Week of Russian language and Russian education in Montenegro
On October, 7-14th, 2007 Week of Russian language and Russian education will take place in Montenegro. The purpose of carrying out of Week of Russian and Russian education � popularization and increase of interest to studying Russian and culture of Russia in conditions of a new geopolitical situation on the Balkans, strengthening traditional friendship and spiritual unity of slavic people. The program of Week is included: scientifically-practical conference � the Modern condition of the description and teaching of Russian as foreign �, round tables, methodical seminars for teachers of Russian of schools and high schools, the master-classes of leading experts-specialists in Russian philology. The exhibition-sale of books of the Russian publishing houses and presentation of the Russian high schools are planned also. For participants of Week the cultural program, excursions are provided.
The Festival of Russian Arts will take place in France on August, 24-29th
The anniversary festival for a long time named simply and shortly - "Russian season" will take place in Cannes from August, 24 till August, 29th. Two evenings running in the well-known Palace of Festivals and the Congresses on quay Kruazett ballets from repertoir of Dyagilev seasons will dance: "Shaherezade", "Firebird", "the Dark blue god" and "Bolero" soloists of the Big and Mariinsky theatres, and also troupe of "the Kremlin ballet" will execute. Concerts of the largest domestic collectives are included in the program of forthcoming festival of the Russian art in Cannes - the State academic Big symphonic orchestra by Tchaikovsky and the State academic ensemble of dance of Siberia. Also, within the limits of festival there will pass photo-exhibition " Great Novgorod ", expositions of national crafts, performances of folklore ensembles. Collections of young designers will be shown by Welfare fund " Russian silhouette ", and excellent domestic cooks will invite participants and visitors of festival to demonsatrate firm dishes of Russian kitchen.
First results in Year of Russian language carrying out
On June, 27th, 2007 press conference where the first results of carrying out of Year of Russian language in Russia have been brought took place in the Government of the Russian Federation. Also within the limits of press conference the presentation of an official site of the project � Year of Russian� which becomes a united information field for the Russian and foreign mass-media took place. The geography of Year of Russian is as much as possible wide. Within 2007 will take place more than 800 events in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad. Among them some presentative events, the international forums and round tables, competitions and interactive shares. So, in September, 2007 in Moscow carrying out of a book exhibition-fair which will take place under the motto is planned: � The Book on service of the world and progress �.
Conference under the status of Russian language abroad
Not long time ago in Moscow the Conference under the status of Russian abroad has opened. Experts on Russian, representatives of the organizations of compatriots, political scientists, deputies of parliaments and journalists from the countries of the near abroad took part in it. The basic theme of a meeting was the question on the status of Russian in the countries of residing of its participants which would act with own estimations, would offer new ideas. Besides 53 delegates from the countries of the near abroad, in conference the representatives of the far abroad representing 11 countries, among which states with numerous Russian-speaking diaspora - Germany, the USA, Israel, France and Belgium took part also. From the Russian part for participation in conference a lot of known politicians, representatives of federal bodies of legislative and executive authority was invited.
In Dresden the International festival of poets and the prose writers writing in Russian will take place
# Within the limits of Year of Russian language in Dresden (Germany) from October, 12 till October, 13th, 2007 will take place the International festival of poets and the prose writers writing in Russian. The purposes and problems of festival are: Propaganda of Russian and the modern Russian-speaking literature in Germany;
# Support and stimulation of studying Russian between schoolboys and students of Germany;
# Granting the European stage to Russian-speaking authors;
# The Establishment and development of contacts between poets and prose writers, publishers, teachers of Russian, students and schoolboys of East and Western Europe.
Participation in festival poets, prose writers, editors of newspapers and magazines will accept, publishing houses, literary critics, teachers of Russian, students and the schoolboys studying Russian, from three German-speaking countries. Visitors from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, representatives of Russian-speaking diasporas of the EU countries are expected.
Day of slavic writing and culture
Annually on May, 24th in all slavic countries glorify saint Cyril and Mefody - founders of slavic writing.
Brothers were orthodox monks, they`ve created the slavic alphabet in Greek monastery.
Slavic writing has been created in IX century, about 862 years. The new alphabet received the name "cyrillics", in honour of byzantine Konstantin who, having accepted a nunhood, became Cyril. And the senior brother Mefody helped him in his charitable business of teaching slavic people. Cyril has created the slavic alphabet on the basis of Greek, having adapted it to slavic sound system. Two alphabets - glagolitsa and cyrillics have been created.
International conference "Russian language and literatura in the international educational area" (Spain, Granada)
On May, 7-9th at the Granada University (Spain) the International conference "Russian language and literatura in the international educational area" will take place. In the context of the conference it is planned to discuss further issues:
# the modern problem of Russian grammar;
# theory and practice in teaching Russian;
# translation and cultural communication;
# new informational technologies;
# other aspects.
International conference "Russian language and literature teaching reform"
On April, 7-11th in Shanghai (China) the International conference "Russian language and literature teaching reform" In the context of the conference it is planned to discuss further issues:
# necessity of Russian language and literature teaching reform carrying out as speciality;
# main foundations, directions and contents of Russian language and literature teaching reform as speciality;
# reform and renewal of educational program on speciality: "Russian language and literature";
# renewal of manuals and methods of Russian language and literature teaching;
# other aspects.
International Congress of Russian language researchers was held.
The third International Congress of Russian language researchers "Russian language: historical fates and modernity" was held under the guidance of the Moscow University on March, 20-23rd. This year more than 900 researchers in Russian from 50 countries all over the world took part at the Congress. Rector of Moscow University pointed out that today Russian language was native or second native language of 280 millions people, and Russian as foreign language was of approximately 114 millions people. Also he noted the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin declared 2007 as Russian language year in Russia and abroad. "The importance of Russian language for the development of the world civilization is evident. Carrying out of this great Congress was a big contribution of Moscow University in realization of Russian language year programme, which would be carried out in 76 countries".
The first session of committee of Russian language year carrying out was held.
The first session of committee of Russian language year carrying out was held under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev. Acting on it, the first vice-premier has emphasized, that support of Russian language abroad carries not only the humanitarian aspect, but also is the major economic force. " Developing Russian, we assist for promotion of our national interests, strengthening of economic and cultural opportunities in interaction with other states ", - has told Medvedev. According to Medvedev, it is necessary to make everything to draw attention of the Russian community and the states surrounding Russia to a role of Russian. Native consider Russian or use it in a daily life about third billion person, Russian - the fourth on prevalence in the world, tens millions speaking in Russian live now abroad, and study Russian nearby 180 million person.
The celebration of the International day of the native language is coming
On February, 21st, 2007 the whole world will celebrate the International day of the native language. This day has been founded in November, 1999 by the decision of 30-th session of General conference of UNESCO and it is celebrated annually on February, 21st with a view of assistance to a recognition and use of native languages all over the world, first of all languages of national minorities. Here that the general director of UNESCO Koitiro Matsuura spoke about this holiday: " Marking the International day of the native language... We give a tribute to a myriad of languages existing in the world, to cultures which they reflect, to that creative charge which give to people their development and forms of expression. ... different languages use different forms of the letter, special expressions and the gestures reflecting own cultural norms are connected with everyone. At the same time in the International day of the native language all languages admit equal as each of them answers unique image to applicability of the person and everyone represents an alive heritage which to us should be preserved ". In 2007 the basic theme of the actions dated by the International day of the native language, becomes interrelation of such concepts as possession of the native language and �����������, informs official web-site of UNESCO.
The Year of Russian language has started in Austria by opening "The days of Russian children's book"
The year of Russian language has started in Austria by opening "The days of Russian children's book". In Vienna the exhibition of books of Russian publishers, the opening day of children's author Segey Alimov were organized. Also, it was held the reading of the great Russian author Sergey Mikhalkov, which caused storm of cheers. By this moment Russian language is very popular in Austria and it is taught within more than 150 schools and colleges, it is studied by more than 10 thousands schoolboys.
III International Congress "Russian language: historical destinies and the present time"
# The M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University in common with International Assosiation of teachers of Russian language and Russian literature will organize III International Congress "Russian language: historical destinies and the present time". The Conference will take place on March, 20-23th on philological department of the Moscow University. The chairman of conference is Victor Sadovnichy, head of the Moscow University. The preliminary program of conference includes further issues: The important theoretical issues of Russian language
# ; Russian language in its history and pre-history
# ; Russian language as the mean of international communication within the new geopolitical situation
# ; Linguistic issues of traditional and modern Russian folklore analyse
Year of Russian language will be celebrated with 76 countries
The purpose of this action - to raise a role of Russian language, answering the increased international interest to Russia and to raise its investment appeal.
Start will be given to the Year of Russian language on January, 24-27th at the International linguistic exhibition in Paris where Russia will be the guest of honour. The decree about carrying out of Year of Russian in Russia also has been abroad signed by president Vladimir Putin in the end of December.
The Year of Russian language has started in Malta
The official opening ceremony devoted to the Year of the Russian language was held in Malta on the eve of Orthodox Christmas. The President of Malta Edward Adami congratulated Orthodox believers on Christmas holiday and mentioned their big interest in the Russian culture, spiritual heritage and Russia nowadays. He explained the interest with Christian values shared by both nations.
The Festival of Russian culture 2006 in Japan has come to an end
The Festival of Russian culture 2006 in Japan has come to an end. It has become the first-rate culture event during all the history of Russian-Japan diplomatic relations, which are celebrated this year. In the context of Festival in Japan during the whole year a lot of different concerts of the best Russian collectives were held, including troups of the greatest Russian theatres: Bolshoy and Mariinsky. Besides, the film festivals of Soviet and Russian films, the week of Russian language, the Festival of Russian folk music were organized. On a whole, this events assisted in strengthening international contacts between Russia and Japan.
