The Bildelberg Group
The Bildelberg Group is is an unofficial, annual, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of great influence in the fields of politics, business, banking, and media.
Unofficially, they are the World masters.
Well, which languages use in these important meetings to make interesting World plots?
I think you mean Bilderberg. Are you from Japan or somewhere in Asia?
I have heard about them, but don't know much about them. Wikipedia probably has an article about them.
They use Esperanto because if you didn't know then I'll tell you that the Bildelberg club strongly supports globalization. They propose a single language and a single currency for the whole world, but not English and the dollar. As you can see nowadays dollar is not worth the paper it is printed in, and English will suffer the same fate after the dollar. You don't believe me? Take a seat and wait.
George Soros speaks Esperanto, I understand.
Yes, he does. I think his daughter is a native speaker of Esperanto.