii: It is the not so famous, once lost, and partly destroyed Ancient Roman town suspended under several meters of volcanic ash. Millions of tourists visit the spectacular ruins of a town every year.The central basilica of Pompeii is a World Heritage Site and has turned out to be a popular Catholic pilgrimage site over the years. A visit to Pompeii will not ever be a disappointment.
Assisi: Assisi in Italyis mostly known for the various Roman ruins dispersed across it. The winding medieval streets, the sacred shrines of Assisi will surely make way to a fascinating historical vation. The Basilica of St. Francesco d’Assisi, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, the two medieval castles and the shopping zones are the principakl venues to be visited in the city.
Austria is the country that well serves as the heart of Europe. It is also one of the most well known destinations in the continent. The place is beautiful indeed with its share of landscaped nature, the cultural heritage, the selection of sumptuous delights from the local cuisine and the warm hearted, friendly, and hospitablepeople. The country is also renowned for its widely known musical histor, the Alpine conquests, and the splendid architectural glory. So if you an ardent traveler then never miss out Austria. One of the best cities to be visited inj Austria is Salzburg. Here is a brief on it.
Salzburg: The city is mostly known for the baroque architecture and proximity to the mighty Alps Mountain. It is also a nice destination for the adventurer. If you are at Salzburg, then do not ever consider it as a stopover point, but spent some quality time exploring the various charm of the fascinating town.
Switzerland, the home for Aklps is one of the most beautiful places in the world. The only place, it can be compared with is heaven and it is the must destination in any of the European vacation itinerary. The exotic beauty of the Swiss landscapes lies in its rolling hills, the serene woods, and gentle lakes. There are numerous symphony, opera or theater, and over 700 museums in the country and they display the works of the eminent artists, such as, Van Gogh, Monet and others. Apart from that, the endless fairs, festivals and celebrations, also drag hordes of tourists to this panoramic country.
Lucerne: Lucerne can be considered as the classical heart of Switzerland. It is the place to walk back to the era of renaissance. The old city effectively acts as the point from where travelers journeying towards central Swiss country change pathway. The beguiling natural beauty encompassed by the green mountains, the extensive lakesides dotted with cottage villages form the main attractions of the city. The Chapel Bridge and the Picasso Museum are some of the popular sights to be visited while in the quaint city of Lucerne.
Spain is the second most visited country in the world.
Spain is the second most visited country in the world.
Who cares? If all Spaniards were like you, nobody would visite it, you're simply disgusting and repulsive