Yandex Internet Search Cup has overstepped the bounds of Russian language
First foreign language Internet Search Cup under Yandex license is running in Norway. Contests under the license of Yandex passed in many Russian cities and abroad - in Ukraine, in the USA and Israel. New multilingual version of the Cup makes it possible to have Internet search competitions in any language. The partner is Kvasir, Norway�s search service. The rules of the Norway Cup follow the traditions of the Russian contests: participants compete to find answers on the Web within the given time limit. There are no restrictions on the use of any search tools.
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the 2006 as a year of Russian culture, education and humanities-the year of Dmitry Likhachev. On November, 28th Dmitry Likhachev was 100 years of age. He was remarkable philologist and public figure, the member of Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev - the author of basic works on history of literature and culture of Ancient Russia. He created series of essay about famous Russian philologists. Also it is well-known that Dmitry Likhachev was a great researcher in the area of Russian language.
December, 2006
On November, 22nd in London the grand opening of Culture Centre "Pushkin House" is taken place. It's a very important event taking into account that the number of Russians and Russian speaking people are increasing. Here will be taken place a lot of different seminars, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, as well as night classes of Russian language. New "Pushkin House" will be in prestigious district of London-Bloomsbury, not far from British Museum and University College of London. Undoubtedly, the opening of "Pushkin House" will assist in strenghtening of cooperation between Russian and English cultures.
November, 2006
"Next, 2007 year, will be declared as a year of Russian language",-said Russian President Vladimir Putin. "It's pleasant to report that next year will be devoted to Russian language not only in Russia, but everywhere in countries which know, like and appreciate Russian language. Mr President pointed out the importance of Russian language for world civilization and its evolution. "A lot of books about history, science, scientific discoveries of many nations are written in Russian". Mr President expressed his hope that measures concerned with a year of Russian language provoke a lot of interest and strengthen the international contacts.
November, 2006
Since October, 27th till November, 2nd, 2006 "The week of Russian language in Italy" will take place in Rome, Florence, Verona, Bologna, etc. in the context of Russian-Italian forum-dialog. During seven days Italy will speak Russian. In the framework of the Week more than 30 unique actions: concerts, exhibitions, bookfairs, workshops of national crafts and fashion shows will be organized. Business part of Programme includes round tables, methodical seminars and public lessons. The leading Russian and Italian Universities participated in preparing Programme of forum. The Week of Russian Language is supposed to be very attractive for both Italian and Russian citizens. The full information and Program of Forum you can get here www.russia-italia.ru
October, 2006
International scientific forum of specialists in Russian philology of Northern Europe
On October, 13-14th in Helsinki (Finland) will take place International Forum of specialists in Russian philology of Northern Europe. Forum is conducted in the context of the program "The Russian language". There will be lots of scientific seminars and round-table discussions on subject of problems of raising the Russian teachers level skills, teaching of children in Finland, distant training, etc.
The Festival "Languages do not know limits" is continued
The Festival "Languages do not know limits", conducted by Federal Educational Agency of Russian Federation, takes place since August till December, 2006. The purpose of Festival is attraction of attention, popularization and increase of interest in learning Russian language and Russian culture in conditions of new geopolitical situation, carrying out of actions aimed to strengthen the positions of Russian within the countries-participants, as well as increase of interest of Russian students in Bulgarian, French, English languages, their cultures, customs and traditions. Students from Russia, Bulgaria, USA and France are invited to take part in Festival.
Constituent conference of a society " The Union of Russophones of France "
Constituent conference of "The Union of Russophones of France " will take place on September, 16th in Paris. The primary event will be a round table on a theme " Influence of Russian and culture in the world: prospects of Russophonia ". Associations of compatriots, societies of friendship, teachers of Russian participate in this action.
Russian language classes are popular in Poland!
Poles want to learn Russian freely now and both universities and language schools as well as private tutors are flooded with students greedy for knowledge. Where does this fad come from? There were times when Poles eagerly spoke French, as the rest of Europe did. There were times in history when they were compelled to speak German or Russian, too. So, when the communist era finished in 1989, most students passionately gave up Russian until�now. A decade and a half later it�s not a big thing to speak English or German in Poland, therefore, to be competitive on the labour market, Poles of different ages take extra courses in Russian. The demand is really growing, explains Agnieszka Slazak of a Centre for Eastern Europe and Central Asian Languages: We have a lot of students and business clients as we organize not only standard stationary courses but also business courses in Russian for journalists, business people, lawyers, etc. First of all our students want to learn Russian as they had these lessons in e.g. secondary school followed by a long break � sometimes 10-12 years, and now they need the language again for the job.
Kremlin steps into tourist cyberspace with online excursion
Internet users can now visit the Kremlin at the click of a button after the launch of an online tour of the Russian president's official residence. "Along with well-known sights of the Moscow Kremlin, the new online tour features sites that are part of the Russian president's Kremlin residence and have previously been closed to the public," the Kremlin press service said. Created under an Opening the Kremlin project, the tour offers 60 bird's-eye and close-up views of Russia's main architectural and historical monument, which also is the seat of the country's head of state. "Technologies developed by Russian specialists as part of the Opening the Kremlin project have made it possible for us to show sites with unprecedented precision in pictorial detail - including some minor elements of the architecture and interior designs." Visitors can take the tour at www.openkremlin.ru, which also features an audio guide providing information on interesting facts from the Kremlin's history.
35th Contest of Russian language in China
The winners of the contest and the jury Recently a Russian Language contest for the best essay about Russia - "Russia and I" - took place in China. In the contest took place many Chinese students, studying Russian language. Five winners received an opportunity to come in Russia. The contest "Russia and I", arranged jointly by "Jen`min` jibao-online" and the Russian Language Centre of University of Foreign languages in Peking with the support of Russian Consulate in China, started in spring. Among 200 participants 50 finalists were chosen, which competed in the recent closing stage - declamation of the essays. The participants told about their love to Russian literature, music, nature, quoted Russian classics. Jury, represented by the Chinese professors of Ruissian language, determined 31 winners.
35th Contest of Russian language in Tokio
The flag of Tokio prefecture 35th Contest of Russian language took place in Tokio in the context of festival of Russian culture-2006. This year it is held thanks to active support of Russian embassy in Japan, The Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti and Russian Abroad Centre. Twenty Japanese participants in the age of 16 - 25 showed their competency in Russian language. The competitors were making thematic perfomances and answering the questions of judges. Among the subjects that were discussed are Security Office on the sea, probation in Russia. The ambassador in Japan Alexander Losukov told that the amount of those who are willing to study Russian each year is growing. so that the constitutors of the Contest even had to limit the number of participants. Not only young linguists demonstrated their proficiency in Russian culture and language, but also Japanese musicians. The collective of University of Foreign languages in Tokio, Rumok , performed folk Russian songs.
Swisses won Russian language competition
The Swiss team became the winner of the Russian Language competition among foreign students. 65 pupils of local high schools took part in the competition.
Students from Mongolia, Syria and Angola also reached the final of the competition. Besides prize-winning places were borrowed with representatives of Vietnam, Germany, Zambia and Nepal. Winners received certificates and gifts, in honour of them the celebratory concert had been arranged.
A contest on Russian proficiency in Taipei
A contest on Russian proficiency is scheduled to be held on April 25 in Taipei in an effort to encourage people to learn about the culture and language of Russia and to promote exchanges between the two countries, a Russian official stationed in Taiwan said yesterday. George Zinoviev, deputy director of the Moscow-Taipei Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission, said the winner will be awarded with a free trip to Russia, with the top three winners receiving free dinner at Russian restaurants in Taiwan and other valuable prizes. The contest, the third of its kind, is co-sponsored by the commission and three departments of Russian language and culture at National Chengchi University, Tamkang University and Chinese Culture University
Year of Russia 2006 in China!
Bearing a long history inspired by modern spirit, a Russian Culture Festival will be held in Beijing in March, as an important part of the Russia Year jointly advocated by Chinese and Russian leaders. Ding Wei, a senior official of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, said at a press conference on Friday that the Russian Culture Festival, as an important program of the Russian Year, will kick off on March 21. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Putin will both attend the opening ceremony of the cultural festival, accompanied by the performance of the 230-year Bolshoi Theater, the top artistic troupe in Russia. The program will include performances by 21 Russian troupes and nine exhibitions, making it the largest China-Russia cultural exchange event. More than 1,000 Russian artists will come to China to perform ballet, symphony, opera, chorus, pop music, drama and folk songs and dance for the Chinese audience.
Ice palace unveiled in St. Petersburg
A replica of an ice palace built in the eighteenth century was unveiled Wednesday in the center of St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city. The structure, which is six meters high and covers a total area of some 100 sq m, is furnished with ice tables, chairs, beds, mirrors, and crockery. The original ice palace was built in the city in 1740 to mark the 10th anniversary of Empress Anna Ioannovna's reign and Russia's victory over Turkey. The construction of the palace, whose purpose is to attract tourists to St. Petersburg during the winter, began on January 18. Russia's foremost ice sculptors used more than three tons of ice blocks from neighboring lakes to build it. The opening ceremony, which was accompanied by fireworks and a fashion show, gathered about 300 people despite the freezing temperature (minus 20 degrees Celsius). Newlyweds will gather in the palace on St. Valentine's Day. On other days, it will offer various entertainments, including an ice bath, an ice bar, an ice cannon, and historical performances. The structure will be dismantled on March 10.
