The match between France and Ireland will be interesting. Only one can go to South Africa.
Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!
Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!
The languages of football
The match between France and Ireland will be interesting. Only one can go to South Africa.
Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!Ireland! Ireland!
And than you forget the Dutch... :/ The first European country that qualified for the WC2010 was the Netherlands..
But well. As usual the Belgians were crappy, and all the other Dutch speaking countries are nothing. Hopefully we can see some Afrikaans in South Africa :P
<< many of them are Francophones (France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland or Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon and Senegal) >>
Huh? Only Switzerland and Cote d'Ivoire have qualified so far. Canada, Belgium, Senegal and Congo didn't even come close. France and Gabon are still in the running, as is Cameroon, and Tunisia and Algeria if you want to call them Francophone.
Switzerland is a Germanic country, where 80-85% of the population speak German.
Canada is an Anglo country, where 80-85% of the population speak English. Tunisia and Algeria, not classified, are Arabic or Bereber 100%. French is studied as second language, like English everywhere, and not everybody is Anglo. So, we can consider, at this moment, one Francophone country classified, Cote d'Ivoire. Perhaps France if they can win Ireland (I don't think so). So, the power of French is similar or worse than Korean (2 countries) in the Football Worldcup, ha, ha, ha.
Brazilian, German and Italian!
Spanish sucks in this field! Argentina and Uruguay are the only Spanish speaking countries which have won a world championship, many years ago!
Spanish: two Spanish speaking countries won the World Cup.
French: one country Portuguese: one country Italian: one country
To opinion,
If you ask for the experts, the favourites to win the WorldCup are Brazil, Spain and Argentina. So, two teams are Spanish speakers and almost all the Brazilian team speak Spanish too.
If you ask for the experts, the favourites to win the WorldCup are Brazil, Spain and Argentina.
Spanish speaking people, you are so ridiculous. Spain has never won the world cup! What a shame for you! Is Argentina going to win the world cup?? Thanks to Maradona??? ahahahahaha Brazil has won 5 times! Italy 4! Germany 3! France 1. The future is uncertain guys... Dreams may turn into nightmares..
Good for you, but the World Cup is not the only big thing in football. There are the European leagues, perhaps more important than the World Cup because they move more money . The Spanish league is the most important one, not only in Europe but in the world. French and German leagues are irrelevant and the Italian one yet important can't be compared to the Spanish and the English ones. So I would say English and Spanish are the most important languages in football.
Spain won the last European cup. They won ALL the matches. A European cup is like a World cup more Argentina and Brazil.
After the European cup, Spain played 10 matches to go to the World cup. They won ALL of them. Perhaps you are right about Argentina. They need to change the coach. But if they change the coach, the have an impressive team. For example, the most important World player is Messi, from Argentina. Finally, in all the World cups there are several teams that play very well and are not in the top 5. One of these teams can be Mexico, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile or Paraguay. All of them have very good teams. I really think that in semifinals can be Spain, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
European football is only about Spain and England, the rest are utterly insignificant.
Yep. The next Champions Cup winner will be English or Spanish. Barcelona, Manchester, Real Madrid, Arsenal or Liverpool, one of them...
European football is only about Spain and England, the rest are utterly insignificant
This is completly ridiculous. The football teams of these two countries just buy foreigner players so their National football teams are too weak and are not able to win the worldcup |