Besides Chinese and Japanese, which Asian language is?

Guest   Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:17 am GMT
Even if Obama did speak Indonesian, he would try to hide it to avoid looking bad to the American public.
Little Tadpole   Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:45 am GMT
38: "一个肤浅的人才会如此指定某一些群体来贴上标签,这与令人痛恨的种族主义者的丑陋行为没有两样!"

I stand by my word, because I have a reputation to keep. If other people fake my ID and make statements to ruin my reputation, I must clarify it and defend myself.

Here is some track record to show people that I am open to all races and ethnicities. Here you can see me discussing about white and black Chinese people. I cherish all people's skin color, and their religions.

Anyone that can read Chinese will understand my position on race, and on inferiority complex issues. Moreover, you will see how I interact with other Chinese intellectuals. As I have said previously, life's rule is pretty simple: you care about other people, other people will care about you.

As for the person that faked my ID and posted negative comments on other people's religion and languages, I invite the person to reflect on his/her action.
Little Tadpole   Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:04 am GMT
Just in case you did not scroll forward, here is the part where I talked about Inferiority Complex as a problem arising from defective child education, which is a standard view in Adler's psychology, namely, it's best to prevent it from happening, rather than dealing with it in adulthood.