2nd Annual Russian Winter Festival
MAfter the success of the first festival in 2005, the Russian Winter Festival is now becoming an established London event. With a crowd estimated at 73,000, Saturday�s trouble-free Festival was an eclectic staging of folk acts from across Russia, and performances from big names in rock and pop. The Festival was organised by the Russian Economic Forum, with the support of the Mayor of London, the Moscow City Government and the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography. A show-case for Russia�s rich cultural and musical heritage, the Festival included the world famous Golden Ring with Nadezhda Kadyesheva, a memorable performance of the children�s Malenkiy Jigit ensemble from Ossetia, Ergyron � an Eskimo group from the far reaches of Chukotka, Yarmarka from Moscow and others. As afternoon turned to dusk, Russia�s leading contemporary pop and rock acts took to the stage � including the legendary DDT and the popular twins, Brothers Grim. The performances were introduced by Sadie Nine of BBC London and popular Russian daytime television talk show host Andrei Malakhov of Russian Television's Channel One, who was joined on stage by celebrities from Russia, including Alina Kabaeva, former Olympic gymnastics champion.
Most Russians Feel Closer to Europe
Many adults in the Russian Federation believe there is a connection between their nation and Europe, according to a poll by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. 58 per cent of respondents think Russian culture and customs are closer to Europe.Conversely, 13 per cent of respondents feel a connection with Eastern countries�including China and India�while only seven per cent feel identified with the United States. Earlier this year, Russian finance minister Sergei Lavrov announced that the country is making progress in cooperating with the European Union (EU) in four proposed "common spaces": finances, justice, external security, and research/education.
Russian Fashion Week, Largest Fashion Event in the History of Eastern Europe
Cinema lovers from across France and beyond were converging on the sea resort of Honfleur in Normandy to get a glimpse of contemporary Russian cinema. The competitive program of Honfleur's 13th Russian Film Festival featured seven full-length films, including Alexei Uchitel's "Dreaming of Space" (winner of the 2005 Moscow International Film Festival), Pavel Lungin's "Roots," Andrei Kravchuk's "The Italian," Larissa Sadilova's "Nanny Wanted," Valery Ogorodnikov's "Red Skies, Black Snow," Filipp Yankovsky's "The State Counselor," and Vera Glagoleva's "The Contract." Russian film classics, movies about WWII, animated movies, and documentaries were screened as part of various out-of-competition programs.
Russian Fashion Week, Largest Fashion Event in the History of Eastern Europe
In its eighth season, Russian Fashion Week features 60 shows featuring the most interesting Russian designers along with participating guests from the Ukraine, Lithuania, France, Belorussia, Italy, Great Britain and the USA who will present their Spring/Summer 2006 collections.Participants include: A&V (Lithuania), Arsenicum by ENTON, Feeric, Fresh Art, Frol Romanoff, SUDARYANTO, Victoria Andreyanova, Lubov Voyush (Belarus), Victoria Gres (Ukraine), Julia Dalakian, Olga Deffi, Egor Zaitsev, Victoria Krasnova (Ukraine), Lena Makashova, Yulia Nikolaeva, Daria Razumikhina, Olga Romina, Olga Samoschenko (Belarus), Lidia Soselia, Elena Souproun, Sultanna Frantsuzova, Masha Tsigal, Max Chernitsov, Chistova&Endourova, Masha Sharoeva, Denis Shevchenko and more.
Vladimir Putin grants Russian citizenship to Pushkin's descendants
President Vladimir Putin granted Russian citizenship to the descendants of great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin living in Belgium, the Kremlin press service said Tuesday. The descendants, Alexander Pushkin and Marie-Madeleine Durnovo-Pushkin, were born in Belgium in 1942 and in France in 1943 respectively.
First US conference on preserving Russian Culture
The first conference on preserving Russian language and Russian culture is to open in Gaithersburg, Maryland . The forum, due to last until June 12, involves more than 100 representatives of Russian-diaspora organizations from ten US states, as well as German, Canadian and Russian delegations, "Russian View" producer Victoria Bonelli said. No one tried to unite the Russian diaspora's hitherto scattered organizations, associations and clubs before. The development of Russian language and the preservation of Russian culture is a common idea, Bonelli added. Conference workshops are to discuss the Russian-language mass media's problems on US territory and its role in preserving Russian language and culture, as well as private-school teaching methods, the preservation of Russian at family level and the creation of private Russian-language daycare centers, schools and studios.
Conference on teaching Russian language abroad to be held in Helsinki
An international scientific and practical conference, devoted to teaching and studying the Russian language abroad was held in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki on May 13-14. The organizers of the conference, which had been called "The Russian Language as a Foreign One: the Problems of Studying, Teaching and Assessing the Command of a Foreign Language in the Light of the All-European Language Competence," are the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki, the department of Slav Philology and Baltic Studies of the Helsinki University and the Association of the Russian Language Teachers of Finland. As a spokesman for the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki said, reports at the conference were delivered by leading Russian developers of test programs, the authors of the most popular textbooks of the Russian language as a foreign one from the Pushkin State I nstitute of the Russian Language, the Russian Friendship University, the Lomonosov Moscow St ate University, the Saint Petersburg State University and from a number of other higher educational establishments of Russia. The conference was attended by leading scholars from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Italy, Finland, Denmark and Malta. The conference participants discussed the problems of teaching the language at different levels: as a language of everyday use, as a business language, as a foreign language and as a mother tongue, the questions of compiling textbooks and creating test and certification programs, as well as the use of new teaching technologies, including Internet and remote-control education. A new project was presented at the conference: "The Russian Language as a Foreign One in International Tourist Business."
American student Zak Bowden: Learn Russian Like Music
Zak Bowden, born in Anchorage, Alaska, fell in love with Russia when still at school. When in the 9th grade he had to choose a foreign language he chose Russian. Those who want to study Russian, Zak says, should find Russian friends and bury themselves in Russian grammar. He himself is very grateful to Stanislav, a St. Petersburg resident at whose place he lived under the exchange program. According to Zak, it was at that time that he started to chat in Russian though he knew that he was making a mistake in every other word. In Zak's opinion, the main thing is to see Russian as a living organism, to study it like music rather than mathematics. And, of course, do not forget Lenin's words: If you read something in the original for 15 minutes every day, you will never forget this language.
Europalia will be dedicated to Russian culture
Brussels will host a 20th, jubilee Europalia festival, October next into February 2006. It will be entirely dedicated to Russian culture. The European Union's capital will demonstrate Russian culture in all its diversity-the cinema, literature, music and the theatre-for five months on end. That matters to us tremendously. The Europalia was established 35 years ago. The nearest, twentieth festival will be wholly devoted to Russian culture," Mikhail Shvydkoi, head of Russia's Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, said to a news conference. The festival envisages more than twenty expositions arranged by Russia's foremost art treasuries-the State History Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, and museums of the Kremlin and of Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg. There will be approximately a hundred concerts and three hundred stage performances, ballet included, and film shows. The renowned St. Petersburg-based Mariinsky Opera and Ballet, and Bolshoi and Maly drama companies will offer guest performances.
Russian Winter Festival
In collaboration with the Mayor of London, the Russian British Cultural Association mounts London's first ever Russian Winter Festival, now that Trafalgar Square has been pedestrianised. Celebrating the Julian new year - in 2005 on 13/14 January - as opposed to the western and earlier Gregorian new year, the revellers in the square will be treated to performances amidst a Russian market scene, before Somerset House's ice rink (down the Strand) becomes the focus for ice-skating displays and more music. Over 500 artists are flying in specially from Russia, including the 125-strong Alexandrov Military Choir, who have not visited the UK since the 1960s, when it was known as the Red Army Choir. Joining those massed military musicians are the likes of folk ensembles Russian Soul, Faiza Gaskarov (dancing in the traditional costumes of the Bashkir, Chuvash, Polovtsian, Tartar and Urmurt peoples from along the Volga), Krinniza and Krasnodar (Cossacks), Russkaya Pesnya (Russian Song), the gypsy Loiko Trio, Pelageya and Karagod. But it is not only Russian traditional music on show. From 6pm its the turn of the latest breaking bands and singers from Moscow and beyond to entertain London, including hot property Uma Turman (named after the American star of nearly that name, who is the band's favourte actress), 18-year-old Gluk'oza, chart-topping boy band threesome Diskoteka Avariya, contemporary rock band Tancy Minus, heavy rockers Natisk and winner of the Russian version of Fame Academy, charismatic talent Nikita Malinin.
The French Are Coming
Unlike other comparable Moscow events, like April's New British Film Festival, French Film Today shows works already acquired for local distribution and brings in the stars, directors and cast to support them. Thursday's opening, featuring "Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles" ("A Very Long Engagement"), brought director Jean-Pierre Jeunet to the Pushkinsky Theater. Another recognizable local presence will be director Francois Ozon, whose "Cinq Fois Deux" ("5x2"), starring Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi and Stephane Freiss, will play Friday. More conventional than some recent works by the prolific director, who has visited so frequently in recent years that he probably earned a multientry visa long ago, "5x2" tells the story of a marriage's breakup in reverse. The film opens with the announcement of the divorce, moving the viewer back through five scenes (hence, the film's title) of the couple's earlier interaction. Russian audiences will likely find more in common on Saturday with "Sansa," a film by director Siegfried (who goes by that name only), which premiered at Cannes.
Weeklong celebration of Russian culture in Nebraska
On Friday night, students learned about Russian culture with food, music and dance. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Russian Club and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures hosted Russian Night, the last event of Russian Week, at the UNL Culture Center. At the beginning of the event, visitors went to the basement to sample Russian food such as Borshch, Piroshki, Pelmeni and some Russian desserts. Ai Akamatsu, freshman international studies major, said it was her first experience with Russian food. �Pelmeni is like Shui-Jiao, which is Chinese food,� she said, �I like Russian taste. I think I can live in Russia.�
Pianist Cliburn reconquers Moscow almost 50 years later
learning Russian Russia extended a euphoric welcome to its adopted son from Texas Tuesday night as Fort Worth-based pianist Van Cliburn returned to the concert stage where he swept to international acclaim nearly a half-century ago. After a 2-1/2-hour concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the 70-year-old pianist seemed almost overwhelmed as nearly 1,700 spectators thundered their approval with prolonged applause, a standing ovation, and cries of "more," prompting two encores. The reception showed that Cliburn remains an enduring icon in Russia after winning Moscow's first Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958 when he was 23, then a relaively unknown performer from Kilgore in East Texas. That performance, also held in the Moscow Conservatory, not only made Cliburn one of the world's most famous pianists but also provided a brief musical interlude from Cold War tensions dividing the United States and the Soviet Union.
