Non-native French speaking population worldwide is bigger in terms of percentage than the non-native Spanish speaking community worldwide.
The weakness of English language
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Non native French speaking population only can say "oui" and "voulez vous coucher avec moi, c'est soir".
Non native Spanish speaking population only can say "ola" and "Hasta la vista, loca".
Spanish speaking population in USA can only say "la vida loca", "Hasta la vista, baby"
Non native Spanish speaking population only can say "ola" and "Hasta la vista, loca".
Tu si que estás hecha una buena loca.
Tu si que estás hecha una buena loca.
<< Tu si que estás hecha una buena loca. >>
J'ai jamais vu un dingue comme toi.
J'ai jamais vu un dingue comme toi.
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