Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

Robin Michael   Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:53 am GMT
"Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells"

Damian of Edinburgo will be very aware of this expression. In todays copy of The Times, Tuesday October 20 2009 (sic), there are several amusing stories, one of the highlights being on Page 4.

News Section

Simply the worst: vicar gets hot under the collar over Tina Turner and nan's doggerel

There is the amusing line:

Mourners who chose a non-religious ceremony were conned by 'humanists' making money from death.

By a digusted vicar from Tunbridge Wells, the Reverent Ed Tomlinson 35, bemoaning the fact that people are popped into the crem without a thought for the hereafter. He expressed his feelings in a blog!
who cares   Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:47 pm GMT
Who cares.