Space tourist calls Russian language his greatest challenge
learning Russian The world's next space tourist says the toughest part of his training so far is learning to speak Russian. Gregory Olsen is a 59-year-old American who's paying 20 (m) million dollars for a trip to the International Space Station next April.He's wrapped up his first two weeks of training at a space center near Moscow -- undergoing physical conditioning, science lessons and language training. He says he likes the physical part and has a scientific background. But he says learning Russian is more of a challenge to him. Olsen, who made a fortune with optics inventions, runs a company called Sensors Unlimited.
Russian language contest a success
learning Russian The first Taiwan Russian Language Contest was held in Taipei yesterday, testing nine contestants from National Chengchi, Tamkang and Chinese Culture Universities on their Russian language abilities and knowledge of Russian literature, history and geography. Classmates of the contestants whistled and cheered as they used Russian to recite verse, answer questions and complete sentences. The winner, Chengchi University senior Liu Hsiao-fang (�B���), received a travel package to Russia donated by Long Way Travel Service Co valued at around NT$60,000. Contestants were chosen from the three universities because they currently have the largest Russian language departments in Taiwan, said Andrei Chatilov, an associate professor at Chinese Culture University. "The contest is good, because it promotes Russian learning and gives our students a target to work toward," he said. Vladislav Verchenko, the Moscow representative to Taipei, said that he hoped that the competition would increase local interest in Russia.//www.taipeitimes.com
Yahoo will speak Russian
learning Russian Yahoo will soon speak Russian. The global Internet company is looking at international market expansion with Russian language version. Besides, it will be launching new innovative anti-spam tools in markets worldwide. Currently available in 25 world properties, Yahoo! Mail Russian will target the two- three million Russian speaking people in the US as well as the entire Russian speaking diaspora, comprising approximately 35 million people living outside of Russia in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and countries outside the CIS, says a company release.
Russian Language Festival
learning Russian On April, 7-9, 2004 II the Festival dedicated to speaking Russian as a foreign language among foreign students of Russian universities will be held in Voronezh. The festival's purpose is stimulation of foreign students' interest in Russian language, culture, traditions of Russian people, Russian history; discovering the students who achieved the best results in mastering Russian. The Russian Language Centre students will take part in this Festival.
Language debate rages in Russia
Russians often feel slightly embarrassed when trying to cope with their mother tongue's notoriously complicated spelling rules, and recent debates on language reform may well have confused them even more.The controversy around the proposed changes is so huge that Russia's First Lady has become involved in the heated rhetoric. President Vladimir Putin's wife Lyudmila said that the proposals - by a commission of the Russian Academy of Science - were "untimely and totally-self-serving". "Our country's economy is being rebuilt, so the language is still developing and has not yet settled down - therefore it is not yet ready for reform," she told a conference on the Russian Government's linguistic policy in St Petersburg. "So right now is not the time for reforming the language." Her words must have signalled trouble for the orthographic commission which has been trying to simplify Russian spelling and accommodate foreign words that have flooded the language After six years of work, the commission - under the Russian Academy of Science - has come up with specific proposals which it hopes will become acceptable for all. "It's not reform. We're just trying to put things in order," Lyudmila Cheltsova, the commission's secretary, told the New York Times. She said that nobody except the commission has looked closely at Russian orthography for decades, and that the proposals would trim antiquated spelling rules. One of the proposals is aimed at simplifying the spelling of certain words - like the Russian equivalents of "wounded" or "fried" - which can be different depending on whether they are participles or adjectives. Other proposals are aimed at putting in order hyphenation for foreign prefixes like "mini" and "maxi", which have long been in common usage. The commission also wants to standardise the capitalisation of certain religious terms, like "God" and "Easter", which are already frequently upper-cased.In any case, the proposals are still only a draft, after a government language committee decided to shelve them. //www.bbc.com
Russia moves to outlaw foreign words
The use of foreign words where suitable Russian ones exist has been forbidden under a new law passed by the Russian parliament. The new law, which the State Duma passed on its third and final reading, affirms the place of Russian as the official national tongue. It also outlaws the use in public of offensive or obscene expressions. But the attempt to rid Russian of words loaned from foreign languages could prove the most difficult part to enforce. The Russian language is so full of foreign words that many Russians take them to be their own. Flood of words Words like "shlagbaum", from the German for a barrier, or "shofyor", a driver, from the French word "chauffeur", speak of a time when the language of the Russian court was not Russian. More recently, the opening up of post-Soviet Russia to the outside world has seen a flood of English words into the everyday conversations of millions of Russians. When the terrible events of the Moscow theatre siege happened last October, the show that was interrupted was described as a "myuzikl". Presumably, under the new law, the show, "Nord-Ost", should be described as a "muzikalnaya komediya". But there's another problem. It has a foreign title. Perhaps when it re-opens in a few days' time, it should be re-named, "Severo-vostok". //bbc.com
Indians with Russian Names Come Together
Indians bearing names of famous Russians have gathered at a function in the south of the country. The program was organized by the Russian Cultural Centre as a part of the year-long celebrations of painter Svyatoslav Roerich's centenary in the Kerala city of Thiruvananthapuram. Among the speakers were Yuri Gagarin and Leonid Brezhnev. The oldest participant was 58-year-old Stalin while the youngest was a child called Pravda. It's reported none of those present had any regrets for their Russian names. Most of their parents had connections with either the former Soviet Union or the Communist movement.
Russian - Austrian co-operating 2004-2007.
A new Russian - Austrian co-operating program has been worked out in the field of culture. The period of action is 2004-2007. As the Austrian Ministry of foreign affairs declared all the culture and arts projects will be realized within the bounds of the program. The plan is intended for development of education, science, professional development of the teaching skills, linguistics, sport, etc. Also, Russian-Austrian co-operating will be livened up above all in the international organizations, in the first place, UNESCO. The in-depth and many-sided study of Russian and German languages in both Russia and Austria is of great importance. A very weighty step is to be taken - to declare Russian diplomas and certificates valid in Austria and Austrian ones in Russia. Austrian cultural forum in Moscow and Russian centre of culture and science in Moscow are responsible for carrying out the program.
Baghdad is still alive. The Russian is still alive in Baghdad.
More than 4 thousand books has been picked by Saint-Petersburg centre of the modern litersture and books for the Baghdad university. The head of the Centre declared this information he appealed to writers, heads of libraries and Saint-Petersburg sitizens. Russia can help to pick the books to restore the library of the Russian language and literature department in the Baghdad university. We already mentioned the situation in our previous articles - the library was damaged by bomb attack. At the moment 4 thousand books - classic works, dictionaries, methodic appliances - has been already picked. The citizens of Saint-Petersburg brought the greatest number of the books.
Japanese passions.
The 37th festival of the Japanese cinematograph had been opened from the 1st to the 7th of December in Saint-Petersburg. It is a well-known fact that Japanese films are famous for their philosophy, visual effects and exciting stories. The Russian spectators appreciate it so much, so the festival was attended by many people. The films that were presented had been created in the last 50 years by Japanese moviemakers. There were drama by Sinji Somai "The flower on the wind", comedy by Sinobu Yaguti "Waterboys", comedy by Kohoki Metani "Everything about our House", family drama with mixed with entertaining show "The quartet for two" by Naoto Takenaka, criminal thriller by Yasudjo Masumura "Exhausted wolf", drama by Kedji Misumi "Sword" and "Flame" by Kon Itikava. The films were demonstrated in Japanese with Russian subtitles. In the hall of the cinema-house an exhibition of Naori Kobayasi "Digital kitchen" was organized with the Photography centre.
Welcome to Switzerland!!!
Swiss travel agency Switzerland Tourism pioneers the publishing a brochure in Russian about travelling to Switzerland in winter. The councilor of the Swiss ambassy in Moscow Massimo Baggisaid that Switzerland is the one of the countries that invests its pretty much money in the Russian economy. Nowadays Russia has a stable economic and political situation, so it gives more possibilities for middle-class Russinas to travel to Switzerland. Also the travel agency's experience and professionalism grow bigger each year and allowes to strengthen Russian and Swiss partnership. The bublished in Russian brochure called "Time of snow"has been sold in supermarkets.
European route.
On the 20th of November a new route in Petropavlovskaya fortress took place in Saint Petersburg. There was a triumphant ceremony of the European route opening. This is a project of the European Community which is dated for Petersburg 300 years anniversary. The route unites historical places, conservation areas and famous buildings that connected with the names of Europeans. Many European people have contributed to the Russian culture, the evolution of the city. And now an interested tourist can trace the connection between the Nothern Capitol and Europe. All the included to the route places are marked with guide signs in both Russian and English languages.
Dolce vita in Russia.
In March 2004 the Weeks of the knowledges of culture and history will take place in both Russian and Italian schools. The counsellor of the International aducation affairs Michail Losev announced it last Tuesday. During the weeks the pupils will study history, geography, culture and languages of both countries. Besides they will exchange with the school delegations. "We don't put into limits the number of the sxhool-partners of this event", - said the representative of the Ministry of education. Losev said that there are noo schools in Russia that has Italian language as a special subject, therefore we have to promote it. "The pupils that will be the most successful in the study will go to Italy, and Italian pupils will come to Russia" - he added. At present moment about 1000 Italians learn Russian language and about 2000 Russians learn Italian. Thanks to the Weeks of Russian and Italian culture the number of people who learn the languages will grow twice bigger soon.
