Lenguas en lucha - El español en Africa ¿Desaparecerá?
El español es un reducto muy pequeño en Africa y frente a potentes lenguas en Africa como el Inglés , Frances, Portugues y Arabe tiene las de perder en mi opinion. ¿Se impondrá el inglés en toda Africa?. Aquí os dejo un documento muy interesante de la situación del español en Guinea Ecuatorial. Deja tu comentario.
Ojalá se imponga el inglés en toda África porque el que más perdería sería el idioma francés. El español apenas se habla en Africa.
Pues ni los del reportaje se ponen de acuerdo, unos que no problem otros que el ingles, petrodolar.
El tiempo lo dira....aunque la verdad es que guinea esta aislado linguisticamente del resto de africa.
Respecto al sahara occidental, poco español queda ya.
En fin como decia Asterix toda africa no, quedan reductos irreducibles en Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
Tal vez la inclusion de guinea en la oei garantice su supervivencia y lo mismo para el portugues en angola y mozambique. El ingles y el arabe son idiomas muy poderosos en africa.... los franceses pueden dar fe de ello.
Well, there are in Africa several important languages. There are 6 official languages: English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili.
Spanish is official in
1. Ceuta
2. Canary islands
3. Equatorial Guinea
4. Melilla
5. Gabon (Cocobeach area)
6. Western Sahara. In theory, Western Sahara is yet a Spanish colony. So, Spanish is official there.
7. African Union
At the same time, Spanish is very studied in:
1. Morocco
2. Cote d'Ivoire
3. Senegal
4. Cameroon
5. Gabon
6. Angola
7. Mozambique
8. Algeria (Frente Polisario area of influence)
9. Cabo Verde
10. Mauritania
11. Sao Tome
12. Egypt
African people consider very interesting Spanish, a World language. So, they made Spanish official language in African Union and not for example Afrikaans. It is likely to be spoken by some 10 million there, considering mother tongue and second language speakers.
que se impongan el wolof, el yoruba, etcétera
It is like French in the Americas. It is official in Canada, Haiti and some French territories. It is spoken there by hardly 10 million people and less than 5 in the near future...
<<En fin como decia Asterix toda africa no, quedan reductos irreducibles en Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla.
En Ceuta y Melilla ya se habla más el Bereber que el español. Hay demasiados moros allí.
<< It is likely to be spoken by some 10 million there, considering mother tongue and second language speakers. >>
I wonder when we'll reach the tipping point, where a resurgent Spanish language starts displacing French and Portuguese in Africa? I suppose, from that point forward, there'll be no stopping it from assuming its status as the undisputed regional lingua franca.
Spain failed to make Morocco a colony in the XX century and that was their last opportunity to take Northern Africa for the hispanidad. Now Spanish is just a sixth foreign language behind preeminent English, French, Russian, German, and Italian. In Equatorial Guinea for example, where many Spanish colonists arrived, the elites are very francophile, not hispanophile. In my opinion the influence of Spain in Africa is rather limited, even Germany and the German language are more popular in countries such as South Africa (specially southern part). Germany is the third largest investor in South after UK and France.
In my opinion French is losing influence in Africa. Many countries that were traditionally under French influence like Madagascar, Cameroon, Morocco, Egypt, etc are now switching to English. Young people in these countries love speaking English.
Spanish is not official in African Union, only French, English, Arabic Portuguese, and Swahili.
In my opinion Spanish is losing influence in Hispanic Americaa. Many countries that were traditionally Spanish speaking like Mexico, Madagascar, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Panama, and even Colombia and Venezuela etc are now switching to English. Young people in these countries love speaking English.
You can't compare Mexico to the African countries where French is losing ground. Spanish is the mother language of 90% of Mexicans, but French is not the mother language of 90% of people in Francophone Africa. Before you can spread French to Latin America you must teach French to the Africans well, because they are still speaking their native languages. Also there is the English language which poses an aditional threat to the French language in Africa.