the (feminine form)
go (third person)
big (feminine form)
the (feminine form)
go (third person)
big (feminine form)
could you give those words in French and in Spanish?
That of the (feminine form) between in if a go (third person) free well big (feminine form)
There are multiple answers to your question. You probably already know that. You need to give some context. For example, "well" can be the word that starts a conversation.
"Well, I don't know." In this case, in Spanish it might be "Bueno"... "Well" may well mean the place where water is drawn with a bucket. In this case, in French, it would be "le puits", and in Spanish "el pozo". "Well" may be a state of health. Je me sens bien. Me siento muy bien. I'm not a native speaker of these languages, but even so, many possibilities spring to mind.
To a
That ese/esa/eso of de the (feminine form) la between entre in en if si a un/una go (third person) va free libre well bien big (feminine form) grande (both masculine and masculine)
To (sp) a (fr) à
That (sp) que (fr) que of (sp) de (fr) de the (sp) la (fr) la between (sp) entre (fr) entre in (sp) en (fr) en if (sp) si (fr) si a (sp) un (fr) un go (sp) va (fr) va free (sp) libre (fr) libre well (sp) bien (fr) bien big (sp) grande (fr) grande que, de, la, entre, en, un, va, libre, bien grande all these words are the same in spanish and french, except a little accentuation difference between "a" and "à". Concerning the meaning, well that list of words could be understood has having some conotations for some obsessed minds.
So the original poster is just trying to point out that French and Spanish have some similarities?
I guess you could say it's because they're both Romance languages. This is really mean though, you missed out Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Romanian, Catalan, Occitan, Ladino, Creole, Corsican etc. Italian: To: a That: che Of: di The (f): la Between: fra In: in If: se A: un / una / uno Go (3p): va Free: libero Well: bene Big (f): grande You see, there are many similarities here too.
<<To (sp) a (fr) à
That (sp) que (fr) que of (sp) de (fr) de the (sp) la (fr) la between (sp) entre (fr) entre in (sp) en (fr) en if (sp) si (fr) si a (sp) un (fr) un go (sp) va (fr) va free (sp) libre (fr) libre well (sp) bien (fr) bien big (sp) grande (fr) grande que, de, la, entre, en, un, va, libre, bien grande all these words are the same in spanish and french, except a little accentuation difference between "a" and "à". Concerning the meaning, well that list of words could be understood has having some conotations for some obsessed minds.>> Wow didn't know these words were EXACTLY the same
" You see, there are many similarities here too. "
In that case it was not question of similarities, but to exact same words, and very basic ones. Do you imagine if there was another germanic language than English in which "go", "you", "well", "that", "of", "in", "between", "if", "big", "to sleep", "to come", and many others were exacly the same? And a language in which 90% of the rest of the vocabulary had just one or two different letters? actually we could make whole french sentences with words that exist also in Spanish, even if the sentences could seem lacking some logic and gramatical correctness in the meaning. one exemple:
la responsable de la tribu va venir a la reunion militante
en limite de la miserable cafeteria. " Entre un bar enorme, un pupitre gris, tu vas consentir a venir proteger la tribu libre. " la grande union continua a reunir un tandem entre un general inflexible, la vicepresidente sensible. A partir de la simple version de la responsable militante; la reunion va definir un devenir terrestre rural terrible, insalubre; si bien que impossible a proteger.
"Wow didn't know these words were EXACTLY the same "
well you have hundreds of words that are exactly the same between french and spanish (excepting maybe some accents) abolir adolescente adorable aerosol avion alpes ambulante argot arlequin autobus avance bebe biberon bilingue biceps bloc brillante buffet cable cafe calibre camion cancer celebre celeste central cheque coca consume confidente confort consciente considerable constante vitale consul continental contraste convenir convertir convulsion cordon cotillon cristal croquis decision deficit demanda delta desastre digestion digital distante divan division dormir dorsal dragon duplex echarpe eclipse editorial elegante elite emigrante examen evidente extraterrestre extravagante fabricante festival filial fin final fiscal flan flexible fusible fusion gel gemir general genial grande gris habitante helice hotel ideal imparable incurable indice inflexible infusion insalubre interprete irrecuperable irresponsable irritante irresistible irreversible irritable islam jardin lavabo latin legal lesion liberal limite local lumbago macho mal manifestante matinal medieval militante mimosa mineral miserable moto multiple municipal noble occidental ONU opinion oral original ovni parapente a partir de patente pedante pension persuasion pipi papa potable prenatal presentable presente principal proteger protestante provenir prudente pupitre que racial radio rail recital reclusion region regional religion rentable representante reproche reserva responsable reunion revision rural salir salon semestre sensible sentir serie septentrional sermon sida simple social sublime superficie surgir talon tampon tandem television terminal terrestre terrible timbre tomate total tribu tropical tu un union unir urgente vegetal venir version video vigilante vicepersidente visible vital vocal volcan yoga zona zoo etc.
" In Spanish it's unión, not union. "
that is why it was said: " (excepting maybe some accents) " |