On October, 7-14th, 2007 Week of Russian language and Russian education will take place in Montenegro. The purpose of carrying out of Week of Russian and Russian education � popularization and increase of interest to studying Russian and culture of Russia in conditions of a new geopolitical situation on the Balkans, strengthening traditional friendship and spiritual unity of slavic people. The program of Week is included: scientifically-practical conference � the Modern condition of the description and teaching of Russian as foreign �, round tables, methodical seminars for teachers of Russian of schools and high schools, the master-classes of leading experts-specialists in Russian philology. The exhibition-sale of books of the Russian publishing houses and presentation of the Russian high schools are planned also. For participants of Week the cultural program, excursions are provided.
The Festival of Russian Arts will take place in France on August, 24-29th
The anniversary festival for a long time named simply and shortly - "Russian season" will take place in Cannes from August, 24 till August, 29th. Two evenings running in the well-known Palace of Festivals and the Congresses on quay Kruazett ballets from repertoir of Dyagilev seasons will dance: "Shaherezade", "Firebird", "the Dark blue god" and "Bolero" soloists of the Big and Mariinsky theatres, and also troupe of "the Kremlin ballet" will execute. Concerts of the largest domestic collectives are included in the program of forthcoming festival of the Russian art in Cannes - the State academic Big symphonic orchestra by Tchaikovsky and the State academic ensemble of dance of Siberia. Also, within the limits of festival there will pass photo-exhibition " Great Novgorod ", expositions of national crafts, performances of folklore ensembles. Collections of young designers will be shown by Welfare fund " Russian silhouette ", and excellent domestic cooks will invite participants and visitors of festival to demonsatrate firm dishes of Russian kitchen.
First results in Year of Russian language carrying out
On June, 27th, 2007 press conference where the first results of carrying out of Year of Russian language in Russia have been brought took place in the Government of the Russian Federation. Also within the limits of press conference the presentation of an official site of the project � Year of Russian� which becomes a united information field for the Russian and foreign mass-media took place. The geography of Year of Russian is as much as possible wide. Within 2007 will take place more than 800 events in Russia and in the countries of near and far abroad. Among them some presentative events, the international forums and round tables, competitions and interactive shares. So, in September, 2007 in Moscow carrying out of a book exhibition-fair which will take place under the motto is planned: � The Book on service of the world and progress �.
Conference under the status of Russian language abroad
Not long time ago in Moscow the Conference under the status of Russian abroad has opened. Experts on Russian, representatives of the organizations of compatriots, political scientists, deputies of parliaments and journalists from the countries of the near abroad took part in it. The basic theme of a meeting was the question on the status of Russian in the countries of residing of its participants which would act with own estimations, would offer new ideas. Besides 53 delegates from the countries of the near abroad, in conference the representatives of the far abroad representing 11 countries, among which states with numerous Russian-speaking diaspora - Germany, the USA, Israel, France and Belgium took part also. From the Russian part for participation in conference a lot of known politicians, representatives of federal bodies of legislative and executive authority was invited.
In Dresden the International festival of poets and the prose writers writing in Russian will take place
# Within the limits of Year of Russian language in Dresden (Germany) from October, 12 till October, 13th, 2007 will take place the International festival of poets and the prose writers writing in Russian. The purposes and problems of festival are: Propaganda of Russian and the modern Russian-speaking literature in Germany;
# Support and stimulation of studying Russian between schoolboys and students of Germany;
# Granting the European stage to Russian-speaking authors;
# The Establishment and development of contacts between poets and prose writers, publishers, teachers of Russian, students and schoolboys of East and Western Europe.
Participation in festival poets, prose writers, editors of newspapers and magazines will accept, publishing houses, literary critics, teachers of Russian, students and the schoolboys studying Russian, from three German-speaking countries. Visitors from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, representatives of Russian-speaking diasporas of the EU countries are expected.
Day of slavic writing and culture
Annually on May, 24th in all slavic countries glorify saint Cyril and Mefody - founders of slavic writing.
Brothers were orthodox monks, they`ve created the slavic alphabet in Greek monastery.
Slavic writing has been created in IX century, about 862 years. The new alphabet received the name "cyrillics", in honour of byzantine Konstantin who, having accepted a nunhood, became Cyril. And the senior brother Mefody helped him in his charitable business of teaching slavic people. Cyril has created the slavic alphabet on the basis of Greek, having adapted it to slavic sound system. Two alphabets - glagolitsa and cyrillics have been created.
International conference "Russian language and literatura in the international educational area" (Spain, Granada)
On May, 7-9th at the Granada University (Spain) the International conference "Russian language and literatura in the international educational area" will take place. In the context of the conference it is planned to discuss further issues:
# the modern problem of Russian grammar;
# theory and practice in teaching Russian;
# translation and cultural communication;
# new informational technologies;
# other aspects.
International conference "Russian language and literature teaching reform"
On April, 7-11th in Shanghai (China) the International conference "Russian language and literature teaching reform" In the context of the conference it is planned to discuss further issues:
# necessity of Russian language and literature teaching reform carrying out as speciality;
# main foundations, directions and contents of Russian language and literature teaching reform as speciality;
# reform and renewal of educational program on speciality: "Russian language and literature";
# renewal of manuals and methods of Russian language and literature teaching;
# other aspects.
International Congress of Russian language researchers was held.
The third International Congress of Russian language researchers "Russian language: historical fates and modernity" was held under the guidance of the Moscow University on March, 20-23rd. This year more than 900 researchers in Russian from 50 countries all over the world took part at the Congress. Rector of Moscow University pointed out that today Russian language was native or second native language of 280 millions people, and Russian as foreign language was of approximately 114 millions people. Also he noted the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin declared 2007 as Russian language year in Russia and abroad. "The importance of Russian language for the development of the world civilization is evident. Carrying out of this great Congress was a big contribution of Moscow University in realization of Russian language year programme, which would be carried out in 76 countries".
The first session of committee of Russian language year carrying out was held.
The first session of committee of Russian language year carrying out was held under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev. Acting on it, the first vice-premier has emphasized, that support of Russian language abroad carries not only the humanitarian aspect, but also is the major economic force. " Developing Russian, we assist for promotion of our national interests, strengthening of economic and cultural opportunities in interaction with other states ", - has told Medvedev. According to Medvedev, it is necessary to make everything to draw attention of the Russian community and the states surrounding Russia to a role of Russian. Native consider Russian or use it in a daily life about third billion person, Russian - the fourth on prevalence in the world, tens millions speaking in Russian live now abroad, and study Russian nearby 180 million person.
The celebration of the International day of the native language is coming
On February, 21st, 2007 the whole world will celebrate the International day of the native language. This day has been founded in November, 1999 by the decision of 30-th session of General conference of UNESCO and it is celebrated annually on February, 21st with a view of assistance to a recognition and use of native languages all over the world, first of all languages of national minorities. Here that the general director of UNESCO Koitiro Matsuura spoke about this holiday: " Marking the International day of the native language... We give a tribute to a myriad of languages existing in the world, to cultures which they reflect, to that creative charge which give to people their development and forms of expression. ... different languages use different forms of the letter, special expressions and the gestures reflecting own cultural norms are connected with everyone. At the same time in the International day of the native language all languages admit equal as each of them answers unique image to applicability of the person and everyone represents an alive heritage which to us should be preserved ". In 2007 the basic theme of the actions dated by the International day of the native language, becomes interrelation of such concepts as possession of the native language and �����������, informs official web-site of UNESCO.
The Year of Russian language has started in Austria by opening "The days of Russian children's book"
The year of Russian language has started in Austria by opening "The days of Russian children's book". In Vienna the exhibition of books of Russian publishers, the opening day of children's author Segey Alimov were organized. Also, it was held the reading of the great Russian author Sergey Mikhalkov, which caused storm of cheers. By this moment Russian language is very popular in Austria and it is taught within more than 150 schools and colleges, it is studied by more than 10 thousands schoolboys.
III International Congress "Russian language: historical destinies and the present time"
# The M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University in common with International Assosiation of teachers of Russian language and Russian literature will organize III International Congress "Russian language: historical destinies and the present time". The Conference will take place on March, 20-23th on philological department of the Moscow University. The chairman of conference is Victor Sadovnichy, head of the Moscow University. The preliminary program of conference includes further issues: The important theoretical issues of Russian language
# ; Russian language in its history and pre-history
# ; Russian language as the mean of international communication within the new geopolitical situation
# ; Linguistic issues of traditional and modern Russian folklore analyse
Year of Russian language will be celebrated with 76 countries
The purpose of this action - to raise a role of Russian language, answering the increased international interest to Russia and to raise its investment appeal.
Start will be given to the Year of Russian language on January, 24-27th at the International linguistic exhibition in Paris where Russia will be the guest of honour. The decree about carrying out of Year of Russian in Russia also has been abroad signed by president Vladimir Putin in the end of December.
The Year of Russian language has started in Malta
The official opening ceremony devoted to the Year of the Russian language was held in Malta on the eve of Orthodox Christmas. The President of Malta Edward Adami congratulated Orthodox believers on Christmas holiday and mentioned their big interest in the Russian culture, spiritual heritage and Russia nowadays. He explained the interest with Christian values shared by both nations.
The Festival of Russian culture 2006 in Japan has come to an end
The Festival of Russian culture 2006 in Japan has come to an end. It has become the first-rate culture event during all the history of Russian-Japan diplomatic relations, which are celebrated this year. In the context of Festival in Japan during the whole year a lot of different concerts of the best Russian collectives were held, including troups of the greatest Russian theatres: Bolshoy and Mariinsky. Besides, the film festivals of Soviet and Russian films, the week of Russian language, the Festival of Russian folk music were organized. On a whole, this events assisted in strengthening international contacts between Russia and Japan.
