First, can you see this character: 𦭜 ?
What does the character represent?
Thank you.
First, can you see this character: 𦭜 ?
What does the character represent?
Thank you.
A Chinese character
First, can you see this character: 𦭜 ? What does the character represent? Thank you.
This character (zhi) is hardly used and not found in most dictionaries.
No -- it shows up as a box on my screen. I assume you need special Chinese fonts to see this.
Yes, I can see it. The radical is number 140 (for grass) if you want to look it up in a good Chinese dictionary. It has eight strokes. I don't have a good Chinese dictionary. You could ask at Omniglot as well. The admin over there studied Mandarin. Heisig gives the bottom as "only" and the top is "grass" of course, but I have no idea what it means.
"I assume you need special Chinese fonts to see this."
Nothing "special" is needed, just a *good* Chinese font. |