^ Mr. Mondialisation hit the nail on the heads of hispanic fanatics.
English and French are the only TRUE global language of our age. Spanish was/is/will never be. So it won't have a chance that it would compare to the influence of French and English today.
Now, I think we can all agree that Spanish is obviously important in Castilia and Hispanic America, but that's mostly it. English abd French are the FIRST foreign language studied and used in most countries...can't say the same for Spanish. So realistically, Spanish is more of a regional language rather than a global language.
I will admit I'm wrong the moment I go to a non Spanish speaking country and see plentiful signs in Spanish or strangers addressing me in Spanish because they assume I speak it. It hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will.
English and French are the only TRUE global language of our age. Spanish was/is/will never be. So it won't have a chance that it would compare to the influence of French and English today.
Now, I think we can all agree that Spanish is obviously important in Castilia and Hispanic America, but that's mostly it. English abd French are the FIRST foreign language studied and used in most countries...can't say the same for Spanish. So realistically, Spanish is more of a regional language rather than a global language.
I will admit I'm wrong the moment I go to a non Spanish speaking country and see plentiful signs in Spanish or strangers addressing me in Spanish because they assume I speak it. It hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will.