Yandex Internet Search Cup has overstepped the bounds of Russian language
First foreign language Internet Search Cup under Yandex license is running in Norway. Contests under the license of Yandex passed in many Russian cities and abroad - in Ukraine, in the USA and Israel. New multilingual version of the Cup makes it possible to have Internet search competitions in any language. The partner is Kvasir, Norway�s search service. The rules of the Norway Cup follow the traditions of the Russian contests: participants compete to find answers on the Web within the given time limit. There are no restrictions on the use of any search tools.
Russian President Vladimir Putin declared the 2006 as a year of Russian culture, education and humanities-the year of Dmitry Likhachev. On November, 28th Dmitry Likhachev was 100 years of age. He was remarkable philologist and public figure, the member of Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev - the author of basic works on history of literature and culture of Ancient Russia. He created series of essay about famous Russian philologists. Also it is well-known that Dmitry Likhachev was a great researcher in the area of Russian language.
December, 2006
On November, 22nd in London the grand opening of Culture Centre "Pushkin House" is taken place. It's a very important event taking into account that the number of Russians and Russian speaking people are increasing. Here will be taken place a lot of different seminars, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, as well as night classes of Russian language. New "Pushkin House" will be in prestigious district of London-Bloomsbury, not far from British Museum and University College of London. Undoubtedly, the opening of "Pushkin House" will assist in strenghtening of cooperation between Russian and English cultures.
November, 2006
"Next, 2007 year, will be declared as a year of Russian language",-said Russian President Vladimir Putin. "It's pleasant to report that next year will be devoted to Russian language not only in Russia, but everywhere in countries which know, like and appreciate Russian language. Mr President pointed out the importance of Russian language for world civilization and its evolution. "A lot of books about history, science, scientific discoveries of many nations are written in Russian". Mr President expressed his hope that measures concerned with a year of Russian language provoke a lot of interest and strengthen the international contacts.
November, 2006
Since October, 27th till November, 2nd, 2006 "The week of Russian language in Italy" will take place in Rome, Florence, Verona, Bologna, etc. in the context of Russian-Italian forum-dialog. During seven days Italy will speak Russian. In the framework of the Week more than 30 unique actions: concerts, exhibitions, bookfairs, workshops of national crafts and fashion shows will be organized. Business part of Programme includes round tables, methodical seminars and public lessons. The leading Russian and Italian Universities participated in preparing Programme of forum. The Week of Russian Language is supposed to be very attractive for both Italian and Russian citizens. The full information and Program of Forum you can get here www.russia-italia.ru
October, 2006
International scientific forum of specialists in Russian philology of Northern Europe
On October, 13-14th in Helsinki (Finland) will take place International Forum of specialists in Russian philology of Northern Europe. Forum is conducted in the context of the program "The Russian language". There will be lots of scientific seminars and round-table discussions on subject of problems of raising the Russian teachers level skills, teaching of children in Finland, distant training, etc.
The Festival "Languages do not know limits" is continued
The Festival "Languages do not know limits", conducted by Federal Educational Agency of Russian Federation, takes place since August till December, 2006. The purpose of Festival is attraction of attention, popularization and increase of interest in learning Russian language and Russian culture in conditions of new geopolitical situation, carrying out of actions aimed to strengthen the positions of Russian within the countries-participants, as well as increase of interest of Russian students in Bulgarian, French, English languages, their cultures, customs and traditions. Students from Russia, Bulgaria, USA and France are invited to take part in Festival.
Constituent conference of a society " The Union of Russophones of France "
Constituent conference of "The Union of Russophones of France " will take place on September, 16th in Paris. The primary event will be a round table on a theme " Influence of Russian and culture in the world: prospects of Russophonia ". Associations of compatriots, societies of friendship, teachers of Russian participate in this action.
Russian language classes are popular in Poland!
Poles want to learn Russian freely now and both universities and language schools as well as private tutors are flooded with students greedy for knowledge. Where does this fad come from? There were times when Poles eagerly spoke French, as the rest of Europe did. There were times in history when they were compelled to speak German or Russian, too. So, when the communist era finished in 1989, most students passionately gave up Russian until�now. A decade and a half later it�s not a big thing to speak English or German in Poland, therefore, to be competitive on the labour market, Poles of different ages take extra courses in Russian. The demand is really growing, explains Agnieszka Slazak of a Centre for Eastern Europe and Central Asian Languages: We have a lot of students and business clients as we organize not only standard stationary courses but also business courses in Russian for journalists, business people, lawyers, etc. First of all our students want to learn Russian as they had these lessons in e.g. secondary school followed by a long break � sometimes 10-12 years, and now they need the language again for the job.
Kremlin steps into tourist cyberspace with online excursion
Internet users can now visit the Kremlin at the click of a button after the launch of an online tour of the Russian president's official residence. "Along with well-known sights of the Moscow Kremlin, the new online tour features sites that are part of the Russian president's Kremlin residence and have previously been closed to the public," the Kremlin press service said. Created under an Opening the Kremlin project, the tour offers 60 bird's-eye and close-up views of Russia's main architectural and historical monument, which also is the seat of the country's head of state. "Technologies developed by Russian specialists as part of the Opening the Kremlin project have made it possible for us to show sites with unprecedented precision in pictorial detail - including some minor elements of the architecture and interior designs." Visitors can take the tour at www.openkremlin.ru, which also features an audio guide providing information on interesting facts from the Kremlin's history.
35th Contest of Russian language in China
The winners of the contest and the jury Recently a Russian Language contest for the best essay about Russia - "Russia and I" - took place in China. In the contest took place many Chinese students, studying Russian language. Five winners received an opportunity to come in Russia. The contest "Russia and I", arranged jointly by "Jen`min` jibao-online" and the Russian Language Centre of University of Foreign languages in Peking with the support of Russian Consulate in China, started in spring. Among 200 participants 50 finalists were chosen, which competed in the recent closing stage - declamation of the essays. The participants told about their love to Russian literature, music, nature, quoted Russian classics. Jury, represented by the Chinese professors of Ruissian language, determined 31 winners.
35th Contest of Russian language in Tokio
The flag of Tokio prefecture 35th Contest of Russian language took place in Tokio in the context of festival of Russian culture-2006. This year it is held thanks to active support of Russian embassy in Japan, The Russian News & Information Agency RIA Novosti and Russian Abroad Centre. Twenty Japanese participants in the age of 16 - 25 showed their competency in Russian language. The competitors were making thematic perfomances and answering the questions of judges. Among the subjects that were discussed are Security Office on the sea, probation in Russia. The ambassador in Japan Alexander Losukov told that the amount of those who are willing to study Russian each year is growing. so that the constitutors of the Contest even had to limit the number of participants. Not only young linguists demonstrated their proficiency in Russian culture and language, but also Japanese musicians. The collective of University of Foreign languages in Tokio, Rumok , performed folk Russian songs.
Swisses won Russian language competition
The Swiss team became the winner of the Russian Language competition among foreign students. 65 pupils of local high schools took part in the competition.
Students from Mongolia, Syria and Angola also reached the final of the competition. Besides prize-winning places were borrowed with representatives of Vietnam, Germany, Zambia and Nepal. Winners received certificates and gifts, in honour of them the celebratory concert had been arranged.
A contest on Russian proficiency in Taipei
A contest on Russian proficiency is scheduled to be held on April 25 in Taipei in an effort to encourage people to learn about the culture and language of Russia and to promote exchanges between the two countries, a Russian official stationed in Taiwan said yesterday. George Zinoviev, deputy director of the Moscow-Taipei Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission, said the winner will be awarded with a free trip to Russia, with the top three winners receiving free dinner at Russian restaurants in Taiwan and other valuable prizes. The contest, the third of its kind, is co-sponsored by the commission and three departments of Russian language and culture at National Chengchi University, Tamkang University and Chinese Culture University
Year of Russia 2006 in China!
Bearing a long history inspired by modern spirit, a Russian Culture Festival will be held in Beijing in March, as an important part of the Russia Year jointly advocated by Chinese and Russian leaders. Ding Wei, a senior official of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, said at a press conference on Friday that the Russian Culture Festival, as an important program of the Russian Year, will kick off on March 21. Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Putin will both attend the opening ceremony of the cultural festival, accompanied by the performance of the 230-year Bolshoi Theater, the top artistic troupe in Russia. The program will include performances by 21 Russian troupes and nine exhibitions, making it the largest China-Russia cultural exchange event. More than 1,000 Russian artists will come to China to perform ballet, symphony, opera, chorus, pop music, drama and folk songs and dance for the Chinese audience.
Ice palace unveiled in St. Petersburg
A replica of an ice palace built in the eighteenth century was unveiled Wednesday in the center of St. Petersburg, Russia's second largest city. The structure, which is six meters high and covers a total area of some 100 sq m, is furnished with ice tables, chairs, beds, mirrors, and crockery. The original ice palace was built in the city in 1740 to mark the 10th anniversary of Empress Anna Ioannovna's reign and Russia's victory over Turkey. The construction of the palace, whose purpose is to attract tourists to St. Petersburg during the winter, began on January 18. Russia's foremost ice sculptors used more than three tons of ice blocks from neighboring lakes to build it. The opening ceremony, which was accompanied by fireworks and a fashion show, gathered about 300 people despite the freezing temperature (minus 20 degrees Celsius). Newlyweds will gather in the palace on St. Valentine's Day. On other days, it will offer various entertainments, including an ice bath, an ice bar, an ice cannon, and historical performances. The structure will be dismantled on March 10.
