la mejor vida... encuentra en los siguientes países:
He aquí la lista:
1. Noruega
2. Australia
3. Islandia
4. Canadá
5. Irlandia
6. Países-Bajos
7. Suecia
8. Francia
9. Suiza
10. Japón
11. Luxemburgo
12. Finlandia
13. EE.UU
14. Austria
15. España
16. Dinamarca
Dónde está Alemania, El Reino Unido, Bélgica???
Yes, but almost all of them are very cold.
You see that only Australia, South of France, Spain and South of USA are good to live including the weather: only four countries.... Pufffff!
re-fried bean Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:26 pm GMT
Donde está Italia?.
who gives a shit about that poor country?!
Iceland is not cold. It has thermal waters due to volcanic activity.
I vote for Luxembourg. It's not too cold. The people are very nice. The food is good and the country is small,located in the centre of Europe and has beautiful landscapes.
australia or austria.
Vienna is the nicest capital in the world, and people voted for it because it's the best place to live in.
Southern countries are poor.
Southern countries are poor.
There are northern countries which are poor too like Russia and Mongolia
Australian Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:06 pm GMT
Southern countries are poor.
There are northern countries which are poor too like Russia and Mongolia
--Europe honey, Europe...
Baltic countries, mon cherie?
Well, the best place to live is the area France-Spain: they are on the top 15, good weather, good food (the best in the World, Mediterranean), two of the most prestigious cultures, not isolated (like perhaps Australia), not dangerous (like USA), and relatively rich.
After them, Autralia, the only one of the top 5 with good weather, but a little isolated.
Finally, some States of USA (California, Florida, etc) but more dangerous than France, Spain and Australia (where the guns and the death penalty are illegal).
You are right but I'd add Italy. The area France-Spain-Italy is the best place to live, in my opinion.
" Southern countries are poor "
Within the European union, the Germanic countries (UK, Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia) tend to be a little bit richer than Latin countries (France, Italy, Spain); but all of them are among the richer part of Europe. The "poor" (which isn't poor compared to other places on earth) part of Europe is eastern Europe, not southern.
Northern Europe has its "poor countries": Baltic states, Poland
Yes, even some areas of Germany (the former communist Germany) or UK are poorer than some areas of France, Italy or Spain (north of them).
"Good weather" is relative. In most of Spain high insolation in summer is as annoying as harsh winters in let's say Sweden and some parts of Germany. South Western France has the best weather for me, a bit rainy but mild temperatures across all the year.