The Dutch Citizenship Test
<< Not always, especially Bruxellois have the tendency to call it 'le flamand'. >>
-- This is very true. There's a huge gap between private and official speech (when addressing foreigners):
"Ces sales Flamins!" vs. "Nos concitoyens d'expression néerlandaaaaaiiiiiise..." (avec l'accent bruxellois)
Which is just like:
"Franse ratten rol uw matten!" vs. "Onze franstalige broeders..."
<< "Personnellemang, j'èmme bieng l'aksang du Midi." >>
-- C'est très difficile à imiter !
<<"Ces sales Flamins!" vs. "Nos concitoyens d'expression néerlandaaaaaiiiiiise..." (avec l'accent bruxellois)
Which is just like:
"Franse ratten rol uw matten!" vs. "Onze franstalige broeders...">>
Indeed, the first hostile lines are also great to exploit for propagandistic means.
I believe "sale flamin" comes from a period when Flemish commoners were mainly very poor workers who needed to go out working in Wallonia and Northern France, often for days on end before coming home. As often with poor people, they were poorly dressed and lacked hygiene thus were seen as 'dirty' (and Flemish people in general with them). Nowadays it's just a lame insult.
After WOII I believe there's also the name 'boche du nord', but it isn't used anymore. It died along with Germanophobia (Germans being called 'boches').
The line "Franse ratten rol uw matten!" is believed to come from the Waterloo campaign, which neerlandophone allied soldiers used to shout at French troops. It's still used by some militant groups like Voorpost and TAK. They're a gift from heaven in the eyes of francophone media and some political parties. lol.
Oddly enough, I specifically wrote "Flemish" to avoid being corrected but Baldewin couldn't resist.
Also, if I was all knowing I would speak French, German, and Flemish/Dutch/Baldewinspeak but I don't.
Lesson: Pray in American accented English or burn for all eternity.
<< I believe "sale flamin" comes from a period when Flemish commoners were mainly very poor workers who needed to go out working in Wallonia and Northern France, often for days on end before coming home. As often with poor people, they were poorly dressed and lacked hygiene thus were seen as 'dirty' >>
-- No. In French, "sale" is just a generic term of abuse (sale Britiche, sale Rital, sale Juif, sale Nègre etc.). It just translates English "fucking" or German "Scheiß-" (Scheißami, Scheißpolack, Scheißitaliener, Scheißfranzose usw).
<<Oddly enough, I specifically wrote "Flemish" to avoid being corrected but Baldewin couldn't resist. >>
Works like a red cape on a bull, I tell you. And seriously, those who 'correct' you are ignorants belonging to the minority.
look at scenes like two homosexuals holding hands
where do you live, kate? Here some hints: In an underdeveloped Muslim country? In an ultraconservative American country, in a Baltic country? Russia, POland? or Are you just a stricted-minded person? Is it so scandalous for you to see two men or two women holding hands??
Is it so scandalous for you to see two men or two women holding
Scandalous? I would define it as unaesthetic. It is the same as if an enlderly man holds the hand of a 18 year-old woman. It's not scandalous, but something tells one that it's not so good.
but something tells one that it's not so good
Gays are generally nicer than str8. :-)
Nicer? I dont' think so. Gays tend to have childish faces. As for gay women they definitely are not nicer than straight women (generally speaking).
Is it legal for siblings to marry in Holland? If not, why not? As long as they adopt rather than produce their own kids, it should be ok.
When I was 9, my slightly older cousin thought me how to pleasure myself. I kept telling myself that it's a bad thing, but have been doing it every day ever since...