2nd Annual Russian Winter Festival
MAfter the success of the first festival in 2005, the Russian Winter Festival is now becoming an established London event. With a crowd estimated at 73,000, Saturday�s trouble-free Festival was an eclectic staging of folk acts from across Russia, and performances from big names in rock and pop. The Festival was organised by the Russian Economic Forum, with the support of the Mayor of London, the Moscow City Government and the Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography. A show-case for Russia�s rich cultural and musical heritage, the Festival included the world famous Golden Ring with Nadezhda Kadyesheva, a memorable performance of the children�s Malenkiy Jigit ensemble from Ossetia, Ergyron � an Eskimo group from the far reaches of Chukotka, Yarmarka from Moscow and others. As afternoon turned to dusk, Russia�s leading contemporary pop and rock acts took to the stage � including the legendary DDT and the popular twins, Brothers Grim. The performances were introduced by Sadie Nine of BBC London and popular Russian daytime television talk show host Andrei Malakhov of Russian Television's Channel One, who was joined on stage by celebrities from Russia, including Alina Kabaeva, former Olympic gymnastics champion.
Most Russians Feel Closer to Europe
Many adults in the Russian Federation believe there is a connection between their nation and Europe, according to a poll by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. 58 per cent of respondents think Russian culture and customs are closer to Europe.Conversely, 13 per cent of respondents feel a connection with Eastern countries�including China and India�while only seven per cent feel identified with the United States. Earlier this year, Russian finance minister Sergei Lavrov announced that the country is making progress in cooperating with the European Union (EU) in four proposed "common spaces": finances, justice, external security, and research/education.
Russian Fashion Week, Largest Fashion Event in the History of Eastern Europe
Cinema lovers from across France and beyond were converging on the sea resort of Honfleur in Normandy to get a glimpse of contemporary Russian cinema. The competitive program of Honfleur's 13th Russian Film Festival featured seven full-length films, including Alexei Uchitel's "Dreaming of Space" (winner of the 2005 Moscow International Film Festival), Pavel Lungin's "Roots," Andrei Kravchuk's "The Italian," Larissa Sadilova's "Nanny Wanted," Valery Ogorodnikov's "Red Skies, Black Snow," Filipp Yankovsky's "The State Counselor," and Vera Glagoleva's "The Contract." Russian film classics, movies about WWII, animated movies, and documentaries were screened as part of various out-of-competition programs.
Russian Fashion Week, Largest Fashion Event in the History of Eastern Europe
In its eighth season, Russian Fashion Week features 60 shows featuring the most interesting Russian designers along with participating guests from the Ukraine, Lithuania, France, Belorussia, Italy, Great Britain and the USA who will present their Spring/Summer 2006 collections.Participants include: A&V (Lithuania), Arsenicum by ENTON, Feeric, Fresh Art, Frol Romanoff, SUDARYANTO, Victoria Andreyanova, Lubov Voyush (Belarus), Victoria Gres (Ukraine), Julia Dalakian, Olga Deffi, Egor Zaitsev, Victoria Krasnova (Ukraine), Lena Makashova, Yulia Nikolaeva, Daria Razumikhina, Olga Romina, Olga Samoschenko (Belarus), Lidia Soselia, Elena Souproun, Sultanna Frantsuzova, Masha Tsigal, Max Chernitsov, Chistova&Endourova, Masha Sharoeva, Denis Shevchenko and more.
Vladimir Putin grants Russian citizenship to Pushkin's descendants
President Vladimir Putin granted Russian citizenship to the descendants of great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin living in Belgium, the Kremlin press service said Tuesday. The descendants, Alexander Pushkin and Marie-Madeleine Durnovo-Pushkin, were born in Belgium in 1942 and in France in 1943 respectively.
First US conference on preserving Russian Culture
The first conference on preserving Russian language and Russian culture is to open in Gaithersburg, Maryland . The forum, due to last until June 12, involves more than 100 representatives of Russian-diaspora organizations from ten US states, as well as German, Canadian and Russian delegations, "Russian View" producer Victoria Bonelli said. No one tried to unite the Russian diaspora's hitherto scattered organizations, associations and clubs before. The development of Russian language and the preservation of Russian culture is a common idea, Bonelli added. Conference workshops are to discuss the Russian-language mass media's problems on US territory and its role in preserving Russian language and culture, as well as private-school teaching methods, the preservation of Russian at family level and the creation of private Russian-language daycare centers, schools and studios.
Conference on teaching Russian language abroad to be held in Helsinki
An international scientific and practical conference, devoted to teaching and studying the Russian language abroad was held in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki on May 13-14. The organizers of the conference, which had been called "The Russian Language as a Foreign One: the Problems of Studying, Teaching and Assessing the Command of a Foreign Language in the Light of the All-European Language Competence," are the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki, the department of Slav Philology and Baltic Studies of the Helsinki University and the Association of the Russian Language Teachers of Finland. As a spokesman for the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Helsinki said, reports at the conference were delivered by leading Russian developers of test programs, the authors of the most popular textbooks of the Russian language as a foreign one from the Pushkin State I nstitute of the Russian Language, the Russian Friendship University, the Lomonosov Moscow St ate University, the Saint Petersburg State University and from a number of other higher educational establishments of Russia. The conference was attended by leading scholars from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Italy, Finland, Denmark and Malta. The conference participants discussed the problems of teaching the language at different levels: as a language of everyday use, as a business language, as a foreign language and as a mother tongue, the questions of compiling textbooks and creating test and certification programs, as well as the use of new teaching technologies, including Internet and remote-control education. A new project was presented at the conference: "The Russian Language as a Foreign One in International Tourist Business."
American student Zak Bowden: Learn Russian Like Music
Zak Bowden, born in Anchorage, Alaska, fell in love with Russia when still at school. When in the 9th grade he had to choose a foreign language he chose Russian. Those who want to study Russian, Zak says, should find Russian friends and bury themselves in Russian grammar. He himself is very grateful to Stanislav, a St. Petersburg resident at whose place he lived under the exchange program. According to Zak, it was at that time that he started to chat in Russian though he knew that he was making a mistake in every other word. In Zak's opinion, the main thing is to see Russian as a living organism, to study it like music rather than mathematics. And, of course, do not forget Lenin's words: If you read something in the original for 15 minutes every day, you will never forget this language.
Europalia will be dedicated to Russian culture
Brussels will host a 20th, jubilee Europalia festival, October next into February 2006. It will be entirely dedicated to Russian culture. The European Union's capital will demonstrate Russian culture in all its diversity-the cinema, literature, music and the theatre-for five months on end. That matters to us tremendously. The Europalia was established 35 years ago. The nearest, twentieth festival will be wholly devoted to Russian culture," Mikhail Shvydkoi, head of Russia's Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, said to a news conference. The festival envisages more than twenty expositions arranged by Russia's foremost art treasuries-the State History Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, and museums of the Kremlin and of Tsarskoye Selo near St. Petersburg. There will be approximately a hundred concerts and three hundred stage performances, ballet included, and film shows. The renowned St. Petersburg-based Mariinsky Opera and Ballet, and Bolshoi and Maly drama companies will offer guest performances.
Russian Winter Festival
In collaboration with the Mayor of London, the Russian British Cultural Association mounts London's first ever Russian Winter Festival, now that Trafalgar Square has been pedestrianised. Celebrating the Julian new year - in 2005 on 13/14 January - as opposed to the western and earlier Gregorian new year, the revellers in the square will be treated to performances amidst a Russian market scene, before Somerset House's ice rink (down the Strand) becomes the focus for ice-skating displays and more music. Over 500 artists are flying in specially from Russia, including the 125-strong Alexandrov Military Choir, who have not visited the UK since the 1960s, when it was known as the Red Army Choir. Joining those massed military musicians are the likes of folk ensembles Russian Soul, Faiza Gaskarov (dancing in the traditional costumes of the Bashkir, Chuvash, Polovtsian, Tartar and Urmurt peoples from along the Volga), Krinniza and Krasnodar (Cossacks), Russkaya Pesnya (Russian Song), the gypsy Loiko Trio, Pelageya and Karagod. But it is not only Russian traditional music on show. From 6pm its the turn of the latest breaking bands and singers from Moscow and beyond to entertain London, including hot property Uma Turman (named after the American star of nearly that name, who is the band's favourte actress), 18-year-old Gluk'oza, chart-topping boy band threesome Diskoteka Avariya, contemporary rock band Tancy Minus, heavy rockers Natisk and winner of the Russian version of Fame Academy, charismatic talent Nikita Malinin.
The French Are Coming
Unlike other comparable Moscow events, like April's New British Film Festival, French Film Today shows works already acquired for local distribution and brings in the stars, directors and cast to support them. Thursday's opening, featuring "Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles" ("A Very Long Engagement"), brought director Jean-Pierre Jeunet to the Pushkinsky Theater. Another recognizable local presence will be director Francois Ozon, whose "Cinq Fois Deux" ("5x2"), starring Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi and Stephane Freiss, will play Friday. More conventional than some recent works by the prolific director, who has visited so frequently in recent years that he probably earned a multientry visa long ago, "5x2" tells the story of a marriage's breakup in reverse. The film opens with the announcement of the divorce, moving the viewer back through five scenes (hence, the film's title) of the couple's earlier interaction. Russian audiences will likely find more in common on Saturday with "Sansa," a film by director Siegfried (who goes by that name only), which premiered at Cannes.
Weeklong celebration of Russian culture in Nebraska
On Friday night, students learned about Russian culture with food, music and dance. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Russian Club and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures hosted Russian Night, the last event of Russian Week, at the UNL Culture Center. At the beginning of the event, visitors went to the basement to sample Russian food such as Borshch, Piroshki, Pelmeni and some Russian desserts. Ai Akamatsu, freshman international studies major, said it was her first experience with Russian food. �Pelmeni is like Shui-Jiao, which is Chinese food,� she said, �I like Russian taste. I think I can live in Russia.�
Pianist Cliburn reconquers Moscow almost 50 years later
learning Russian Russia extended a euphoric welcome to its adopted son from Texas Tuesday night as Fort Worth-based pianist Van Cliburn returned to the concert stage where he swept to international acclaim nearly a half-century ago. After a 2-1/2-hour concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the 70-year-old pianist seemed almost overwhelmed as nearly 1,700 spectators thundered their approval with prolonged applause, a standing ovation, and cries of "more," prompting two encores. The reception showed that Cliburn remains an enduring icon in Russia after winning Moscow's first Tchaikovsky Competition in 1958 when he was 23, then a relaively unknown performer from Kilgore in East Texas. That performance, also held in the Moscow Conservatory, not only made Cliburn one of the world's most famous pianists but also provided a brief musical interlude from Cold War tensions dividing the United States and the Soviet Union.
