G-20 Summit
There is a G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, USA, these days. It is also interesting which are the most spoken languages in this important Summit:
1. English: 6 countries. USA, UK, Canada, India, South Africa and Australia. Almost all the Presidents speak some English.
2. Spanish: 4 countries. Mexico, Spain and Argentina. Important minority in USA. The President Obama speak some Spanish (the pronuntiation in some ads is impressive, very good. The President of Brazil speaks also some Spanish. Finally, the President of Italy can understand also some Spanish.
3. French: 2 countries. France and Canada (important minority). Some Presidents speak also some French.
Spain is an invited member to the G-20 summits, not a full member.
Spain and The Netherlands were invited to the last 3 G-20 Summits. They are becoming members de facto.
Venezuela, Taiwan and Iran are not in the G-20 by political reasons. If they were it would be:
1. English: 6 countries
2. Spanish: 5 countries
3. French: 2 countries
4. Chinese: 2 countries.
Flandres should be invited to the G-20 too.
Yes, Ned Flanders would be a good diplomat.
They proably need a G-200 summit. That way, nobody would have to be left out.
Anyway, it shows that only English is the Global language. Perhaps, only 4-5 Presidents don't speak at least some English. So, some 75% of the Presidents speak English.
Spanish is probably second. I don't know if Obama speaks a little of Spanish or not. He studied Spanish at school. So, he should speak some.
I hear that Lula da Silva, Brazil, speaks some Spanish. So, considering Mexico, Spain and Argentina, there are some 5 Presidents that speak Spanish (25% of the Presidents). Not very bad.
If Berlusconi understands some Spanish is more dubious, but he probably understands a little.
French is spoken by the Presidents of France and Canada. I am not sure if is spoken by any more. French would be third.
All other languages are represented by one country.
In short, English, Spanish and French. Very classic.
>>>In short, English, Spanish and French. Very classic.<<<
It's ironic that Spain is surprisingly not on the list of G-20, while its former colonies (Mexico & Argentina) have left their marks on it. Please note that USA is not a Hispanic country, though Spanish is spoken out there. And I haven't found either Argentina or Mexico seems any better than Brazil in some respects.
<<Please note that USA is not a Hispanic country, though Spanish is spoken out there>>
Go to New Mexico, South of Texas, South of California, South of Florida, Puerto Rico, etc. and tell me if USA is becoming a Hispanic country in some areas.
Thanks in advance.
~~~Go to New Mexico, South of Texas, South of California, South of Florida, Puerto Rico, etc. and tell me if USA is becoming a Hispanic country in some areas. ~~~
yes, but the point is, no doubt many of them are illegal immigrants or lower class.
Go to Miami. ALL people there speak Spanish. All kind of classes speak Spanish there (low, medium and high). The same in all other areas.
Go to Texas and speak to the 50 people with more power, influence and money. It is probably spoken by 40 of them, at least, in different degrees.
Berlusconi speaks good French
Lula da Silve, Presidente do Brasil, não fala nem nunca falou castelano. Se o dizem, tragam algo que prove aqui! Um link ou algo parecido!
Os Países falantes do Português no G-20 são: Brasil e Portugal. Portugal está relegado a minoritário, pois não possui voz no Bloco, sendo que faz parte da União Européia, logo as suas ideias são "divididas" com outros países.
Portugal está en el G-20? Pues vaya , admiten a cualquiera.