Space tourist calls Russian language his greatest challenge
learning Russian The world's next space tourist says the toughest part of his training so far is learning to speak Russian. Gregory Olsen is a 59-year-old American who's paying 20 (m) million dollars for a trip to the International Space Station next April.He's wrapped up his first two weeks of training at a space center near Moscow -- undergoing physical conditioning, science lessons and language training. He says he likes the physical part and has a scientific background. But he says learning Russian is more of a challenge to him. Olsen, who made a fortune with optics inventions, runs a company called Sensors Unlimited.
Russian language contest a success
learning Russian The first Taiwan Russian Language Contest was held in Taipei yesterday, testing nine contestants from National Chengchi, Tamkang and Chinese Culture Universities on their Russian language abilities and knowledge of Russian literature, history and geography. Classmates of the contestants whistled and cheered as they used Russian to recite verse, answer questions and complete sentences. The winner, Chengchi University senior Liu Hsiao-fang (�B���), received a travel package to Russia donated by Long Way Travel Service Co valued at around NT$60,000. Contestants were chosen from the three universities because they currently have the largest Russian language departments in Taiwan, said Andrei Chatilov, an associate professor at Chinese Culture University. "The contest is good, because it promotes Russian learning and gives our students a target to work toward," he said. Vladislav Verchenko, the Moscow representative to Taipei, said that he hoped that the competition would increase local interest in Russia.//www.taipeitimes.com
Yahoo will speak Russian
learning Russian Yahoo will soon speak Russian. The global Internet company is looking at international market expansion with Russian language version. Besides, it will be launching new innovative anti-spam tools in markets worldwide. Currently available in 25 world properties, Yahoo! Mail Russian will target the two- three million Russian speaking people in the US as well as the entire Russian speaking diaspora, comprising approximately 35 million people living outside of Russia in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and countries outside the CIS, says a company release.
Russian Language Festival
learning Russian On April, 7-9, 2004 II the Festival dedicated to speaking Russian as a foreign language among foreign students of Russian universities will be held in Voronezh. The festival's purpose is stimulation of foreign students' interest in Russian language, culture, traditions of Russian people, Russian history; discovering the students who achieved the best results in mastering Russian. The Russian Language Centre students will take part in this Festival.
Language debate rages in Russia
Russians often feel slightly embarrassed when trying to cope with their mother tongue's notoriously complicated spelling rules, and recent debates on language reform may well have confused them even more.The controversy around the proposed changes is so huge that Russia's First Lady has become involved in the heated rhetoric. President Vladimir Putin's wife Lyudmila said that the proposals - by a commission of the Russian Academy of Science - were "untimely and totally-self-serving". "Our country's economy is being rebuilt, so the language is still developing and has not yet settled down - therefore it is not yet ready for reform," she told a conference on the Russian Government's linguistic policy in St Petersburg. "So right now is not the time for reforming the language." Her words must have signalled trouble for the orthographic commission which has been trying to simplify Russian spelling and accommodate foreign words that have flooded the language After six years of work, the commission - under the Russian Academy of Science - has come up with specific proposals which it hopes will become acceptable for all. "It's not reform. We're just trying to put things in order," Lyudmila Cheltsova, the commission's secretary, told the New York Times. She said that nobody except the commission has looked closely at Russian orthography for decades, and that the proposals would trim antiquated spelling rules. One of the proposals is aimed at simplifying the spelling of certain words - like the Russian equivalents of "wounded" or "fried" - which can be different depending on whether they are participles or adjectives. Other proposals are aimed at putting in order hyphenation for foreign prefixes like "mini" and "maxi", which have long been in common usage. The commission also wants to standardise the capitalisation of certain religious terms, like "God" and "Easter", which are already frequently upper-cased.In any case, the proposals are still only a draft, after a government language committee decided to shelve them. //www.bbc.com
Russia moves to outlaw foreign words
The use of foreign words where suitable Russian ones exist has been forbidden under a new law passed by the Russian parliament. The new law, which the State Duma passed on its third and final reading, affirms the place of Russian as the official national tongue. It also outlaws the use in public of offensive or obscene expressions. But the attempt to rid Russian of words loaned from foreign languages could prove the most difficult part to enforce. The Russian language is so full of foreign words that many Russians take them to be their own. Flood of words Words like "shlagbaum", from the German for a barrier, or "shofyor", a driver, from the French word "chauffeur", speak of a time when the language of the Russian court was not Russian. More recently, the opening up of post-Soviet Russia to the outside world has seen a flood of English words into the everyday conversations of millions of Russians. When the terrible events of the Moscow theatre siege happened last October, the show that was interrupted was described as a "myuzikl". Presumably, under the new law, the show, "Nord-Ost", should be described as a "muzikalnaya komediya". But there's another problem. It has a foreign title. Perhaps when it re-opens in a few days' time, it should be re-named, "Severo-vostok". //bbc.com
Indians with Russian Names Come Together
Indians bearing names of famous Russians have gathered at a function in the south of the country. The program was organized by the Russian Cultural Centre as a part of the year-long celebrations of painter Svyatoslav Roerich's centenary in the Kerala city of Thiruvananthapuram. Among the speakers were Yuri Gagarin and Leonid Brezhnev. The oldest participant was 58-year-old Stalin while the youngest was a child called Pravda. It's reported none of those present had any regrets for their Russian names. Most of their parents had connections with either the former Soviet Union or the Communist movement.
Russian - Austrian co-operating 2004-2007.
A new Russian - Austrian co-operating program has been worked out in the field of culture. The period of action is 2004-2007. As the Austrian Ministry of foreign affairs declared all the culture and arts projects will be realized within the bounds of the program. The plan is intended for development of education, science, professional development of the teaching skills, linguistics, sport, etc. Also, Russian-Austrian co-operating will be livened up above all in the international organizations, in the first place, UNESCO. The in-depth and many-sided study of Russian and German languages in both Russia and Austria is of great importance. A very weighty step is to be taken - to declare Russian diplomas and certificates valid in Austria and Austrian ones in Russia. Austrian cultural forum in Moscow and Russian centre of culture and science in Moscow are responsible for carrying out the program.
Baghdad is still alive. The Russian is still alive in Baghdad.
More than 4 thousand books has been picked by Saint-Petersburg centre of the modern litersture and books for the Baghdad university. The head of the Centre declared this information he appealed to writers, heads of libraries and Saint-Petersburg sitizens. Russia can help to pick the books to restore the library of the Russian language and literature department in the Baghdad university. We already mentioned the situation in our previous articles - the library was damaged by bomb attack. At the moment 4 thousand books - classic works, dictionaries, methodic appliances - has been already picked. The citizens of Saint-Petersburg brought the greatest number of the books.
Japanese passions.
The 37th festival of the Japanese cinematograph had been opened from the 1st to the 7th of December in Saint-Petersburg. It is a well-known fact that Japanese films are famous for their philosophy, visual effects and exciting stories. The Russian spectators appreciate it so much, so the festival was attended by many people. The films that were presented had been created in the last 50 years by Japanese moviemakers. There were drama by Sinji Somai "The flower on the wind", comedy by Sinobu Yaguti "Waterboys", comedy by Kohoki Metani "Everything about our House", family drama with mixed with entertaining show "The quartet for two" by Naoto Takenaka, criminal thriller by Yasudjo Masumura "Exhausted wolf", drama by Kedji Misumi "Sword" and "Flame" by Kon Itikava. The films were demonstrated in Japanese with Russian subtitles. In the hall of the cinema-house an exhibition of Naori Kobayasi "Digital kitchen" was organized with the Photography centre.
Welcome to Switzerland!!!
Swiss travel agency Switzerland Tourism pioneers the publishing a brochure in Russian about travelling to Switzerland in winter. The councilor of the Swiss ambassy in Moscow Massimo Baggisaid that Switzerland is the one of the countries that invests its pretty much money in the Russian economy. Nowadays Russia has a stable economic and political situation, so it gives more possibilities for middle-class Russinas to travel to Switzerland. Also the travel agency's experience and professionalism grow bigger each year and allowes to strengthen Russian and Swiss partnership. The bublished in Russian brochure called "Time of snow"has been sold in supermarkets.
European route.
On the 20th of November a new route in Petropavlovskaya fortress took place in Saint Petersburg. There was a triumphant ceremony of the European route opening. This is a project of the European Community which is dated for Petersburg 300 years anniversary. The route unites historical places, conservation areas and famous buildings that connected with the names of Europeans. Many European people have contributed to the Russian culture, the evolution of the city. And now an interested tourist can trace the connection between the Nothern Capitol and Europe. All the included to the route places are marked with guide signs in both Russian and English languages.
Dolce vita in Russia.
In March 2004 the Weeks of the knowledges of culture and history will take place in both Russian and Italian schools. The counsellor of the International aducation affairs Michail Losev announced it last Tuesday. During the weeks the pupils will study history, geography, culture and languages of both countries. Besides they will exchange with the school delegations. "We don't put into limits the number of the sxhool-partners of this event", - said the representative of the Ministry of education. Losev said that there are noo schools in Russia that has Italian language as a special subject, therefore we have to promote it. "The pupils that will be the most successful in the study will go to Italy, and Italian pupils will come to Russia" - he added. At present moment about 1000 Italians learn Russian language and about 2000 Russians learn Italian. Thanks to the Weeks of Russian and Italian culture the number of people who learn the languages will grow twice bigger soon.